What is the real connection with Zionism?

Zionism, an organization that doesn't really sit well with many ordinary Jews, has unfortunately created a problem for word-wide Jewry, as a whole, because people tend to identify Zionism with "Jews". While this is a blatant error on their part, it nevertheless persists in many peoples' minds, and the ordinary Jew on the street is "demonized" by people that do not bother to look into this Zionism matter too deeply. Sadly, this could be called nothing short of ignorance! While it is true that the state of Israel has a lot to answer for, and there is a general sentiment of resentment about its actions by the rest of the world (much like there is a sentiment of resentment about Nazi Germany's actions in WW2), it is understandable that, from a Jewish person's perspective, being automatically identified with Zionism simply due to being Jewish, could be seen as Anti-Semitism. To give you an example, so you can understand it better: it would be the equivalent of saying something like "all Germans are Nazis". Certainly a German person's reaction, to a statement like this, would not be very welcoming. Because, just like many Jews are against Zionism, similarly modern Germans do not like being associated with Nazis and would rather forget that that dark period of history ever occurred. Of course, many researchers dismiss this and try to tell us that the accusation of Anti-Semitism is "just a trick" that is used to silence critics. While this is partly true (as far as Zionism's blatant abuse of this tactic goes) we need to really take an honest look at this phenomenon. Is there any foundation to most accusations of Anti-Semitism? If we analyze exactly what Anti-Semitism is, then maybe we can figure this whole thing out...What really is Anti-Semitism anyway?

While it may sound a little cliched, we could honestly say that Anti-Semitism really does date back to the time of Jesus. Even though I don't subscribe to the utterly ridiculous accusation that "the Jews killed Jesus", (it was, in fact, the Illuminati because they were the power behind the Roman Empire) it still remains that the overriding reason Jews have faced so many problems in Europe is due to this stupid belief! So, clearly, there has been Anti-Semitism, since the time of Jesus, and it is not just a reaction against Zionism, like many like to say. Certainly when Anti-Semitism stems from something like this (i.e: charging the Jews with the murder of Jesus), then it is very real and, since it has a wholly religious basis, we can dismiss it as religious bigotry of the highest order! And, of course, this is exactly what Jews have been trying to tell us all along: that Anti-Semitism is the worst kind of religious hatred we have yet seen in history! Of course, along came Zionism, and the people behind this movement (who, in fact, are NOT real Jews to the surprise of many, who may be reading this now) used the plight of the Jews to their advantage. So what is really happening here is this: The Black Magicians set up Zionism, under the pretense that it was primarily concerned with establishing a home for the Jews in Palestine. Of course, the fact that the vast majority of Zionists are either Ashkenazi Jews (meaning they are NOT really Jewish at all) or people belonging to other races/religions, never seemed to concern anybody. But the bizarre truth of the matter is that Zionism is used merely as a vehicle by the Illuminati, who hide behind accusations of Anti-Semitism, whenever Zionism is criticized.

Of course, by this I do not mean to say that Zionism is the only Illuminati organization. In fact, we have said over and over that the Catholic Church is also a tool of theirs. But Zionism is an especially delicate situation because there are many people that, in their blissful ignorance, actually do believe that any criticism of Zionism, whatsoever, is really Anti-Semitism! The extremely entertaining video below proves this point triumphantly! Jones has an aggressive caller accuse him of being an "Anti-Semite" just because he stated the obvious about Israel's nuclear weapons. Jones then proceeds to do an excellent job of putting the caller in his place.

While I initially had some reservations about creating this particular page, I decided to go ahead with it, in the end, because there are also many Jewish researchers who are saying exactly the same thing! And I'm sure the things I say about Christianity will certainly out-do what I say here, as far as "controversialness" goes. Besides, I also don't like the idea that only "Jewish researchers" should be allowed to talk about this issue, much in the same way that, while it's considered okay for black people to use the N-word, others, however, cannot.

And, just so you can see what I mean for yourself, please check out these two sites:

Benjamin Fulford's site and Henry Makow's site.

Both Fulford and Makow are Jewish and they explicitly state on their sites how they believe that the Jewish people have been used by the Illuminati as scapegoats. Their arguments are compelling and they have the added advantage of being able to give us an "insider's" understanding of what the Jews have really been through due to Anti-Semitism.

While this ruse may not be readily apparent when one first starts researching the Illuminati, with enough study, it finally becomes clear. The Illuminati hide behind smokescreens and layers and layers of secrecy that the average person would find staggering, if presented with the entire conspiracy all at once! If we were to postulate that such a group, in fact, did exist, then it follows that the only way they could succeed in their Global Enslavement plan, is by operating in precisely such a manner!

This is what John Todd, the controversial Illuminati defector (who, at some point, was framed and thrown in jail) has to say about this:

"The Illuminati knows the people are going to find out about them ...the best thing they can do is call your attention towards something else and say that's that. So they have reflected the attention on Zionism ...The only problem is that most of the people in the Illuminati aren't Jews. Their founders were Jews by birth, but not by religion. But most of its leaders, except for the Rothschilds, are Gaelic: Scotch or French Gaelic. It's got nothing to do with Jews. My family & most of the people serving on the Grand Druid Councl, their family trees go back to the pagan temples in Rome & Greece & England, to the original priesthood. Some go back as far as Egypt & Babylon. It's got nothing to do with the Jews."

Also, please check this link for Fulford's insightful look into how the Dark Masters of Atlantis masquerade behind the Jewish people and use Anti-Semitism as a potent weapon.

The Illuminati are not "Jewish"

There is so much said about "Jewish Conspiracies" on the net, that this site (which has been set up for the express purpose of clearing any misunderstandings found in the main New Age and Conspiracy topics we find on the net) wouldn't be complete if I didn't examine the subject. While there are differing views on the issue (some extreme, some reasonable, some completely untrue) I, personally, have arrived to the conclusion that this "Jewish Plot" theme is merely a smokescreen, to throw us off from the real perpetrators. If you have never heard or read about Adam Weishaupt, it would help if you check the section I have written about him, first. Everything about the Weishaupt connection smells very fishy, since he had clear and proven connections to the Jesuits. Now, whether he merely "based" his Bavarian Illuminati on the structure of the Jesuit Order or it was outright controlled by them, behind the scenes, doesn't really matter for our purposes. The point is that, through this, we make a clear Illuminati connection to the Jesuit Order, which automatically shows us that they are both neither exclusively "Jewish" nor did they spontaneously spring up, out of nowhere, in May, 1776! When traced back to the Jesuits, we can keep following a trail that will eventually lead us straight to Atlantis and it's then that we discover that, while there are big Jewish players in this (the Rothschilds come to mind), the whole thing has nothing to do with a Jewish Plot -Nazi rants to the contrary. The important Jewish players that keep cropping up when we do Illuminati research, are just part of a long list of people from many different races that are also part of this cabal. The funny thing is that in Fritz Springmeier's book Bloodlines of the Illuminati (you can read it here: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/bloodlines/index.htm) only a minority of the 13 main Bloodlines are Jewish, with the well known Rothschild, of course, being one.

So, when certain conspiracy theorists specifically rant on and on about the Jewish names involved, while, at the the same time, almost completely ignore or show a luke-warm stance to the many other players (mainly of "Aryan" Anglo-German descent), in this Infernal Plot to enslave Mankind, I totally understand why Jews would call this Anti-Semitism. I have some Jewish friends, and have spoken about these things with them and, while they do not deny that the Rothschilds, and some others, are involved in this, they always point out that there is an overwhelming tendency, by many people, to focus on the "Jewish" names of the conspiracy only.

It took me quite some time of studying these things, to finally understand how all of this fits together. I am of Greek background and I know all about Aristotle Onassis and the "not so legal" ways that he made much of his money. Springmeier claims that the Onassis family is one of the top Illuminati bloodlines (and it's probably true) and I'm okay with this, but if someone told me, however, that "the Illuminati plot is wholly Greek" just because of Onassis, I would become very unpleasant indeed. So, this is exactly what ordinary Jews are faced with, when people are routinely focusing only on the Jewish faction of the Illuminati.

The WASPs (or the "Aryan" faction)...

Not many people seem to notice how much power the Anglo-German faction of the Illuminati actually has. It would appear it is near-monolithic, yet, as we explained above, many people become overly concerned whenever they suddenly discover a Jewish name somewhere in this convoluted nightmare, that we know as Illuminati Conspiracy Theories! I have finally come to understand that the motivation behind this knee-jerk reaction is quite simply xenophobia, because, since the Illuminati disease is almost exclusively a Western phenomenon (and the West has been an Anglo-German dominated civilization for some time now) people might not be threatened by familiar-sounding names appearing in the "who's-who" of the various Conspiracy Lists. When they see a foreign name involved, however, they become much more suspicious of that as opposed to the other well known names. To be more precise, an American might think something to the tune of: "Well, I'm certain Rockefeller has the best interests of his country in mind, since, after all he is an American. That other fellow with that European sounding name; him, I don't trust!" This is the sort of thing that goes through peoples' minds and they largely ignore the names that are native-sounding. Of course, let me give you some wisdom: NONE OF THESE PEOPLE CARE ABOUT YOU OR YOUR COUNTRY!

Whether an Illuminati family is Anglo-German (Bush), Jewish (Rothschild) or Chinese (Li) all they care about is (just like I so "subtly" put it in the definition) raping the earth and gaining more power and control, in the process!