Ritual Sacrifice

The issue of human sacrifice is a very perplexing one and is one of the most important things I felt I had to shed some light on, when I started this site.For one, most people don't even believe it is happening and, out of the ones that do believe it, very few seem to really understand the true reasons behind this grotesque and greatly misunderstood phenomenon. I know some of you might find it strange (or even a bit suspect) as to why I would know how it all works, when I'm no "insider" but just another Truth-Seeker like you. Well, first of all, I was diligent enough to study this aspect of the Conspiracy in great depth, and for many years (while many others won't bother, or find the subject too bizarre), and also, more importantly, I was fortunate enough to have eventually reached a level of Spiritual advancement that afforded me unbridled access to my Higher Self -that luminous, Divine source whence all knowledge comes from! So, among other things having to do with a myriad of topics, I was also given some earth-shattering information regarding the origin and true nature of Blood Sacrifice, in various automatic writings and channelings. As I do throughout this site, I will use certain parts of the channeled information, pertinent to the topic, to augment the information I have gained over the years from regular research.