Ted Gunderson

The amazing Ted Gunderson is the ultimate whistle-blower because he was once an FBI chief. After he retired he became a private investigator and, through a series of incredible events, he sadly discovered that there was rife corruption within the highest levels of government. Ted realized that this "secret government within the government" (or Shadow Government) was very adept at routinely covering up its crimes and botching any investigations that came close to discovering the truth of their nefarious activities! But Ted was also very adept at his job, and so there have been repeated attempts on his own and on his family's and associates' lives. Check his website and you will see that his story sounds like something out of a spy novel! In the video, below, he explains how he first discovered that there was a criminal Shadow Government involved in Drugs, Satanism, Child Prostitution and Sacrifice, etc: Here, he talks about the Drug Trafficking issue: