IV. Spiritual protection


"I now invoke Archangel Michael to stand at my right hand side. Please surround me with your Blue Fire Shield of protection throughout the day (and during this session), so that no Astral Entities can enter my space. Please grant me the strength, courage and integrity I need to get through this day successfully, ethically and in accordance with my Life's Mission. Please use your sword to cut away any doubts and negativity. Thank you"

"I now invoke Uriel to stand at my left hand side. Please release all my tensions and insecurities, granting me tranquillity and peace of mind. Give me clarity in my messages and visions. Help me to serve others and to give and receive generously. Thank you."

"I now invoke Raphael to stand in front of me. Surround me with your green, loving, healing energy. Please fill me with wholeness and good health. Help me heal all pain and loss incurred in this and in previous lifetimes. Please heal and restore every aspect of my being. Thank you."

"I now invoke Gabriel to stand behind me. Please grant me the strength to face and overcome my fears, so that I may transmute them into Love and Light. Remove all my doubts and fears, and purify my Body, Mind and Spirit. Please bring me insights so that I may always walk in the Light."


For the night time Invocation it is the same as the one above, except for a slight change in the Michael segment:

"I now invoke Archangel Michael to stand at my right hand side. Please surround me with your Blue Fire Shield of protection throughout the night (and during this session), so that no Astral Entities can enter my space. Please use your sword to cut away any doubts and negativity. Thank you."

Note: the part in the Michael section in parenthesis that says "(and during this session)" is optional and is only required if you are doing the Invocation before a meditation, channelling, or healing session. Otherwise, if you are simply doing your regular day/night Invocation, this part is not required.

This is the well known invocation to the Four Archangels. It should ideally be done every morning, upon first waking, and also at night before bed. In addition, you should ALWAYS make sure you do this before embarking on any kind of Meditation, Channelling, Automatic Writing or Spiritual Healing session.

I cannot stress this one enough! Believe you me, there are Astral Entities constantly swarming around just waiting for an in: they can cause a number of problems, like giving false messages in channelled writings, or in meditation, distort the energy of a Reiki healing session...or even outright possess a person!