Mass Brainwashing Operation

The disturbing truth is that we are actually living in a "hypnotically-induced dream world" that is continually being reinforced on us via a relentless campaign so insidious, so chillingly effective, that, when presented with the facts, it would shock even the biggest skeptic!

While this may come as a surprise to many, it is nevertheless the exact reaction I expected. Because if this "Mass Brainwashing Operation" indeed exists, and if the perpetrators were doing their job right, then the masses would be totally oblivious to it, of course, and would be shocked at any mention of mass brainwashing being carried out.

But, unfortunately for us, the Illuminati's greatest tool is not Money or Military power or Political power. It is their knowledge of how the Mind really works and the sophisticated techniques they use to program the Collective Subconscious and Unconscious Mind. You may be shocked to learn that TV shows and Hollywood films are nothing more than very deep and effective Global Mind-Programming tools. So what the Global Enslavers have managed to do is get themselves in a position where they can steer the Collective Unconscious in any direction they wish.

I feel this facet of the Illuminati problem hasn't been given the proper attention it deserves by the other researchers. While it has been mentioned a great deal, and I am in no way trying to undermine the work of the many great researchers out there, I feel I have a special calling to concentrate specifically on reversing this Mass Brainwashing we are all bombarded with! I feel this is my main role, just as David Icke's role, for instance, was to create an awareness about the reptilian/demonic element of the Illuminati disease.

Note: While a portion of my info regarding this issue is channeled, a lot of it will be from plain research. I ask that you please send me any information you have about this, as we need to all collaborate together, in order to find our way out of this mess.