I. What is money?

Many people have asked, and also tried to answer, this question (and, no, time is not money). Quite simply, money is just a representation of energy/perceived value. It's a tool that we use to measure how much work/effort was put into creating something (whether it is a work of art, a piece of technology, a house, an item of clothing, an invention, and so on). And effort, of course, can take manifold forms: original artistic creations/technological inventions, and so on, are worth far more than a day's worth (or a year's for that matter) of hard manual labor. And the reason is that the artist and inventor has labored with his/her Mind/Spirit to create their product. So, coming from a higher plane of creation it is, naturally, more intrinsically valuable than some work a person can do just using their hands. This is why it is the "ideas people" that make all the money in this world and not the manual laborers. See, from a universal perspective, anything produced by the labor of the Mind/Spirit truly is more valuable. And this truth is reflected in the fact that some creative innovators reach a point where they just make money by doing nothing -their money works for them and not the other way around. But this is not a business self-help article; I just started off with this example to illustrate how money effectively measures the true intrinsic value of the products we buy with it. If this was not the case, then somebody like George Lucas, for example, would've been making (back when he ran Lucasfilm) exactly the same money as any one of his movie production employees. The fact that he takes the lion's share is a reflection of the fact that he did creative Mental/Spiritual work, by the act of inventing all that fabulous stuff in the Star Wars galaxy out of thin air. This type of work (i.e: creating a completely new concept, idea, work of art, tech, that has never existed before) is the highest value work and, in this Lucas example, we can clearly see the Universe is being 100% fair (I do not know of any instances when the Universe/Life has not been 100% fair...but that's for a completely different kind of article).

The interesting thing about this realization is that it flies in the face of the theories that would have you believe "money has no intrinsic value". Well, technically, if we take the fiat money system into account, no it doesn't have intrinsic value IN AND OF ITSELF, of course: a one dollar bill has whatever value we collectively agree that it does, and this can change according to the whims of the International Money Changers, making fiat money just about as reliable as monopoly money. But this doesn't mean the different value we place on the various things (such as mentioned above, i.e.: the act of mowing some lawn for 8 hours, versus the act of inventing the Star Wars universe out of nothing) we buy with this "fiat money" is itself arbitrary. Like I said at the top: money is just a representation of energy/perceived value. Money is the messenger, the middle man. Don't shoot the messenger. If we lived in a parallel reality where, instead of money, we used marbles to trade goods and to buy Star Wars toys, I assure you, someone like George Lucas would still have accumulated the biggest stash of marbles in all of Hollywood!

What I'm basically saying here is this: an item's price is not accidental. I'm, of course, not talking about cases of fraud, and so on. When something is legitimately, and legally, produced, and priced at its proper value, this price will, almost exactingly, reflect the total amount of Life Force Effort that was put into producing it. The cost in money merely symbolizes the total effort (physical, mental, spiritual) taken to make this product. It's just how Life seems to work: everything is accounted for, evened out, balanced. Nothing is accidental, no energy is ever lost or destroyed and so on. And, as a pleasant side-note, this is but further proof that life and the Universe is in fact not "unfair". It is very much the opposite. The maxim that tells us "You get out what you put in" is one of the greatest truisms of all time. It's just that a lot of people fail to understand that there is a huge difference between what a George Lucas or a Thomas Edison "puts in" and what a run-of-the-mill office cubicle worker puts in. The former create...the latter automates and reproduces processes created by another. Doing the former has more intrinsic value according to the Universe. The huge size difference in the cubicle worker's and the inventor/creator/founders' bank account is only a Third-Dimensional reflection of this fact. Like I said in the first paragraph, the more of your higher faculties that you utilize beyond the 3D when producing your work, the more intrinsically valuable it will be. Money has nothing to do with this. Even if money had never existed, the intrinsic value of one's work is still a measurable quantity.

The better one understands these concepts, the more creative/abundant they will be able to become. And another supremely important thing to point out here is that, if a person does not truly understand that people like Lucas or Edison, or Steve Jobs truly do deserve their abundance, this person will (either consciously or subconsciously) be jealous of people like this. But it gets better: what many people don't realize is that this jealously toward abundant people only serves to harm the person who is being jealous. I realize that a lot of you reading sites like this would be aware of this concept already, but I still need to touch on it. See, with this jealous thing, what you're literally doing is telling the Universe this: "I flat out reject the unchangeable Universal Maxim that the effort required (higher mental creativity, risk taking, etc.) to create an original product has far more intrinsic value than the effort required to perform repetitious work (whether it be physical or mental in nature), which merely follows procedures, ideas, formats created by someone else."

That was a little long-winded and maybe a bit more complex than it could've been, I know. But that's how it intuitively came out, so I just went with it. See, what I'm doing here with this website, and its associated YouTube/Facebook presence, is teaching the people that already largely know what's going on. So I'm not bothering about simplifying things for better digestion. I just write how it comes to me, with the intention of attracting people that also think along the same lines. So, back to our little "statement to the Universe" up there now. Whether it seems harsh or not, there's no escaping the fact that that's what we're telling the Universe every time we get jealous of Richard Branson, or somebody like that. And, by the way, am I suggesting we should try to become as rich as Branson or Lucas or Jobs or Gates? No, of course not. But these guys are classic examples of someone who has overcome his Abundance Blockages, that's why I used them. And, also, if someone is naturally inclined to look upon famous entrepreneurs like these with distrust and jealousy, it's a dead giveaway that the person has Abundance Blockages. Because, if someone has a healthy sense of Money Consciousness, they would not think ill thoughts about people like this; they would, instead, admire them and see them as living examples of the aforementioned Universal Maxim: "You get out what you put in"

So, to recap the main points:

  • Money is just a representation of energy/perceived value

  • The Universe is 100% fair - You get out exactly what you put in

  • The effort required (higher mental/spiritual creativity, risk taking, etc.) to create an original artistic or technological product holds far more intrinsic value than the effort required to perform repetitious work (whether it be physical or mental in nature), which merely follows procedures, ideas and/or formats created by someone else. Discounting instances of corruption, fraud, unfair business practices, etc., the typically vast remuneration differences between the two aforementioned types of effort (i.e.: the former costing/charging far more than the latter) are, contrary to popular belief, fair and in keeping with Universal Law

  • The Universe will always fairly remunerate you for your effort; however, it is not the Universe's fault if you do not understand the exact mechanics of the Effort-Remuneration dynamic: the further the effort is removed from purely repetitive, physical/mental labor and goes evermore into the realms of Imagination, Creativity, etc., the more exponential is the increase of its total Intrinsic Value. In this light, the (perceived) vast difference in pay that a company founder, or an inventor of a product, gets, compared to a worker employed by them should not only not be frowned upon, but should in fact be seen as an earthly reflection of immutable Divine Laws. The fact that we are ignorant of the exact mechanics of said Laws, should not be cause for us to become angry and bitter toward the people that do understand, and utilize, the exact mechanics of them; it should, instead, catalyze us into action and inspire us to also become creators and to become abundant

  • Everything produced/created in the Universe has its own intrinsic/inherent value, which is measurable. In our case, at least as far as the 3D Plane expression of a particular creation is concerned, we happen to use money to measure this value. But the value is still there and is still real; it is independent of the existence of money. And money, while by no means a perfect Universal Measuring System (being that it is confined within the limiting parameters of linear, mathematical thinking) seems to, nevertheless, due to the subconscious influence of Higher Forces on the minds of men, be a surprisingly accurate measuring system. Proof of this is the fact that, even while most people don't consciously understand that this nebulous thing we call "Imagination" is, in truth, the act of receiving ideas directly from Higher Self, they seem to yet subconsciously realize the fact that any type of creation produced thru heavy use of the Imagination has an Intrinsic Value several orders of magnitude greater than something produced by rote, or minimally creative, physical/mental work. If this innate realization were not a truism, then the entire planet would collectively fight the idea, purely on instinct. However, from all observable evidence, the only crowd that really fights this truism is that most mistaken bunch, the communist-inclined types. This, in and of itself, is proof positive that this concept is sound

  • Being jealous of rich people is a definite sign that a person has Abundance Blockages

  • A big majority of Abundance Blockages stem from past lives, when a person has been a monk/nun, etc., and has made vows of poverty. A lot of this stuff often carries onto other lives and, if left unhealed, can continue to affect you lifetime after lifetime

  • Similar to the above, virtually every single Light Worker/Light Warrior has done some very bad stuff in a past life or more (usually in Atlantis) after having reached a powerful station in that lifetime or lifetimes. The Soul Memory of that is still there, even if a subconscious one, so people like us have a massive tendency, particularly in our early developmental phase, to be Masters of Self-Sabotage and continually push power away from us, for fear that "power will corrupt us" like it had in that evil past life and we will do bad things again. A big part of pushing power away from oneself is, of course, pushing Money & Abundance away from oneself

  • A man that is Spiritually rich, but financially poor is only half a man: the Spirit and body are holistic, one cannot/should not be separated from the other. So a Spiritual person that is, for some reason or other, perpetually broke is not a truly Spiritual person; they are purposely starving their Higher Self's 3D expression of the proper Life Force flow it needs/deserves in order to fulfill the function the Higher Self has set out to perform in this life. Hence, in the scheme of things, by insisting to be stuck in Lack Consciousness, you are ultimately working against your Life Mission and the Greater Good in general

  • In short: being perpetually broke is the furthest thing possible from being "truly Spiritual"

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