Abundance & Money Consciousness

From what I (and almost everyone else) can see, the biggest two problems plaguing people in the Truther/Healer scene are:

1) Abundance blockages and

2) Being vampirized and taken advantage of by negative/unscrupulous people, over and over again.

This is the Abundance section, however, so I will only discuss No. 1 here. And, besides, No. 2 appears to be a more difficult/complex problem to solve, compared to #1 (though I would very much try and find a great solution to it one day). The Abundance Blockage issue has stricken our scene almost like some kind of deadly plague, a chronic virus that has no cure no matter what we do to try and rid ourselves of it. It's so bad, it's virtually criminal what we do to ourselves - yes, we do do it to ourselves. Banksters and globalists notwithstanding, your lack of abundance is solely caused by you. Recognizing the truth in this statement is the first big step toward solving our money problems.

It seems that an unending amount of authors/gurus/speakers (ranging from the pure business-styled self-help authors of the Tony Robbins variety, to the full-blown New Agey/Spiritual/Occultist writers, who incorporate magick, visualization, etc., into their proposed solution for overcoming this dark plague afflicting even the best of us) have pointed this Abundance Blockage problem out and have come up with equally unending solutions with which to remedy this cancer that infects the natural flow of Life Force in society. Some of the techniques offered work great, some kind-of-great, others not at all. But, for the most part, the various, and well-known techniques, do work, if followed consistently. The best known stuff is Vision Boards, legit Money Spells -meaning Spells that utilize the Planetary forces (Planetary Magick, in other words), Sigils and the like- EFT Tapping, and even things like doing Hypnotherapy or regression therapy in order to specifically target past life-induced Abundance Blockages.

But, time and again, I keep coming across people in our scene, who, even though they might know far more about this subject than I ever could -heck they could even write a book on it- continue to remain perpetually broke...no matter what they try! So, in this section, I will do my part in correcting the common misunderstandings most people have about money in our scene, and, at the end, also offer a list of proven techniques that can help you reverse the negative flow and create a healthy flow of Life Force to you again (as some of you may have gathered, or know already, money is simply an arbitrary representation of the amount of 'Life Force flow' in someone's life. Abundance can be expressed/measured in many ways -money is just one of them).

Next page...What is Money?

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