What is the New Age Movement?

What exactly is this "New Age" that all these weirdos are talking about? Are they for real? Are they just "a bunch of tree-hugging hippies", like our friend Cartman here is telling us? Or...is this just a wrong impression that outsiders tend to have about us, due to a lack of a real understanding of the New Age principles?I would say it is the latter, for sure! So, on this page, we will attempt to clear away any misunderstandings that people may have about the New Age Movement and about all of us "tree-hugging" hippies...

Where did New Agers come from and why doesn't anyone like them?

It is almost certain that the average Westerner who has only studied New Age literature in passing or not at all, will have a completely wrong impression about what the New Age is really all about.

With the Western world racing full-speed ahead towards a new "Dark Age" of Scientific Materialism and Humanism (I would prefer to live in the European Dark Ages over this) it is no wonder that the typical person living in the West today, is liable to believe any number of absurd things about the New Age Movement. I am able to state this with total confidence because I too was one of these "ignorant Westerners" once.

Atheists and debunkers like James Randi, Penn & Teller, Richard Dawkins, et al, have been made into celebrities by the Mass Media, yet so many others who can demonstrably refute their ludicrous theories quite easily are not promoted at all! I would like you to ask yourselves why this is so. It was things like this that I began noticing more and more (as I gradually awoke from this deep sleep that we call "ordinary living") and this is what prompts me to emphatically and confidently state that: we are purposely being steered into a Materialist/Atheist direction, by a hidden group!

This makes it a very difficult world to live in for the people who have awoken to the true nature of reality, either through study and/or practice of New Age philosophies/techniques or spontaneously (as is the case with the Indigo & Crystal Children for instance, who are born "awakened"). People like this feel alienated and are routinely misunderstood by the ones closest to them: friends and family. While this is a sad and terrible state of affairs, it is true that perhaps the best way an awakened person can deal with negative people that are consistently interfering with their Spiritual growth is to completely break away from them, and without any regrets either. Many of us Awakened Ones seem to do this at several periods of our lives and, while it is beneficial as a last resort, it need not be the case for too much longer.

The problem only boils down to one thing really: the West has yet to catch up with the rest of the planet in the "Spirituality department". Somehow or other, the West lost its Spirituality a long time ago. Without getting too much into the whys and hows right now, all I can say is that the West, ever since Christianity took hold in the fourth century AD, has been going down a steady path of Spiritual decline. Paganism and Gnosticism were persecuted by the Church and for good reason: they had authentic Spiritual Knowledge that empowered people and helped them connect with the Divine personally, without requiring the intervention of a priest! But I will cover these thing is more detail elsewhere.

Here, we need to get into the current state of affairs and attempt to show people who haven't studied all these things before that New Agers are not weird, crazy or foolish. We seem to have a very bad name in the mainstream consciousness and there are many people out there that would not touch a "New Ager" with a ten foot pole, let alone even consider the possibility that we are normal and, yes, may actually know better than them. This great divide is a source of much anguish for the Awakened Ones but it needn't be such a big problem for too much longer.

The fact is that this seemingly huge problem (only as seen from the point of view of the Indigos, Crystal and others who have partially or fully awoken their Higher Self, of course) will begin coming to an end form now on. Especially after the famous December 2012 date, things will start to smooth out. What I mean by this is that the energies that the Galactic Alignment will bring into the planet will create a "quickening" effect that will significantly speed up the, until recently, glacially slow Spiritual Evolution of the general masses.

While bridging the gap between New Agers and the typical materialistic, humanist drones that society considers to be "normal" may seem like an insurmountable obstacle to many New Agers, at it's core it is very simple to deal with: all that we need to do is teach the Truth to people. You see, the bulk of the New Age philosophies are of Eastern origin, so it will take some time for them to be absorbed and accepted as self-evident truths by the exceedingly materialistic-minded Westerners. But it can and will happen...it has been happening for decades now!

But, let us put the bitterness toward our more materialistic brethren aside for a moment and examine what the core New Age "beliefs" are. Do we just believe in pseudo-scientific "therapies" like Crystal Healing, and sacrilegious "doctrines" like Reincarnation and Karma? Is that really all there is to it?

The answer is an emphatic and all capitals: NO!

Like I mentioned earlier, the New Age philosophies are basically Eastern Spiritual Wisdom traditions that are being transmitted to the Western world under the convenient umbrella term "New Age Movement". This movement is not really cohesive and is not meant to be seen as one, coordinated group. If we take all the different Philosophies, Religious Movements, Cults, Theories, Therapies, etc, that share a common "eastern" or "occult" origin, then we could say they belong to the New Age Movement. In other words all we are really seeing, is a great influx of Eastern influence on Western religious and spiritual thought.

And this is but a product of the world becoming smaller; we need not get more "mystical" about it than that. We are simply witnessing the period in earth's history where the polar opposite traditions of East and West will finally merge and blend together. A comparable thing happened centuries ago, when Alexander the Great's Empire caused a similar blending of Eastern and Western cultures. I am certain many people, at the time, would've thought all manner of crazy things about this, and were opposed to this great syncretism. To think that the amazing blend of East and West that was the basis of Hellenistic world was once seen as undesirable, would seem silly to us today, of course. But the only reason is because it's 2,000 years later! However, back then, this great cultural overlap came as quite a shock to those who hadn't come in contact with any outside cultures before. Even most of Alexander's own men objected to his "globalisation" plans and it is very likely that this objection of theirs was the reason they poisoned him.

And, today, we are witnessing a similar thing happening but it is on a much larger scale. If Alexander could see the world now, he would be very proud of us, for we are on the verge of finally becoming one global family. It needs to be done right, of course! We don't need a dictatorial Police State. I'm talking about a peaceful One World, where each nation enjoys its individual freedom as a sovereign state and, most importantly, holds onto and is allowed to exhibit pride in its own national identity. Anything else would be a recipe for disaster!

Now as far as the current overlap of East and West is concerned, there is one main problem we are faced with: the West seems to have a proven "talent" for Materialistic Science, yet this acts as a very great hindrance to a true understanding of the Higher Spiritual Truths. The East, on the other hand, has been traditionally associated with great Spiritual Wisdom, since ancient times. And, so, we have witnessed many conflicts between East and West, in the great arena of Science vs Spirituality. In the past, this game played out differently. Now, however, it's a whole new ball-game.

Today we have the internet, we have basic education available to all (that there is brainwashing involved with it, is another matter entirely), many individual freedoms that were unheard of centuries ago, and so on. The result of this is that Westerners can study and believe in whatever they wish to these days. This seems to be unique to this period in history. If you would but compare it to Europe, a thousand years ago (where the act of merely reading the Bible was punishable by death) then you'll get an idea of how truly amazing the times we are living in are! So, because of this unheard of freedom to study anything and believe anything one wishes to, the Eastern Wisdom Traditions have finally cracked through that dense, near-impenetrable "wall of materialism" that has engulfed the Western civilization, like a bubble, for many centuries.

And, this, in a nutshell, is why there is a growing percentage of Westerners adopting Eastern Religious ideas and abandoning the traditional Western ones. It is simply a matter of finally having unlimited access to the Eastern Knowledge. That's all there is to it! And, since the Eastern philosophies are superior and much closer to Spiritual Truth than the "primitive" Western doctrines, they have caught on quite well, if you consider the small amount of time Westerners have had unrestricted access to these teachings. But what exactly are these "profound" teachings that have blown the minds of so many, previously intelligent, Westerners? What is so good about them, really? Have your New Age friends and relatives simply lost their minds? Perhaps not...

Believe it or not, New Agers know better...

While a lot of people that are antithetical to the New Age (and do not even care to make an attempt to understand it properly) may honestly believe New Agers are a joke...unfortunately the joke is on them! It is a very sad state of affairs for the Western world, but the brutal fact is that the majority of Westerners are still trapped in an impenetrable bubble of ignorance about the true workings of the Mind and Spirit (that is if they even believe in the existence of the Spirit Realm, in the first place!).While the masses are bombarded left, right and centre, via our Satanic Masters' Mind Control Institutions, with nefarious, false and catastrophic ideologies such as "Mind is Brain" or "Life on earth was just a fortuitous chemical accident, therefore the rest of the Cosmos must be full of suns that have barren rocks, devoid of all life, spinning around them", at the same time there is a steadily growing minority that realize all these scientific "truths" call for a new word to be invented, in order to describe how INSANE they truly are! It is a common thing for new and revolutionary ideas to go against the status quo and clash with "establishment thought", and such is also the case with the New Age. The amount of proof that exists, in favour of the New Age concepts, is actually staggering but, as is often repeated on this site, the only thing holding people back is their conditioning and brainwashing! So people who voluntarily seek out and understand the New Age concepts must by default, then, be a cut above rest of "the masses" since they are able to see through the smokescreen that easily blinds most of their fellows. This, of course, means that "the masses" shouldn't be the ones looking down on the New Agers but it should actually be the other way around. You see, the human Mind works in a most astonishing way, which allows the early programming (otherwise known as upbringing) of a person to dominate their thoughts for the rest of their lives, no matter what other contradictory ideas they happen to come in contact with. The vast majority couldn't care less if they were presented with more than enough proof that the Eastern Philosophies are actually true; they would still reject it and cling to the various hypnotic fairy-tales they were fed, from birth onwards, whether these fairy-tales are titled "Christianity", "Mainstream Science" or "The News". And the reason for this is that that is how the Mind works, in most people, and only a special few can override this Mental Program and break the conditioning of their upbringing.

These people are the rebels and free-thinkers of all Cultures and Eras and, in the current Era, the New Agers are the ones that are going against the Establishment norm. This does not mean New Agers are Anarchists, however. Because some people do believe this, but this is not indicative of the majority of the New Age movement. They (New Agers) are merely independent thinkers that need not an authority figure to tell them what is right or wrong. There is a frequent accusation thrown about, which says that New Age theories are pseudo-scientific but, honestly, I could do without "Scientists" that seriously believe life on earth was just an accident!

In fact, far from being pseudo-scientific, the New Age concepts are what modern "Science" was based on. However, there has been a very cleverly orchestrated campaign to keep the "good stuff" out of circulation, or at least marginalized. Many people can see this, like they can see through a brick wall but, with careful examination of the facts and all the different players involved in this nefarious scheme, a clear picture finally emerges out from behind the "hypnotic haze" we call mainstream Science. And this picture looks an awful lot like a conspiracy to keep Mankind trapped in the five-sense world!

Are all New Agers hippies?

ABSOLUTELY NOT! The fact that, in many peoples' minds, the New Age is identified with hippies is a huge problem that we must correct ASAP! Any hippies that might read this will disagree...but, then again, ANY authentic Spiritual Seeker would disagree with the idea that having LSD trips or smoking marijuana are valid tools for achieving Spiritual Enlightenment. The New Age is all about "waking up" humanity from it's Black Magic Hypnotic Spell not dulling peoples' senses EVEN FURTHER!! So, by default, subscribing to ideas that link drugs with spirituality, is not too different than working for the Illuminati, if you really think about it. I have never heard of a Yogi Master, for example, recommending to his disciples to "get stoned out of their brains" or to "trip out" in order to reach Enlightenment (Rastafarians to the contrary, of course...). Never heard it; sorry! It will never happen! And I am pretty sure no one else has heard of a true Spiritual Master that has ever recommended something like this either. Because it is folly, whether one is a Spiritual Seeker or not. However, when it happens with people who are claiming to be spiritual, it looks even worse because drugs stand for the very thing that Enlightenment is suppose to break us out of, i.e.: this hypnotic trance we call "consensus reality". I know some of you might say that LSD actually enhances awareness rather than suppresses it. Don't worry, I have heard all the arguments for and against, in this topic, and I can only say one thing: attempting to reach exalted states in this way is dangerous, unpredictable and ridden with side-effects! This may not be readily admitted to, by those great illuminated and exalted beings we know as "psychonauts" but I have known people, personally, who have had their Minds destroyed by doing "trips" and this is true! In fact, it is a major contributing factor to my scathingly critical attitude towards all of this. Conversely, however (and perhaps not at all surprisingly), I have never, EVER seen anyone damaging their Minds from doing Meditation, Yoga, Reiki, Pranic Healing...and the list goes on forever! Many people cannot see all this, however, WHICH IS EXACTLY WHY SOMEONE LIKE ME NEEDS TO TELL THEM! And, also, why it needs to be done in a harsh tone, because many people seem to honestly believe these drugs are "safe" or "harmless". This whole thing is purely a Western phenomenon because, just like with fast food and other things, we also need express-enlightenment now too! So, the Illuminati monsters (figuratively) have catered to this, and convinced the masses that drugs are okay to do, if you are "trying to find Enlightenment". All I can tell you is that, if you are looking for enlightenment, do Meditation! NOT DRUGS! I'm sorry if it takes much longer this way, but it is the proper (and completely side effect-free) way to do it. Drugs are the "lazy person's Enlightenment". Also, more importantly, let's not forget: stupid person's.

Any arguments I've had about this with "spiritual" friends end up in a stalemate. Incredibly, while they have never directly admitted to being wrong, they have never really said that I was wrong either. But someone has to be wrong; we can't both be wrong or both be right at the same time. So what is happening then?

My disclaimer below will sum it all up:


This link would be interesting to look at; also the photos below will speak for themselves...