Psychiatry & Big Pharma

Much has been said about the food additives and prescription drugs we are bombarded with from all corners of our society. Some say it is all just a product of our "modern" technological world compounded and made worse by corporate greed. That large corporations care more about the profits that mass produced food affords them, than the adverse repercussions the various food additives have on the consumers' health. Also, we have the massive Pharmaceutical companies, or "Big Pharma", which are engaged in a billion dollar industry. These morally bankrupt Pharmaceutical cartels have shown us, time and again, that all they care about is profits, having no regard whatsoever what Mind altering poisons they feed people (Zanax, Zoloft, etc, etc) in the process of generating these profits. This is blood money, to be sure! But, bad as this is, there is another, far more sinister angle to this atrocious state of affairs. I haven't decided on the truth of this myself yet, but apparently there are those who are convinced that there is much more to this phenomenon than corporate greed. If we are to believe the most extreme theories, then there is an organized campaign to: 1) shut us down Mentally/Spiritually through Psychiatric drugs, Fluoridated water, etc and 2) kill us off physically through Food Additives, Vaccines, Chem-trails, etc. As I am not entirely convinced of the veracity of these claims yet and I am sure many others are not either, I will examine all angles of the issue in this section, so we can arrive at some satisfactory conclusion. However, I do feel I need to point out that I've been getting a very strong "feeling" that it's all true, recently. Mind you, this is wholly on an intuitive level but, then again, I have received some pretty accurate information through intuitive means before and I have come to trust that side of me considerably. But, having said that, we still need to do some proper "down-to-earth" research in this section, so we can get some clear answers, because this is one of the most serious topics covered on the site. Even if my "feeling" is spot on, I still need to connect the Third Dimensional dots in this saga, if, for no other reason, to satisfy my own curiosity about the issue. Certainly I would not be at all thrilled if it turns out that there really is a campaign, by the Satanic Elite, to dumb us down and kill us off but we are obliged to go wherever the clues lead us, even it's to a door we don't want to enter; a reality we don't want to face.

If this is as serious and organized as some researchers/authors claim it is, then action must be taken and the public must be informed! Being mentally/Spiritually suppressed and physically killed off without our knowledge is the equivalent of a surprise nighttime raid by the gutless troops of a cowardly enemy, who would've lost triumphantly had they fought like men!

Ladies and gentlemen, we are at war with the secret rulers of this world (whoever, or whatever they are)! It is now time to fight back. And our weapon is INFORMATION!