Is it all just an "International Banker" Conspiracy?

The "International Bankers" (or Banksters, as I affectionately call them) seem to crop up a lot, in conspiracy literature. That it's all controlled by Bankers is always the first conclusion someone arrives at because Banking, of course, is the most visible Illuminati Power System and, so, attracts the conspiracy theorists like a magnet! I, too, was apt to claim in my early days that "it's the Bankers". This is inescapable because the "power of Banking" is the most difficult one for he Illuminati to conceal. The problem with this, of course, is that we overlook other far more important aspects of the Conspiracy and concentrate on the, rather mundane, Banking issue. Whether the masses know this or not, Hitler also reasoned that it was "the Bankers", and especially Jewish Bankers, which gives us a very good clue as to why the Holocaust may have been perpetrated. But, the unspeakable horror of the Holocaust aside (an event that nearly exterminated an entire race, because of a Nazi vendetta with a handful of Jewish Bankers, who were involved in orchestrating the First World War; a war which had weakened Germany), the fact remains that Banking is only one of many power sources of the Illuminati, albeit a very important one. My official position on International Banking is that it's an important facet of the Control System, which can only function when put together with all the other elements the Enslavers use to keep us in chains. And, as such, it needs to be examined here thoroughly.