Messages from Archangel Michael


The truth is powerful; it is there for all to see. People resonate with it, they understand it when it is shown to them. It is very difficult to lie to people. The Dark Ones go through much trouble to trick the entire Earth with their Mass Brainwashing Operation. We are creatures of Light, of Truth. We resonate with the Truth, we seek it out, we are drawn to it like magnets; it is in our VERY Soul, in our DNA. Throughout the galaxy we are renowned for being the great White Magicians of the galaxy. Not the Earth humans; I mean all humans. All humans found throughout the Milky Way have such a characteristic. The great Pleiadeans, after all, are a human species. They look exactly like us –100% identical. We have the same DNA, if u must really know. They have seeded us here, so this is why they are so interested in our development and our welfare. However, we have had a reptilian interference, as well. In a previous message, mention was made of Castaneda’s “Predator”. Well, this predator is the “reptilian element” within us.

People find it strange when we say that the Subconscious is a “foreign body” but it is! It is INDEED foreign. It is a manipulation of the Dark Side to keep us trapped in the Lower Three Chakras. The other species out there, they do NOT all have a Subconscious Mind like we do. We take it for granted, we think it’s “normal” just because our yardstick is the only one we have to judge things by. We haven’t seen any other species out there, you see. We haven’t met with them, discussed, learned from them, etc. There have been some contactees, with incredible information for us (Alex Collier, etc) but no one really listens or believes them. When we say no one, of course, we mean that the planet, as a whole hasn’t been shaken out of their Mass Religious Brainwashing by the remarkable (to say the least) stories of these very brave souls, who risk everything to get their stories out, so they can help YOU evolve and grow. These people are there to help the world break out of its entrenched patterns, out of the “Old Order” and into a new world, where everyone learns that Spirit is superior to Matter and that the universe is inhabited by countless life forms. As the great Light Being Alaje says: “this is NOT science fiction”. There are so many races out there that there is not even a question of whether or not the universe is inhabited. The question, at this stage in our development, should be more like: “what are we going to do to join the Federation?” This is what we should be thinking about and NOT whether there is a Federation or not. To think otherwise is foolish because, just as there is life on Earth, so there should be on many, many other worlds. Your Logic will allow you to accept this without a shadow of a doubt…if you ACTUALLY let it to. If you remove any preconceived notions you have received from your “programming”, you will quite easily make the logical deductions that, if the universe works in a repetitive pattern (where everything works generally the same, no matter where we are), then it will follow that there are other life forms out there. Deep inside you, you know this. You know that it’s true but the Mass Brainwashing you are subjected to 24/7 continually tries to delete this from your conscious awareness. This matters not, however, since you KNOW the Truth deep inside you.

This is why we said you are creatures of Light and Truth. This is so you know that no one can really lie to you, for prolonged periods of time without it being catastrophic for the perpetrators of the Lies. What we are seeing, lately, is a playing out of this, on a global scale. The growing popularity of “conspiracy theorists” (actually, more like Truth Sayers), the Occupy Wall Street phenomenon and other things of this nature only spell ONE thing in the end: AWAKENING. People are waking up to the fact that their beautiful world is controlled and raped and plundered by a few sociopaths (and YES, they are sociopaths in every sense of the term) and that they have been made slaves of these very psychopaths and it will just keep getting worse, until they rise up and change the situation. And risen up they HAVE!

The world is waking up to the deception and will have no more of it! The other races, out there, can see all this and they are waiting to see how we will handle this situation. Apparently, we have been doing EXTREMELY well and this is what this message is mainly trying to bring through. But we must keep up the good work, in order for this to work out. We need to take it to its conclusion. We can’t just organize something incredible, like Occupy Wall Street, and then end up being the “new oligarchs”. We do not want to end up like Napoleon. He did everything he could, in order to overthrow the monarchy…and then HE became a tyrant himself. We do not want to BECOME Wall Street. We want to get rid of it completely!

We need to change “the system” itself. There is a lot of talk about Jewish Bankers and International Bankers, etc. And, while it IS true that there is an element of greed and corruption within the banking sector, there is no point vilifying a certain individual race, or a group of people or a specific profession as being inherently “evil”. This is not to say that their actions are good and that they should be given a free pass. No! What this reading wants to bring through, is that the enemy within humans is the predator; Castaneda’s predator. Banking, itself, which is the science of making money out of “thin air”, has the tendency to exacerbate feelings of greed, etc, so, of course, the people who have been involved in this industry have fallen for the allure of money, since it is money that “fuels” the Reptilian Matrix. So, naturally, they are associated with greed, with scams and other such unsavory things. But, because there is a tiny percentage of Bankers, whose majority hails from a certain race, it is not “kosher” to then demonize the ENTIRE race because of the amoral practices of the bankers. I assure you, anyone of you listening to this video, would have been as greedy as these bankers, had you had the same power to create money. It would be like putting a Buddhist monk, who was secluded most of his life in a Tibetan mountain, in a setting full of beautiful, semi-naked women and expecting him to NOT fall. This would not be possible, just as it would not be possible for a human being on this planet to control their greed if they were in charge of a money creating machine, like Banking is.

So, what we need to do, what we MUST DO, is to change the system, itself. This is how the problem will end. As long as there is a way to create money out of nothing and then charge interest on it, there will always be someone that will be corrupted by this system. Whether Jewish, Black, White or Yellow, it matters not. It is the system that needs to go. Anyone could potentially become corrupt by such an institution. If you have the license to print money, literally, then you could become corrupted just the same as anyone else could be.

You see, dear ones, we live in a world, in a system that has been hi-jacked by the Reptilian Consciousness. This seemingly crazy theory about the Moon Matrix is NOT crazy at all. It all fits. Have you ever noticed how you feel, when there is a full moon? Maybe you haven’t noticed, until now, but, next time there is a full moon, notice how stressed and high strung you are. This is because there is an energy that is beamed onto the planet from the Moon. This is like “converting” the energy of the Sun, into something else. As we all know, from our insignificant science we learn from “school”, the Moon reflects the Sun’s light. This is very true, however, what we are NOT taught is the metaphysical aspect –or, more like it the advanced science of the matter.

What the Moon really is, is a converter. If you really must know, this is what it is. Icke is right on the money with his moon theory; however, as is always the case with the man’s theories, they seem to be very basic, when he initially comes up with them and he refines them as the years go by. It was the same with the Reptilian idea. At first, he was as confused as the rest of us about the whole issue, so he couldn’t quite work out whether they were flesh and blood beings or whatnot. But, these days, he seems to have a much more sophisticated understanding of the whole issue, realizing that the Reptilian Consciousness is simply the Lower Fourth “demons” of the Bible. It will be the same with the Moon Matrix theory. He has the very bare rudiments for us now. And this is enough for now. The people are initiated into advanced Gnosis, one step at a time you see. This is how it must work, otherwise they get too overwhelmed and their brains become scrambled. We live in Linear Time, at the moment, unfortunately, so everything needs to be done in increments. Learning is no exception, and ESPECIALLY when one is learning very important, major Truths like this one. So, the Moon Matrix, then, is a very accurate idea. It is based on reality. But we need to explain it a little better than it is being explained, at the moment, on the internet.

As was said before, the Moon is a “converter”. That’s what its function is. It converts the Sun’s energy and power into the opposite energy. If the Sun’s energy is masculine, then the Moon is a Feminine Energy. This is true and is not in ANY way meant to denote that women are negative or anything like that, of course. We are talking about ENERGIES here. Not about men and women. In a balanced earthling, there are both feminine and masculine attributes to be found within, anyway. This separation of the two sexes is one of our biggest problems, which is eroding society and creating discord. Both men and women have masculine and feminine energies within them. Certainly, a male will have a much greater percentage of Masculine Energy and vice versa. But when the two sexes deny their masculine or feminine nature within, it crates problems for them. Males with no Feminine Energy become too cold and “materialistic” and women with no Masculine Energy at all, become too emotional and cannot cope with practical matters of everyday living.

But this was a digression, albeit a paramount one. We must explain now, what the Moon Matrix really does. As we said it converts the Sun’s Masculine Energies into Feminine Energy. This is fine, if it was not done to such a great extent, however. The Sun’s energy needs to be “tempered” somewhat because, even though powerful and nurturing, etc, it is way too powerful if we are continually assaulted by it 365 days of the year. This is where the idea of a Moon comes in. All planets like ours, with few exceptions, have a moon. But what has happened in our case, is that the Reptilian Empire deliberately placed a moon there that is many, many times larger and more potent than a naturally occurring moon of ours should have been. This is where the theories fit in, regarding the fact that it is “artificial”. It IS artificial because there is no way known that a planet of our size would have such an enormous satellite. The reason is because they wanted to have preponderance of “feminine” energy on the planet, which energy resonates with the Subconscious Mind of earthlings. In this sense Feminine Energy can be seen as “negative” but a more proper term would be to say that it’s hidden and unseen. Feminine Energy is a hidden energy; a subtle energy. Manipulation, conspiracy, deep, dark secrets –all these things resonate to the Feminine Principle. And, thus, the lizzies wanted a preponderance of this type of energetic field to envelop the globe and created the artificial moon that we think is our natural satellite. This ties in very much with Star Wars as well. When we are told, in the theories, that the Death Star symbolizes this practice of the Reptilian Empire, it is not a joke at all! Certainly, the Reptilians like to install giant moons around planets, in order to “re-calibrate” that planet’s energies and create an abundance of Feminine Energy on the planet. In this way, they can then very easily implement their various agendas of suppression, secrecy, etc. As we said, Feminine Energy rules over secrets and conspiracies of all kinds, so this is the perfect scene for the Reptilian Empire. The way to tell whether or not a planet is infiltrated by Reptilians, if you are a galactic traveler, is to look at the size of its moon. If it is oversized like on Earth, then, almost certainly without a doubt, there is a Reptilian infiltration being carried out on that world. In a way, this is a good thing, because it is easy to avoid these planets or to spot them. In any case, it is a sure sign of Reptilian control of that world.

But where does the predator fit in? How does our Subconscious fit in with all this? Well, dear listener (or reader), what happens is that because the Sun, as a celestial body reverberates at a much higher frequency than both the Moon and the Earth, the energies that are beamed from the Sun are of a very high vibrational frequency. However, when this magnificent light hits the surface of the Moon, it gets converted by losing part of its power. The frequency lessens to a very large degree and what we get is a greatly reduced energy. This is fine and natural, of course, and ALL planets need a satellite, in order to balance out the Masculine-Feminine energies, but, in our case, the Feminine has been greatly amplified and for good reason. The Reptilians reverberate to this type of energy and they like it when planets have a great amount of it. They continually try to keep their planets in this type of energetic state and giant artificial Moons are a great way for them to do this.

So, the Moon, then, is an artificial converter of the Sun’s energy. What it does, is it dampens the positive, Masculine Energy and converts a very big percentage of it into Feminine. Far too much of it! It is way more than we need, so this creates many issues on our planet that ordinarily wouldn’t be present if it were not for the Moon Matrix: wars, conspiracies, etc. All these things are a plague that we have grown accustomed to and believe to be “normal”. Well, I am here to tell you it is NOT a normal state of affairs and it needs to be changed ASAP!

And, just so you know, since we mentioned the Reptilians, they are actually a normal, 3D race but they are mainly controlled by their Lower Three Chakras. They are the archetypal “Black Magicians” of the galaxy, whereas humans are the exact opposite to this. But, of course, within the Lower Fourth, you would see many reptilian-like entities if you were able to peer into this Realm. It is simply the form that has come to be associated with the Lower Chakras across the galaxy. The Reptilian species is almost EXCLUSIVELY controlled by their lower instinctual natures, so, when they die, they almost always end up in the purgatory of the Lower Fourth. Hence, when somebody gets “possessed” in a ritual and temporarily takes on Reptilian characteristics, all this means is that a Lower Astral Entity has taken command of the person’s Mind at this time. The Lower Astral seems to be exclusively populated with Reptilian looking entities, so this is also where the idea of “demons” came from and it is VERY accurate. You need to understand that, just because Christianity is being used as a brainwashing tool it doesn’t mean that they are lying to us about demons and such matters. These ideas are all true but, the only difference with the New Age writings is that we are now EXPLAINING these things much better, that is all. The major religions are always started from great bodies of wisdom that gradually become corrupted, over time. But many core truths cannot be taken away from them. So, it is these core truths that the New Age is explaining to people with great clarity. The New Age Movement is filled with advanced Gnosis; with Higher Knowledge about life and the universe. And you should do your best to avail yourself of this knowledge and to tell all your friends and family about it too. And, if they do not listen, then maybe you need to reconsider your relationship with them. Because, I tell you this: if we fail this time, it will be the last. Mother Earth is dying, so she will prefer to “take us out” instead of let us kill her through our self-imposed ignorance.

The knowledge is everywhere, these days. There is no excuse to be ignorant of the Reptilian Matrix anymore. The internet is a God-given gift to all of us. It is designed this way, so we can win our freedom. So we can break the demonic monopoly of the Mass Media. God wished this to be so. Please do not waste this precious gift on watching meaningless videos and reading about “celebrity gossip”, dear friends. We are at a turning point, as a planet. The tables are turning but it is up to US as to how quickly it will happen. Tell your friends, tell everyone you know about the things you learn from videos like this one and many other similar ones. It is not enough to just know for ourselves, at this point in time. The whole planet needs to be woken up now and there is no time to waste anymore. Wake these people up; tell them how to find the good stuff, the important information. And, most importantly: GET RID OF THE REPTILIAN CONSCIOUSNESS WITHIN YOU, THE BEST WAY YOU KNOW HOW. There are many, many ways. Anything that is similar to Meditation will do just fine. Do your own research on this matter, because it is of paramount importance! But do SOMETHING. Anything. The planet must become Spiritual again; it is the ONLY way to break the Reptilian yoke from your necks. I leave it to you…you know enough now, the knowledge is everywhere these days.

Archangel Michael


As I stand here on the precipice of civilization, I watch, as the world seemingly crumbles from chaos and madness –a madness we ourselves have created and participate in daily; a madness borne from our imperfections, our desires, our emotions, our Ego. Ah, yes, the Ego: what a wonderful thing, hey? Both wonderful and destructive. At once, the force which has propelled us above all other forms of life on this planet and, also, the power that is leading us headfirst into annihilation. For, the Ego is a thing we do not need any longer; it is a relic of a by-gone era, it's the shadow in Man, it is what makes us like animals: it sends us to wars, it makes us kill our own brother and turn against our father and mother, it makes us rape our own daughter, it makes us kill babies of the enemy camp because, after all, “all is fair in Love and War”, right? Wrong! Dead wrong! And this is why civilization is now dying. We see it as being this magnificent monster, composed of technology, science and all sorts of wondrous achievements, yet it’s like an apple that looks shiny and luscious, on the outside, while rotten to the core on the inside. It is only a matter of time now before we see the worms that are at the core of the apple coming to the surface. And it will be then that the great "dream of Western civilization" will reveal its true nature to us: we will come face to face with a living nightmare of our own creation.

Yes! Our own; is it so hard to believe? All we do, every day of our lives, is “pass the buck”; we constantly deflect the responsibility from ourselves and keep passing it on to someone else; ever onward onto someone else. You know of what I speak; if you honestly examine yourself, you will see that you do this most of the time. So do I, of course. We ALL do. I am as much part of this problem as every man, woman and child on earth. The only difference, in my case, is that I have been able to resist the Illusion of Maya, for a glimpse of time (for what is a “blink of an eye” in galactic terms); time enough for me to look into the "great beyond" and come back with a glimmer of truth, with a glimmer of hope. To show the world that there is Truth and justice and hope yet. That we CAN defeat the Darkness; that we CAN beat our Ego; that rotten core, within every human being on the planet that keeps us stuck in this little box, of our own creation, we call “Reality”. It is NOT reality; it is anything but! It is a trap; a dream, an illusion of our own making.

Long ago, in the vast stretches of space and time, we decided that life was way too hard if one was responsible for every aspect of their existence, so we came up with an ingenious –for the time being– plot. We decided that we should give away the responsibility to the Shadow; to our Subconscious. That Sleeping Giant that no one can quite figure out exactly, and understand fully; yet, we all know there is something there. Deep inside us, there is a foreign body, a Reptilian construct: the “predator” of Carlos Castaneda, the Reactive Mind of Hubbard. It’s all one and the same thing: it IS our Subconscious and it is eating us alive, just like a predator would. Because it IS a predator and nothing more. It is the “Dweller on the Threshold” that we must all face as a planet. We need to do it individually, one by one. Each person, step by step, must free their Mind of this Dark Entity that is intertwined with their Soul and has hi-jacked our lives; has hi-jacked the planet and is leading it to its doom faster than we can possibly imagine.

The other races, out there, are watching; eagerly they watch and wait, to see if we will defeat the Enemy Within: our connection to Maya. The Subconscious -that “ball and chain” that keeps us connected to the Reptilian Matrix. It is invisible to all but the very few, who are Enlightened. But it's true and it is DEADLY! It binds us to the Matrix, like a reinforced steel chain that is impossible to break without achieving Enlightenment. Impossible. But there is hope, yet. There is a glimmer of hope and it is growing by the second. There are wonderful souls coming into the planet by the minute. Daily, our battered planet is infused with Love and Light. The Indigos and Crystals are coming in now, in greater and greater numbers; they are the front-line, the cavalry...the "Army of Light", if you will. And it is these brave and compassionate Souls that we need to protect and help and nurture and love. These people have come in, during the last 20 years, or so, in order to help save this planet from total destruction. They do not really want to be here, they do not really understand why the majority of the planet is the way that it is. What they DO know is that they are guided by Love and the Highest Good; this is what drives them, so, of course, they volunteered to come to this hellish Realm because of Love.

Many of them do not make it, of course. But, you knew I was going to say this, anyway. You know, because, chances are that YOU are an Indigo or a Crystal child or adult, if you have been directed to this video by this strange thing we call “synchronicity”. You know what I’m trying to say; you have felt it. The despair, the depression, the frustration with this world. You can’t see why these people are so negative, so oblivious. You, honestly, cannot understand it. But, you do not NEED TO. I am here to tell you that people like us do not need to bother with trying to "understand" this world. All we are here to do is heal it; that is all. There is no point trying to understand a criminally insane serial killer, who has just been caught, after having raped and killed hundreds of children. What is the point in trying to understand this type of behaviour? You are wasting your time and resources, and focusing on the negative, if you do this.

No, what we need to do is heal the planet. The planet has gone insane and there is no point trying to over-analyze the "why". There is no answer other than what was said before: we have been hi-jacked by the predators. They have "given us their Mind", as Don Juan explained to Carlos Castaneda. If you haven’t read this before, please look it up and you will be astonished! What Don Juan says about this, is 100% accurate and needs to be known by a much wider audience; it needs to become mainstream knowledge. This infestation that is within Man, is not native within us. It is not meant to be there, really. Never mind how it got there! All you need to know now is that it needs to be expelled! The "Predator’s Mind" of Castaneda is actually the Subconscious; that’s what it is! This is NOT new. Gautama Buddha has been telling people this very same thing I am bringing through in this message. As did Jesus Christ, as do I now. There have been countless great luminaries that have told the earthlings, repeatedly, about this disease that is within mankind.

But mankind does not listen; mankind is stubborn and not wont to change. We like "sameness", if you catch my drift. Change scares us quite a bit. In fact, it is the thing we are most afraid of than anything else in the whole world. Think about this, for a second, and you’ll start nodding in agreement, before too long. There is nothing BUT change, however. Life IS change; and that’s all it will ever be, whether you can accept this or not. It is up to you, but this Truth will always remain constant. As a wise man once said: “The only constant is change”. But we are accustomed to our patterns; we are accustomed to our routines, we are "creatures of habit" and we HATE change. Of course, this translates to the grim truth that we, in fact, hate life itself. For, if life is change (and nothing else than change), if we fear and hate change then we fear and hate Life itself! But Fear is our greatest enemy, if we ever really had one, in the first place. Fear is what feeds the Reptilian Matrix; what feeds the Subconscious...what brings the Illusion of Maya to life. And we need to stop supplying it with more fuel yesterday!

It’s up to you now. I have told you what we are up against and what is really happening. I am just the millionth person, in a very long line of people that have given the same message. I am just using "21st century speak" to get it across, in this day and age. But the message itself is eternal: you will find it in the Vedas, you will find it in the Bible, you will find it in the New Age movement; you will find it in this very message! The message is always repeated, over and over again, said in different ways, to fit in with the different cultures and historical periods; but it is the same message. It is God trying to speak to us; trying to wake us up from the "Death Sleep" of Maya. There are many who listen. However, there are many, many more who do NOT. And God has now run out of patience, with this state of affairs, and will not keep repeating this message over and over again. We have Free Will. We know what to do. There is NO excuse anymore, this day and age, to be ignorant of these matters.

In this day and age, any ignorance is self-imposed, because, with the internet and other such things, we can all have access to the things I have just said in the video. You know the problem, you KNOW how to fix it, or, at least, you have the means at your disposal to find out. I’ll leave it to you. But know this: the world will not survive, this time, if we do not listen to the message again. God has run out of patience. We have ignored Him for too long; He has other children too, across the Cosmos, so He cannot babysit us forever! We MUST take responsibility, as a planet, and help our selves. We have all the knowledge, we have the power; we have the wherewithal now. All we need to do is MAKE THE DECISION. It is only a matter of choice now. The Higher Realms have spoken to us; they have given us the Truth, they have explained to us how to get out of this trap we call the "Third Dimension".

I will leave you with this closing statement: if we fail this time, it will be WHOLLY our responsibility; for there is truly NO excuse, this time round.

Archangel Michael