Ritual Human Sacrifice & Interdimensional Gateways

Post date: Jun 20, 2014 7:23:6 PM

We are food. Property. Batteries. DEAL with it!

Great thinkers have said...famous artists have said it...genuine Gurus have said it...researchers have said it...hell, even the great Morpheus said it!

The problem is an energetic one. It's all carried out in the, so called, "unseen" realms, which is WHY, of course, it's such a tricky situation. People won't "believe" it's happening, you see. But ask a Physicist about Quantum Mechanics: they'll readily tell you that everything is a goddamn Hologram. And I mean everything!

So, if everything is a Hologram...what ARE we then? I'll tell you what we are. We are energetic FOOD. This hologram, this "system", it exists here for ONE reason alone: to feed the Ego. The Ego initially was created in order for Prime Creator to be able to experience itself from many different viewpoints and relay back the experiences to itself (makes perfect sense...in a kinda paradoxical way does it not?!). Why? So it could grow, of course. Oh and, also, because God was simply bored lol. If you are God and you are EVERYTHING....what is there to do? You KNOW everything...you HAVE everything....you can DO anything...you ARE everywhere. That would be terribly boring if you really think about it (by the way, try to DEFINE the word "think" for a minute...and you will prove to yourself that Mind is definitely NOT Brain).

Of course, for The Game to WORK well, God had to put a couple of firm, unbreakable rules into place:

1) He had to "forget" He was God and

2) It was a Free Will Game

So...here we are then. Individuated Fractals of the One...BUT the Free Will aspect has gotten a little out of hand lately (oh, say, maybe in the last few trillion years or so lol). Now here's where the fun begins: Lucifer represents The Split, you see. It is that Universal Force that separates the One into innumerable individual copies of itself, all of them with a Free Will of their own. Much like mini me Gods, if you will. So basically, the Luciferian Rebellion symbolizes the act of God photocopying Himself trillions and trillions of times, giving rise to the endless amounts of Intelligent Life in the Cosmos. Life in general, actually.

But, again, Free Will. The problem. What to do...? Well we can't do much really. We can't "force" people to connect with the Higher Self. They have Free Will, remember? If one wants to remain a Sheeple, they can do so. But where does this leave US though?? I guess we just need to keep doing what we're doing. Learning...teaching...BEING who we are. Examples of Truth and Righteousness! But, then again, there's the other problem too: a group of interconnected, ancient bloodlines ALSO have Free Will! And their Will is aligned to the God of Separation.

These High Priests of Lucifer think they ARE God and they actually don't WANT the Duality Game to end. You may think this is madness and maybe you're right actually: these people are Psychopaths in case you've missed it. So, in order to CONTINUE and prolong the Duality Game (indefinitely, if they could manage it)....well, you KNOW what I'm gonna say next don't you?

They, of course, KNOWINGLY keep the planet in Spiritual Lock Down Mode. How does this suit THEM, you say? Oh, it suits them just fine, since, by aligning themselves with the God of Black Magick, they ALSO happen to get certain perks: like that little matter of ruling the world, for instance. So they happen to like this arrangement very, very much. And don't think they speak to Lucifer directly or anything (well some of them might, I guess). They, instead, connect with the Dark Consciousness that is linked to this Cosmic Force. The way to do this is thru Dark Rituals. Human sacrifice is the No. 1 method of doing so. When they do this, they open Gateways. This is what a ritual murder does in fact: it OPENS doorways into other dimensions. People may find this strange and ask, "why cant they just use technological devices? something like what we see in the Stargate TV show?" Well the answer is that --surprise, surprise-- the human body IS the ultimate Stargate, if you really think about it! We are antennas!

Our bodies are expressly designed to act as a bridge between the lower world (3rd Dimension) and the Higher Worlds. Ritual Human Sacrifice (even though gory, and seemingly barbaric, etc.) is actually a very advanced science. VERY! The body is a beacon that can tap into all kinds of Dimensions, realities, and so on. We are currently not consciously aware of this most of the time but THIS is what the human body can do. With these carefully designed rituals, then, what happens is that certain very specific Entities are contacted directly. These Entities are always "there" but usually we cannot sense them. Call it a parallel Universe, another Dimension...the Lower Astral...Hell...whatever. But they're there and you KNOW it deep down!

So these Sorcerers, then, these men (they are mostly men, yes), they "work" with the Beings. What happens when they do this? They get certain "powers" from it. They become vehicles for these Entities, if you will. And, come to think of it, a human is never really NOT a vehicle of something. You HAVE to be controlled by SOMEthing....otherwise you'd just be dead meat. An inanimate body okay? It's only a question of WHAT we are controlled by. So these men, then, are controlled by Powers that the majority of human beings are not familiar with. You could call them "Evil" Powers...but it's more like "incompatible" powers, if you really think about it. It's basically, Archons and Human Beings DON'T mix well and that's all there really is to it. We seem as evil to THEM as we perceive them being to US. But since we ARE us...we must take OUR side I guess. I don't know about you, but I certainly don't like them!

But the fun doesn't stop there. Oh no! You see, since these Archons control the most powerful people on the planet, they ALSO, thru controlling these mens' ACTIONS, largely dictate how the planet is RUN. And, so, they cause never-ending CHAOS and STRIFE, of course. But you already knew that didn't you? "Because you've always known something. What you know, you can't explain...but you know that there's something wrong with the world...and it's like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad!"

So, here we are then. An entire population of 7 billion and counting...all controlled by a handful of Interdimensional Entities. Isn't that NICE?!

Is this Fear Mongering? Shouldn't I give solutions too? I guess I should....

The BEST solution is to first work on YOURSELF. Free yourself from the Archontic influence. Become Strong in the Light. Be a fearless Warrior (yes, even the women! I mean the warrior "archetype") of Light, Truth and Righteousness! BE the change you want to see. After this...after you are strong enough, you will, then, be able to help OTHERS. It is a Universal Law that, as your spiritual power grows, so does your Responsibility to help the Universe. "With great power comes great responsibility" said the Uncle of the greatest comic book superhero ever. And, oh how true this is!

Responsibility is Power and Power is Responsibility. They are so similar that we could almost use them interchangeably. As your power increases, so does your "sphere of influence" upon the Cosmos. This, of course, means you are now more "responsible". You are responsible for taking care of a "larger portion" of Creation. So, Prime Creator would have the most responsible job of all of us, if you take my meaning ;)

A practical example of this would be when a person evolves spiritually: they invariably find that their responsibility to help with the planet's spiritual evolution increases commensurately to their own growth. This is a natural process that cannot be avoided and happens virtually automatically. Because, since we ARE the Universe and the Universe is US, all we are really doing when we connect more with the Higher Self is that we become MORE of the Universe. And BECOMING more of the Universe equates with HELPING that much more of it evolve. It also explains synchronicity: the more you grow spiritually, the more you BECOME everything. So, of course, things that seemed random before, now appear more and more "connected". They never WERE "random" actually. It's just that you were not AWARE of their interconnectedness till now due to being "sectioned off" in your little Ego Bubble in your pre-Higher Self days.

I guess it WOULD be nice if we could force people to become like us....but The Game has rules, and one of them is Free Will. It's the very foundation of the entire game in fact, so we can't violate that one...otherwise Karma is gonna kick our asses! So sit tight, be patient...ACCEPT that we are the Intergalactic Spiritual Cavalry stuck on a Prison Planet...and just DO your thang: just BE the best you can be...and SPREAD THE TRUTH as much as you can without worrying what people will think.