Post date: Nov 03, 2016 6:31:25 AM

America is both the greatest (at least potentially) and the dumbest nation on Earth. The recent circus you actually call "elections" is undeniable proof of this. While Australians would very likely win 1st prize in the "ignorance and apathy world championship", those very few who do follow/understand politics here would, at the very least, use LOGIC (or something approximating that) when deciding who they will vote for...and not emotions, religious beliefs, the candidate's stance on ridiculous issues such as abortion, and so on. God this is so painful to watch! But we are, in many ways, forced to follow US politics, because whatever happens there affects the rest of the Orwellian ---sorry, I mean the "free" world.

And, by the way, it may be just fear and past trauma (from the never-ending manipulation we've been subjected to in the past) kicking in now, but I’m beginning to think Trump may just end up being an inverse, white, fascist version of Obama; as in, he will do the exact opposite of every single thing he is promising now; in fact he may make the current problems even worse. Time will tell, I guess, but the fact that many well known people in the alternative news scene seem to be convinced he's the Real McCoy puts my fears about him to rest somewhat. At least back when Obama came to prominence (seemingly) out of nowhere, there were many who, right from the beginning, were onto him. Not so with Trump. Well, at least not as many are suspicious this time round.

I do have to say, however, that it's worrying that David Icke seems to not be convinced by the Trump phenomenon and is essentially echoing the same "Obama deception" type of stuff that Alex Jones was saying about Obama back in 2009. No matter how we look at it, Icke has consistently been ahead of the curb and, on the aggregate, compared to every other big name in the scene, he's the person that is proven correct most of the time. I’ve tried to ignore Icke's warnings till now, but I can't turn a blind eye anymore. I think, best case scenario, we may be able to get something of a middle ground with Trump, i.e.: he may be controlled by the Elite behind-the-scenes in some capacity, but he's still a loose canon that's difficult to control, meaning he may just manage to do some good stuff for the US before they take him down, either through political, financial or actual assassination.

Another thing, of course, is the idea that he may very well be heavily backed/protected by certain White Hats in the Intelligence communities and military. Even Jay Parker has mentioned this almost as if it’s a given (in a recent interview with Labremont Weber). If true, then this changes the game completely, because it means he is not controlled opposition and, in a very real sense, his presidential run is a deliberate coup to wrest control from the Globalist Neocon-Soros-Rothschild-Clinton faction that has dominated US politics for a long time now. But no one can really tell what the truth of all this is right now. It will, however, become increasingly obvious in the following months, once he is elected POTUS.

The fact that he will win is the only thing I’m definitely sure of at the moment, because he has a large number of hidden voters; people that had never voted before, or hadn't voted for decades, in the knowledge that the two party system was rigged and that voting would not really change anything. But, with Trump, a lot of these people are now seeing hope. They see someone who is truly an outsider; an independent that has taken over the GOP and hi-jacked the entire two party, Hegelian system; a candidate that is neither Republican nor Democrat in the traditional sense. I’m not saying I believe this is the case…I’m saying that they, his rabid supporters, do. I mean, I would certainly like it to be true: a JKF-like independent, someone who has enough money to not need funding from special interests and so forth; a man that is doing this because he believes he must; because, otherwise, his country will go to hell. Is it true though, or just another cleverly staged show like the Obama Deception was…?

Don’t forget, we are dealing with very smart people here. The smartest in the world probably (in a purely Left Brained, intellectual sense, at least). If they weren’t that smart they (the globalists, the secret government) wouldn’t have been able to get where they are now. And these people know what the public wants, what it thinks, what the current trends are. They know all these things; knowing what makes people tick is an essential part of being a ruler. They know that large swathes of the population have woken up through the alternative media and are not happy with the way the system works currently. Could it be, then, that they carefully manoeuvred the Donald (without him being aware of this, of course) into position, knowing that whatever he will tell the people is exactly what they want to hear? And, then, they just let it unfold; they let him win, they let him think he is truly unstoppable…and, when he gets into the Oval Office, they then pull out the big guns: they blackmail him with something they’d been holding back until then; something that will give him no other choice but to comply and do whatever “they” tell him to do. Haven’t you ever wondered why so many politicians go against their promises once they’re in office? Do you think it’s because they’re all pathological liars? It’s not that simple, I’m afraid. It’s just the way the blackmail system works: they hit you with the big stuff only once you’re in office. If they did so earlier, a candidate could just pull out of the race, or do any number of different things. But when it’s done while they’re already in office, it makes things harder for the sitting POTUS, Senator, or whatever position the blackmail victim holds; they’re then left with only two options: 1) do what the Cabal tells them to do or 2) face the consequences of their dirty little secret getting out in the open. Rare is the man that would choose to give "them" the middle finger, instead, and just do whatever he pleases. And, even if he does, he would likely end up like Kennedy if he goes too far. So 99.9% of people seem to be kept in line through the blackmail, and the rare, stubborn cases are dealt with more harshly.

But I don’t really know to what extent this blackmail system is utilized. It could be worse than I just described it or my description could be exaggeration. I just don’t know, but I do know that it happens. It could be they have nothing serious on Trump, which is why, on the surface at least, the establishment seems to be genuinely scared of him --after all, his only real vice is beautiful women, and I'm certain he's never had sex with an underage woman; he's too shrewd to do that and, besides, it's not like a man in his position would suffer from a lack of choice when it comes to bedding fully grown women. It could be that, with the DNC hacks and resultant wikileaks exposés, the playing field in this dirty blackmail game has been considerably evened, which gives Trump an advantage over Hillary. And there's even talk that Trump, having planned his presidential run years in advance, has a lot of dirt on important people --mostly from filming them in their rooms of his Las Vegas hotels with hidden cameras. Knowing what circles he moves in (he has definite mob connections) and what kind of shrewd, ruthless person he can be, I don't doubt for a second that this could be true. It would explain a lot of things: for one, his almost supernatural ability to be able to get away with saying anything he feels like, no matter how inappropriate, politically incorrect or offensive. While true that much of that is due to his charismatic, alpha male personality, it can't be just that. It makes a lot of sense for him to have dirt on key Cabal figures, which he uses as insurance now. If I wanted to become President in a system as corrupt as this, I'd do the same, too. Because you simply don't take a knife to a gun fight and expect to come out in one piece do you?

But like I said above, we will only know his true colors once he is in office. The way he talks, he seems genuine, and many, many people seem to agree with this, so if it turns out he was either playing us all along, or, even if mostly genuine, the Cabal somehow is able to control him with blackmail once he's POTUS, a lot of people will be very shocked and disappointed. Fingers crossed…

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