Christ Consciousness

The Christ Consciousness is a very important topic (possibly the most important topic in the world!) and also a very controversial one. It is both something many New Agers don't fully understand and, much worse, something that many Christians believe is a heresy to even talk about. This page will attempt to correct these minor and temporary short-comings of Mankind. The profound video below will serve as a very nice introduction to the vital themes we are going to discuss on this page:

Also the great Max Igan has some very interesting things to say about the Christ Consciousness:

Will Jesus really return from the skies?

There are many people today that are expecting the literal return of Jesus in the skies. While this is their right (as it is also their right to believe in Santa Claus) and may also be a significant source of comfort to them -as it was to me, when I once believed it- it is nevertheless a great fallacy. As much as some people may enjoy the idea, I'm afraid that Master Jesus is not Flash Gordon, or Superman, and it is about time we set the record straight, on this planet, because these gross misinterpretations of the Bible have been left unchecked for TOO LONG! This is the time-period on the planet that these things will finally be understood properly, and I am doing my best to do my part in this great awakening of Humanity. Within the great religions there has always been a tradition of giving the advanced, esoteric knowledge to the initiated few, who were ready for it (such as to the 12 Disciples, in Master Jesus' case) and giving the ignorant masses -often referred to as the "ignorant profane" by adepts of the various Mystery Schools- an allegorical, or simplified version of the Divine Truths. This, of course, was done because the Mystery Schools knew about the natural hierarchy extant in this world, i.e: only a select few, belonging to the top 1% of the population, can truly understand and are able to confront Divine Truths in their entirety. Lower down this hierarchy, we see that the ability (or indeed the desire) to understand the Higher Spiritual Truths becomes progressively smaller as the person approaches the "average" intelligence levels. This is, by no means, meant to be an elitist attitude, on my part - I am just reporting what I have found. The Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Scientologists, etc, etc, all seem to have this idea in common. This is because it is based on reality and is easily observable if one looks. You can easily observe that there is only a very small percentage of people that are ready for the Higher Spiritual Truths.

This is as true today as it ever was. It matters not whether the Aqaurian Age is the "age of enlightenment" where the Advanced Truths are readily available to all. Even if these "truths"

are easily available to the common person, it does not mean the common man will reach out for them. There appears to be a similar hierarchical structure, developing within the New Age community, which closely mirrors the hierarchical model, or pyramid, that the aforementioned fraternal orders believe themselves to be the peak of. This is because this hierarchical model, with the few enlightened "one-percenters" at the top of the "pyramid" is simply a natural law on this planet. While this topic may be fit for its own separate page, it is very interesting and needs to be explained here.

The hierarchical model I am talking about is very obvious if one looks around. We don't really need the Illuminati, or the Freemasons to tell us that there is a small percentage of very intelligent human beings that are fit to understand the Higher Truths. All you need to do is go on You Tube and see what kind of comments videos like mine get from the "ignorant profane" that flood the internet and have no interest in topics that are covered on websites such as this one. While we are now able to have virtually free access (mainly from the internet, but also from bookstores, from various defectors, etc) to the Advanced Knowledge that was once very closely guarded by the Mystery Schools, the only thing that has really changed, is that it is easier to get a hold of. It does not look like people are interested in these things much more than they were, let us say, 200 years ago. Not really!

As I said, all that has really changed is that this information has flooded society and we're now being bombarded by previously "top secret" information about the true nature of reality, etc. Yet this hierarchical model I keep mentioning, has changed but little. Yes, it's true, there are Indigo Children and so forth, but, even within the ranks of the "new race" of Indigo Children and Crystal Children, there will be a natural pyramidal hierarchy. While we may be under the false impression that everyone will become "enlightened" now, due to the influx of all this amazing knowledge us New Agers are privy to, the sad truth of the matter is that, even within the New Age groups, there is a very small percentage of people that are truly enlightened or that know what they are really talking about.

While this was quite a digression, it was nevertheless a very important thing to explain, because this pyramidal hierarchical model seems to be "fixed" and unchangeable, within creation (or at least it is fixed, as far as the reality of this planet is concerned, anyway), and illustrating its present day manifestations within the New Age Movement will help understand it better. So, the bottom line is that within any Age, whether it's the Piscean, Aquarian or the Taurean Age, for that matter, this pyramidal hierarchical structure does not change. All that really changes is the way the Higher Knowledge is dealt with. In the Piscean Age, for example, it was "hoarded" by the Elite at the top of the Pyramid, apparently for our own good. I have no argument with this, and I believe that the underlying intention was of a benevolent nature. However, towards the end of the Piscean age, this policy of hoarding Advanced Knowledge from the masses got abused, and then it became destructive, or "evil".

So, as a natural consequence of this suppression of knowledge, we have collectively "rebelled" now (in this dawning of the rebellious, altruistic Aquarian Age) and now the previously hoarded Advanced Knowledge has been loosed into the world! But no one really said that the hierarchical pyramid structure has really changed. As I said above, only the manner in which the Higher Knowledge is managed has changed. In Pisces, the masses were treated as innocent children, so the Higher Knowledge was kept in the hands of the "Adepts", who were the only ones capable of using this knowledge. In Aquarius what we have already begun to witness (and what will eventually happen, full swing, in the years after 2012) since around Blavatsky's time, is the "externalization of the hierarchy". This means just what I was saying above, viz, that, in the Aquarian Age, this "inbuilt" pyramidal hierarchy found within Mankind, will not be regulated by the Mystery Schools anymore.

Mankind is now considered to have reached a level of responsibility and growth, which will allow us to have free access to the (until now, closely guarded) Advanced Knowledge and do whatever we wish with it. The plan was to release the "Secret Doctrine" (all this is, is the Higher, underlying knowledge that is the common root of all Philosophy, Science, Spirituality, Religion, etc, known to Man) to the world, at large, and let the pyramidal hierarchical model naturally form in this Age, without any formal organization, or interference by specifically placed Mystery Schools, Masters, etc. We are now witnessing this happening right before our eyes daily, where you can easily see scores of advanced "occult" knowledge freely paraded on the internet for example. But, even if it is free for all to take of this previously "forbidden fruit", we can clearly see that only a very small percentage is interested in these things. Sure, you might say that the New Age is a "growing movement" (and I would agree wholeheartedly), however it is plain for all to see that there is a hierarchy, even among New Agers, as far as understanding, interest, ability, etc, is concerned. Because, let's face it, the majority of the movement is mainly interested in getting palm readings and burning incense, if we want to be totally blunt here. When was the last time you met a New Age friend that was enlightened, or that had genuine Siddhi powers? Many new Agers wouldn't even know what Siddhis are. And of the ones who do, many wouldn't have the discipline or inclination to attempt to achieve true enlightenment.

So, we can see that, even now that all the Secret Knowledge is no secret anymore, the numbers appear to be the same: it is obvious that there is a top 1% of humanity that has the predisposition to truly understand, to be interested and to exhibit the required discipline required to properly study/utilize all these amazing things we learn from the various New Age writings. As we go lower and lower down this "pyramid", we see ability, intelligence, drive, ethical level, interest diminish until you hit the "masses", which are either not interested in Astrology and Past Lives at all, or, if they have some interest, it will be seen to be very fickle and not very in depth. In simple "secular science" terms, this is demonstrated by the IQ percentages within the population. Invariably, we find that there is only a top 5% that has the very superior intelligence/ability that is required in order to lead, or to have great success in any endeavour, and, especially those found in the top 1% are gifted with exceptional skills.

Of course, while many reading this might not see a correlation between IQ scores and spirituality, I assure you it is directly related. A person needs to have an above average intelligence to even begin to take an interest in matters covered in websites similar to this one, in the first place. This is a prerequisite for someone to just show that initial interest in New Age topics, regardless of whether this interest will be sustained for the duration of their life after this point. As you go higher and higher on the "spiritual ability/understanding pyramid", as I will call it, you will find that interest, understanding, etc, become more pronounced. Bear in mind, by the way, that the same thing goes for those who are on the "Dark Side": they are basically "evil geniuses". Even though it is a cheesy term, it is very apt. For these Black Magician folks to take an interest in the Occult in the first place, they needed to have an above average intelligence to begin with.

The only problem, in a Black Magician's case, is that the person is only interested in using whatever Advanced Knowledge he/she has, in order to benefit Self! But that both Black Magicians and White, have very similar intelligence, abilities and potential is not up for debate. They would both belong to the peak of the pyramid, for sure. What differentiates a White magician from a Black is the intention of how one uses the Occult Knowledge gained. Think of it as a Jedi/Sith kind of thing, if you will. Lucas bares all for us in the Star Wars movies, especially in the prequel films, where he makes a big point of telling us that "Force ability" is largely genetic, with his midi-chlorian premise. This is not as elitist as it may at first appear, however. The main thing that counts, at the end of the day, is Spiritual Advancement of the person and not genetics. However, taking Reincarnation into account, when a Spirit that has had many more lifetimes than the majority (the "masses") has had, it can only reincarnate in a suitably advanced "vehicle". So, very advanced Spirits are only able to incarnate in certain gene pools. This is how I have understood the premise of the midi-chlorian idea, and, if you ask me, it fits with reality, since it was most certainly based on reality, to begin with. There are many theories claiming that George Lucas is a "closet Freemason" and, hence, this is how he gets all this fantastic Occult wisdom that he keeps inserting into the movies. Whether he is or not, it doesn't matter because, belonging as he does to that top 5% (I would say he is even in the top 2%, judging by his financial success and extremely lateral intelligence, as evidenced from interviews, behind the scenes features, etc) of humanity, he would have the requisite curiosity and capability needed, in order to understand these things. It is entirely plausible that he could have studied Freemasonry and other esoteric philosophies of his own accord, simply out of interest. He is, after all, a "Buddhist Methodist" as he jocularly claims.

The midi-chlorian reference was only mentioned here, because many people reading these types of sites are aware that Lucas purposely inserts Occult Truths within his films. The midi-chlorian premise helps lend credence to my case that, at any given period in human history, there is only a small percentage of people (around 1%) capable of true spiritual attainment and understanding. That there is a genetic factor involved is incidental - as we said above, the issue is primarily of a Spiritual nature. However, everything that is presented in the Star Wars movies about Jedi abilities, seems to point to the fact that the ability to become "one with the Force" is very rare. This certainly mirrors real life perfectly, as we can see that there is indeed only a small percentage of people with this ability and, as the abilities become more pronounced, the numbers of people possessing them becomes exponentially smaller. Thus we see that (in both fantasy works like Star Wars, Dune, the Matrix, etc, and in real life as well) there is always one individual that is more advanced than any other person on the planet, at any given Astrological Age. This would be the person sitting at the very top of the "spiritual ability/understanding pyramid". In the aforementioned films/books, they are, respectively, Anakin Skywalker, Paul Atriedes and Neo, while in real life, the Master of the Piscean Age, of course, was Jesus. But more on that a little further down.

Now back to the difference between the Piscean and Aquarian Age: all that has really changed from Pisces to Aquarius is the way in which the Secret Doctrine is "disseminated" to the world. In the Piscean (and in previous Ages) there were those few who knew the real, literal truth about the mysteries of the Universe and the rest of the population were told the "children's version" (Organized Religion) because they were deemed unfit for anything more advanced. The initiates of the Mystery Schools knew that many of the Bible stories were symbolic of Higher truths, yet the masses took the writings literally. This was fine, until this policy was abused and certain Mystery Schools deviated from their original role as "protectors" or guardians of Higher Knowledge and they began using it to control people and to gain power by use of this secret knowledge against the populace. This, by the way, is how we get groups like the Illuminati, Skull and Bones, etc.

A great example of the difference between literal and symbolic Truth, within the Piscean Age religions, is the New Testament's references to the "End of the Age", for instance, which was actually an Astrological reference to the end of the Piscean Age -i.e: the time we are living in right now! Now, while the assertion that Jesus and His Disciples studied, and were experts in the Ancient Science of Astrology may be anathema to some people, this matters not, because it is the truth nonetheless. And, on this website, we are only interested in the Truth! And, according to this truth, we can see that what was simply a "coded" reference to the end of the Piscean Age and the beginning of the Aquarian one is STILL taken literally today by countless unfortunate believers, who, sadly, have the IQ of an amoeba.

So, much in the same way that the example above has created the very serious problem of making these people actually believe that the end of the world is coming, the Revelation's reference to the "return of the Christ" has created a similar situation. The Christ referred to in the passages is not "Christ the Man" but, instead, the Christ Consciousness! Those who are hearing this for the first time, are probably baffled and upset now. Sorry, the Truth is often upsetting...but we still need to get on with this.

What is the Christ Consciousness?

The Christ Consciousness is that Higher Spiritual Plane, where everything is one; where one can truly perceive the unity in all things. Or, in other words, it is the state of Mind of one who has attained Enlightenment. I say "state of Mind" because, in truth, there is nothing but Mind and Spirit in this vast universe we inhabit -all this "solid" matter we are surrounded by, is just a nifty illusion of Maya. And this illusion is what keeps everyone from contacting the Christ Spirit (or Christ Consciousness) within. Because it really is within us, just like the First Christ, Master Jesus, told us: "the Kingdom of Heaven is within you." And, speaking of Master Jesus Christ, it is worth explaining why he is also known as "The Son". While some people that have outgrown their Christian upbringings may, perhaps, poke fun at the concept of the Holy Trinity, this idea is in fact based on reality and is not at all a laughing matter. In fact, it corresponds with beliefs of other great religions, most notably that of Hinduism, which also acknowledges the triune nature of God. Possibly the ex-Christians, or non-Christians, that scoff at the idea do so because they misunderstand what it really represents. And what it certainly doesn't represent is three separate and distinct deities; you can definitely get that idea out of your head! Instead the Holy Trinity represents the three different natures, or expressions, of the Godhead. The Father is the omnipotent, yet static, Source of Everything; in that state, God is incomprehensible, omnipotent and unreachable by mere mortals. It is the Godhead in its pure, magnificent and brilliant form. It has no beginning or end; it is the Prime Mover Unmoved! The finite Mind of Man cannot comprehend this side of God. The Son is the unifying principle of Creation; it is the dynamic and creative expression of God and that which makes the entire universe manifest. This is also what makes individual Spiritual identity possible -i.e: The Son (or The Christ) is that aspect of God which allowed The One Creator to split into myriad individual sparks, in order to experience His magnificent Creation from a multitude of viewpoints. And, by this, of course, I mean the multitudinous sentient life-forms extant throughout the Cosmos. While these manifold "sparks of God" honestly believe they are separate from God, when in an unenlightened state, in a deep level of their being, however, they were never separate from their Father.

Of course, this was done to the individual Spirits on purpose because God wished it to be this way! You see, the only way God was able to experience His Creation, from the bottom up, was to temporarily "forget" that He was God. So that's how He came up with the "necessary evil" (pun intended!) of a certain veil of Illusion or Maya having to be imposed over the phenomenal, five sense world, in order for the fragments of the God-Mind to "forget" their Divine origins. You could also call this force...Satan. Surprised?? Indeed Satan is real (in a limited sense) and is the polar opposite force of the Christ Consciousness! However, we need not give this power too much credit, for it merely had a part to play, designed by God Himself and, at this time on our planet, is fast becoming obsolete, since we are all going full-speed ahead towards Enlightenment! The people who have aligned themselves with this illusory force, however, do not see it this way and that is why they are behaving like "cornered cats" of late, and are doing all in their power to keep us "trapped" in the illusion! Fear not; for they are as good as gone from this world. It is only a matter of when and not a matter of if, at this stage. For all their secular "power" they are but little more than annoying flees that are about to be scratched off the earth... It is all very well to explain how Satan (with God's permission, of course) tricks us into believing this world is "real" but the whole point of writing all this stuff is you can see through the whole scam! And, of course, it is only when one attains "Christhood" (or Enlightenment), that they realize they were always One with every other life-form throughout Creation, and indeed, with all of Creation itself. Because, you see, at the level of the Christ Consciousness, all individual Spirits are one (This is also why, when various unrelated psychics/mediums are able to commune with and "channel" the Christ Spirit, they very often come up with strikingly similar information because they are, in fact, channeling the same source. And, since I am on the subject, it is interesting to note that much of my own channeled material correlates very closely with certain Edgar Cayce writings. However, even though I do look like him, I will not claim that I am the reincarnated Cayce, since someone else has already done so and seems to fit the bill perfectly). Any notion of separation is but an illusion, at this level, which is also why the Satanists' greatest fear is the masses learning the real Truth about the Christ Consciousness! Of course this is also why I obstinately insist that Churchianity (sorry, I meant to say Christianity) is the NUMBER ONE TOOL of the Illuminati because, quite demonstrably, it distorts the real significance of the Christ, and thus robs billions of their God-given right to attain Enlightenment! Rather, it excels in scaring people to death...about death, while taking their money and their Minds, in the process. And if there is even one reader who finds what I am saying to be blasphemous, then the Illuminati have done their job very well indeed!

Next up in the Holy Trinity, of course, is the Holy Spirit. We could say that, aside from the Trinity being the three attributes of the Creator, it is also the three Hierarchical levels an Adept goes through in order to reach Enlightenment. What I mean by this is:

a) First the Holy Spirit (or, in other words, the Kundalini) gets activated in the Adept

b) Then Christ Consciousness is attained as a result of this

c) Finally full Enlightenment is achieved through the Christ Consciousness

All this seems to concur 100% with things found in the Bible (and other religious philosophies, particularly ones of Eastern extraction, i.e: Buddhism, Hinduism, Gnosticism, et al) and I will explain exactly how this is so:

First of all, as most already know, Jesus became a vessel for “The Christ” only after he received the Holy Spirit upon his baptism by John. This is akin to receiving a “Kundalini Awakening” from a guru, whether by the direct physical touch of the guru or other means. Also, the literature on Kundalini awakening, itself, maintains that once the activation has happened you can then reach “enlightenment”. It always seems to precede “Christhood”; no matter which religious ideology we care to examine, they all say the same thing about this, only differing in their terminology and techniques of how to attain the Kundalini Awakening. I have experienced almost every single “text-book symptom” of Kundalini Awakening, myself, as a matter of fact, and everything went according to the proper procedure.

First came the Kundalini Awakening (and, by the way, this was a gradual process lasting many years) and then, when that was fully accomplished and I finally got out of it (relatively) unscathed, and without losing my Mind or anything like that (for any Thelemites reading this, you could say I successfully crossed the Chasm and defeated Choronzon…but not without some casualties, of course), I finally reached that coveted place where I could communicate with the Divine in a direct, unbroken line. This is how I ended up getting all those extremely accurate channelings, etc. Before this time, I had done much Automatic Writing (and a little bit of Trance Channeling too) but I came to understand, at great loss, that the information gained from these avenues could not be trusted! However, this is because I hadn’t “crossed the Chasm” yet. Many try and fail. It is not easy to reach full Kundalini Awakening –it’s a like an adventure, where the Adept is something akin to a “Spiritual Indiana Jones” and must go through near impossible trials. You can google something like “the dangers of Kundalini Awakening” and you will clearly see that it is fraught with many dangers. Many people have lost their minds!

I am mentioning my own experience not just to “show off” but to show those people that are intensely interested in reaching this amazing thing called “enlightenment” that it is doable and is a very real state. You must remember that just because it is rarely achieved does not mean that it cannot be achieved!

Moving along now, to the second part regarding Christ Consciousness. This is self-explanatory: once you get a full Kundalini Awakening, then you contact your Inner Christ. It is interesting to note that, no matter what you see about the raging and confusing debate on the net, regarding the relationship between Christ and Michael, the truth of the matter is: Christ and the Archangel Michael are two different aspects of the same Being (I got it straight from “the horse’s mouth”, if you know what I mean). So, after I finally “crossed the threshold” that I mentioned above, I began getting extremely powerful communications from the Archangel Michael. It is also no accident that Michael is generally believed to be the “Right Hand of God”. Trust me, all my experiences pertaining to this Higher Being would tend to confirm this belief to the letter!

Of course, the final stage is reaching complete Enlightenment but I wouldn't really know how much more “complete” it would be after attaining Christ Consciousness. As we already know, it is impossible for us “mere mortals” to comprehend the Absolute, so I suppose the only thing that can happen after reaching Christhood would be to reach Ascension and to become some kind of Ascended Master, like Saint Germain and other such Advanced Beings. I’m not saying that I’m on my way to Ascension, only that I can’t see any other logical evolution beyond attaining Christhood. And, by the way, please note that any details I have given about my personal spiritual journey, are given only to inspire people and reassure them that all this amazing stuff is possible. This is not “about me”. I am merely going on the assumption that a good percentage of the people that would bother to read this website, would do so because of finding something in my You Tube videos that “spoke to them” and, thus, would trust that I am onto something. So, for those who indeed believe that I know what I’m talking about, you should know that Enlightenment and Christ Consciousness is very real and can be achieved.

Now, as to how many people are capable of achieving this state fully, in any given period of history, I do not know. As I said above, it would appear that we are always working according to some type of pyramidal hierarchy that is “inbuilt” within humanity (and perhaps even within the entire Cosmos) and that, within the highest levels of Spiritual Advancement, you will find less and less people, eventually culminating in one individual.

This one individual, as I briefly touched upon earlier, would be the Christ of a particular Astrological Age. In the Piscean Age, it was Jesus the Christ; in this Age –the Aquarian– we have heard of many possible candidates: be it the Maitreya, the Messiah, or the Anti-Christ, etc, according to who you ask. Actually, they may be all referring to one and the same individual, for all we know. All I know, for certain, is that, whoever this individual will end up being in this Age, they will have one characteristic that is not subject to change: this person will be the most Spiritually advanced person of the Aquarian Age.

Accordingly, this Adept will be a vessel for the Solar Logos, or Sol (in the same manner that Jesus, and others before Him were), which is the Spirit of the Physical Sun of our Solar System –you could say it is the “Higher Self” of the Sun. And please do not confuse this with Lucifer, who is meant to be the Intellectual aspect of the Sun. The Christ Consciousness is above this level! This, by the way, explains the Luciferians’ insistence that there is no Christ (see Zeitgeist).

A lot of the material I have started to come up with from now on (late 2011), appears to be geared toward explaining the true nature and interrelationship between Jehovah/Lucifer/Christ, which are the Material, Intellectual and Spiritual manifestations of Sol respectively.

Certainly, one could say that Lucifer, then, is one and the same as the Holy Spirit but I disagree and I’ll explain why:

If the Luciferian Energy (which is primarily associated with Intellectual Enlightenment, Self-Improvement, Individuality, etc) is one and the same as the “Holy Spirit” we could also say that the Kundalini is a Luciferian Energy too. This would not fare very well with the many Seekers that espouse the path of Kundalini. But this is not the reason I disagree. As I repeat all over this website, I am not in the business of telling people what they want to hear, but on a quest to “separate the wheat from the chaff” and let people know what I find out along the way. Sorry to disappoint any ardent Luciferians out there, but Lucifer stands for Intellectual Enlightenment only. It is merely a requisite step, in order to get the person interested in and to prepare them for the next (and higher) level of Christ Consciousness. I am not saying that Lucifer is “bad”…I am saying this Luciferian mindset, or advancement level (call it what you want) is a “necessary evil”, if you will, in order to get us into the Higher States that are waiting for us beyond.

Put another way, the Luciferic Consciousness (being the Energy that rules over the Intellect) is what initially inspires Man to take the first steps on the “Path to Enlightenment”, or to “cross the Abyss”, per the Thelemic symbolism. However, once the Adept has begun traversing that tightrope -laughingly referred to as a bridge by Occultists- across the Abyss (think: “Indiana Jones in the Temple of Doom”, when he was trapped on that Bridge and was the only one that survived it!), he/she does not need the Luciferian mindset beyond that point. This is only needed in order to make the first step towards Enlightenment. After you are on your way to crossing “Crowely’s Abyss”, I’m afraid that the Holy Spirit, or the “Divine Mother” Kundalini takes over after that. And, as we said earlier, the Holy Spirit is the first Level of Advancement, if you will, in the Christ Realm, which itself is found in the Third Aspect of the Triune Nature of Sol.

So, when the Holy Spirit/Kundalini helps you navigate the Abyss and come out the other side unscathed, it is only then that you, the Adept, have reached the Second Level: the Christ Consciousness, which is really the same thing as Enlightenment. And, as I admitted before, I can’t really tell you, for sure, what exactly happens after this aside from becoming an Ascended Master, or, to put it another way a “Minor god”. There would be no way for anyone to comprehend the Absolute (whether fully Enlightened or not), so there would be only progressive gradations of Spiritual Evolution, beyond this point, I should think.

Thus, an Ascended Master may one day graduate to becoming a Ruling Intelligence of a Solar System (just like Sol is) and continue upward in the Cosmic Hierarchy, in his wise, until merging with The Supreme Being would be possible. However, what this “merging” would be like, or what it would entail, I do not pretend to know, nor am I interested, at this time, in finding out. The biggest ambition I can probably entertain, at this point in time, would be to dream of becoming some kind of Ascended Master, at some stage, (whether this could happen in the next few incarnations or in a million years, I don’t know) and start hanging out with Saint Germain & Co.

But, coming back down to reality now, the bottom line with all of this stuff here, is that we need to understand the difference between Luciferian Energy and Christ Energy and why there would be a "Luciferian Conspiracy" that is against the Christ Consciousness. See, I wouldn't really call it a conspiracy, as such, (actually nothing really is a “conspiracy”, as such…there are simply individuals/groups that work towards certain agendas, which just happen to be inimical to other individuals/groups agendas and interests, that’s all that’s happening). But, whatever the nature of this, so called, “conspiracy” the thing is that it is at an advancement level that is below that of the Christ Consciousness. So, by definition, according to the parentheses above, the activities of the Luciferians seem to be inimical towards the individuals that wish to contact the level of the Christ Consciousness. And, what this Christ Consciousness really is, will be expounded upon below, so that we might help many confused Truth Seekers, out there, to better understand what is really going on regarding Satan, Lucifer, Christ, etc, and if they should be weary of certain teachings and philosophies that are found to be very prevalent in the New Age circles, and, thus, erroneously taken to be beneficial due to their popularity.

So, once the Luciferian Awakening puts us on the Path of Kundalini, it would appear that the Holy Spirit, then, is the Divine Force that awakens us to the Christ Consciousness. As explained earlier it is not to be equated with Lucifer. Certainly Lucifer is not exactly "evil" but, the Luciferian Initiation is something that has a finite value and, accordingly, must be of a finite duration. It is merely a stepping stone to higher, more desirable states, and, so, those individuals who are stuck in "Luciferian mode", while they may genuinely believe they are doing God's work, are, in actual fact, holding back vast multitudes on the planet, who are now ready to undergo the Christic Initiation. Lucifer, the Light Bearer, opened up the way, through Intellectual Enlightenment (and this is to be taken as literally and mundanely as possible, i.e: anything to do with modern Scientific advances, Higher Learning, etc) and, now that the majority of the population is "intellectually enlightened", through widespread education and knowledge, we need to take the next step of Spiritual Enlightenment!

However, this is where the problem lies: the Luciferian faction seems to NOT want to evolve beyond their Luciferian view of the Universe! Hence we get abominations like the Zeitgeist movies and things like technocratic Spirituality (where we see an increasingly technological and mechanistic view of Spirituality in the various New Age philosophies). It is fine to be "scientific", of course. It differentiates us from the animals and the cavemen, certainly! However, over-emphasizing the mechanistic, technological aspect of Higher Spiritual Science, at the expense of the Unity of All things (which is Love and is ruled by the Heart and NOT by the Mind), would inevitably result in a spiritual degradation, whether many "scientific" New Agers can presently realize this or not.

I am not saying that we should rely on Faith and discount the Intellect and ignore Reason. No, not at all. What I'm saying is that true Spiritual evolution is achieved when Heart and Mind work in tandem. If you only focus on the Heart you get Blind Faith; if you only focus on the Mind, you get a bizarre case of a kind of "Spiritual Atheism". Even if the latter may sound like an oxymoron, it isn't, I assure you. Because by focusing far too much on the "scientific aspect" of the Higher Realms, we are in perpetual danger of forgetting that the Intellect is finite, after all, and that Man can NEVER truly comprehend God through the Mind alone.

This is the trap of the New Age and this is Luciferianism at its best! So, beware! Science and Knowledge can take us only up to a certain point. If we could explain and understand absolutely everything, by reason alone, then it means that we are God. Certainly, we may very well evolve to become "lesser gods" (like the Ascended Masters, etc), but the way to achieve this is not through science and intellect alone. This is the allure of Lucifer, you see? He gives us Knowledge...amazing Knowledge; nothing wrong with that, nothing "evil" about that. Lucifer is not Satan; Satan rules the Lower Levels, the first 3 Chakras, the Animal Side of Mankind. It's all good; Lucifer is the Great Awakener, he is Prometheus, who gave Fire to Mankind. But...this Intellectual Enlightenment can only go so far. And this is exactly why it is only the second aspect of the Sun God, Sol. After this stage comes the Christ, which gives true Enlightenment, a Spiritual Enlightenment and not an Intellectual one.

Many eager New Agers, who have "rebelled" and turned against Organized Religion, have unfortunately fallen for this trap and they believe that they are so strong and individualistic and wise now, that they can "reach God" on their own, without the mediation of a priest, etc. This is perfectly fine. However, where this line of thought usually errs, is that it takes the concept too far, leading the Luciferian to believe that they do not need any assistance from the Higher Realms either! The Luciferian Consciousness, while totally different and much more desirable than the Satanic Consciousness (which is devoid of any Spirituality of any kind), is similar to the Satanic idea that "Self is All". The Luciferian Consciousness takes the Satanic idea of the Self being the most important thing a step further, and posits that "Lucifer is All". Thus we see the progression, as follows, then:

1) The Satanist worships Self and thinks all else is insignificant, or, in extreme cases, even an Illusion, often genuinely believing that those that are in the Christ Consciousness are being deceived for thinking "All is One".

2) The Luciferian has taken this line of thought a step further, and has evolved considerably from the "Satanic mindset". As such, a Luciferian would not treat others badly, as a Satanist freely might, and realizes that there are Karmic consequences for this, etc. The Satanist, in contrast, believes Karma is an Illusion and that he/she can get away with any behaviour whatsoever without any repercussions. The Luciferian is much too "enlightened" to have any "destructive" ideas like these. However the Luciferian Consciousness, no matter how enlightened and "noble" it may be, is unfortunately not the be all and end all. The reason is because it errs on one thing: the Luciferian is SO excited about "having his eyes opened" by his newly awakened Intellect that he forgets that there is a Higher Power responsible for this Intellect and, so, believes it to be all his doing. So, in a way, even though Luciferian Consciousness is light years (pun intended) ahead of Satanic thought, it is kind of like a "Spiritual Satanism", or, as I called it earlier on, "Spiritual Atheism".

The Adept is aware he/she is part of the Collective and understands now that this Collective is not an Illusion, no matter what the Satanist keeps saying about it, but, nevertheless, does not care to "merge" with this Collective, this All. For the Luciferian firmly believes that "rising above" this Spiritual Collective is the way to achieve Enlightenment and Godhood; these two terms, by the way, are interchangeable in the Luciferian's mind.

"We are all Gods in slumber and it is our obligation to reach our former Godly state" says the Luciferian. But, in the Luciferian's mind, this is not reached by merging with the All, with the Son of God, who is the Christ. No; the Luciferian is as convinced of his/her Spiritual Individualism as the Satanist is convinced of his Material one. The Luciferian, to the very end, will hold firm to the idea that the only true way to achieve "enlightenment" is by separating completely from the Collective and becoming an independent god.

This is exactly why, in the Biblical accounts, etc, Lucifer is said to have thought of himself as being equal to God the Father and he wished to take His place. This is merely a symbolic, simplistic way of explaining the Luciferian Consciousness to the "ignorant profane". Lucifer is not "some very shinny guy with wings", just as Satan is not a red skinned dude with a pitch fork. For that matter, neither is God a bearded old man in the sky, etc, etc. What we are really dealing with here are states of Mind, states of Consciousness, states of Advancement.

So, in effect, when we say someone "worships Lucifer", the person isn't literally worshiping this popular image we have come to associate with Lucifer. These are just images that are there to represent these different states of Mind, these states of Consciousness. What it really means is that the Adept is focusing on the Luciferian state of Mind within him/her and the various rituals associated with this are there merely to strengthen "Luciferian Thinking" within the person.

The same goes for everything else. Don't expect that Angels, Archangels, etc, really do have specific physical forms. It is just that, in our finite state as humans, we need symbols/images in order to understand the various Elemental Energies and Powers we are attempting to channel through rituals. Understand that, beyond the Third Dimension, there is no form! As most already know, the Fourth Dimension is Time. The Fifth Dimension is Mind/Intellect, so, really, beyond this "material" Third Dimensional world we see around us, all there is, is Mind...or Thought.

So, when we are calling upon, praying, worshiping, etc, various Beings, all these Entities really are, are Archetypes. They are different manifestations of the Great Mind -the Mind of God- which we can never fully understand in its entirety, though most of us know, deep down, that we are somehow one with it. So, theoretically, an Adept could quite easily "invent" various gods to worship, that would be in line with whatever he/she wanted to accomplish. Think of it as a form of "advanced visualization", if you will.

In ordinary visualization, we focus on a thought or an image, with the hope that we would "manifest" it in our lives, whether the thing being manifested is a desired change in our personality, or a financial goal we want to achieve, etc. Well, worshiping a "god" or an "Entity", then, would be a very similar thing, only it is a personification of our desired ability or state of Mind (or whatever), so, in this wise, it is given extra impetus. Thus, there is theoretically no limit to what types of gods one could pray to, and they could very well be malevolent ones, depending on what the Adept is looking to achieve from it. The Reptilian thing comes to mind now, which makes me think that the Reptilian "gods" these Satanists are supposedly "worshiping" are more likely a creation of the Satanists themselves, than the other way around.

As in, what happens is that someone wanting to gain Power, for example, dreams up some type of god that corresponds best to this particular Mental Archetype and creates specific rituals that enhance his/her connection to this Archetype. Over time, this aspect of the Satanist's Mind would begin to overpower all the other aspects of his/her Mind and this predisposition would be strengthened further through successive generations, which is how we get all this talk about the "generational satanic families". One could say they are simply "generational assholes" and still be 100% correct. These "satanic rituals" are expressly designed to strengthen specific Archetypes in a person's Mind, which are Coldness, Ruthlessness, etc. So, really, all we are talking about here are families that have a preponderance of traits like coldness and ruthlessness, that goes way, waaaay beyond the norm. The norm, of course, being measured by how the "vast majority" are usually known to behave.

As I said earlier, "there is no conspiracy, as such", but just vastly differing agendas. The Ruling Elite, on the one hand, think that ruthlessness is a very desirable trait, if one rules over vast amounts of people. This is 100% true and I can see where they're coming from. If someone who rules over 500 million people was overly sympathetic and prone to get emotional over things such as "war casualties", etc, then they would quickly lose the ability to rule and their country would fall into disarray because they would be incapable of making tough decisions in times of crisis, such as war, etc. But these traits are good ONLY if you are the ruler. The ones who are ruled, on the other hand (I am talking about us now), would not appreciate these traits of coldness and ruthlessness, of course, so this is where we have the "conflict of interest" between the Illuminati and the populations. Your opinion of who is right or wrong in this conflict would depend entirely on which side you are on. It happens that us Truthers are on the population's side, and so we find the Illuminati "evil". I wouldn't find it at all strange if they thought the same about us, considering us to be annoying, ignorant little pests, who "will never understand what it really takes to govern", or something like that.

I suppose worshiping God the Father, would be like trying to connect with all the possible Archetypes, and that this, at the end of the day, would be seen as the most beneficial "god" to worship, since it is like a combination of all the other gods. However when a Mystic concentrates exclusively on the Luciferian Archetype, for instance, he shuts himself off from the rest of his Mind and channels only the traits of that Archetype. And, since according to the Luciferian ideal, the highest possible achievement is Spiritual Individualism, this will ultimately become the reality of this person, if this line of endeavor is seen thought to the end. This means that an Adept that has taken this path, will certainly be cut off from the rest of Creation and will exist as an individual, "lesser god" somewhere.

Now, to what degree this state of being is "illusion" I can't really say. Perhaps it is not so much Illusion, but rather an inferior state to find oneself in. While the state is quite real and empowering, where the Luciferian errs, however, is in his/her belief that it is the highest state attainable, when it is, in fact, only an intermediate level of Spiritual Advancement. So it's not really an Illusion we could say...but more like a ruse. The power is quite real, and it is attainable, but the Luciferian wrongly believes that there is nothing higher beyond that point. The bottom line is that the Luciferian becomes a "lesser god", at the expense of losing his connection to "the" God. As I keep repeating: there is no conspiracy, as such, but just differing agendas. It appears that whatever the Luciferians are doing (believing that it is honestly helping Mankind evolve) would be actually impeding the progress of those who wish to connect with the next level, the Christ Consciousness, which will be elucidated on now.

3) The Christed Being, has finally figured out that the Luciferian Archetype (or Consciousness), while it is overwhelmingly positive, constructive, etc, has not got quite the entire picture. The Luciferian is still stuck in "individuality mode", while, quite incredibly, is also acutely Spiritual at the same time. As we said above, it is something akin to "Spiritual Satanism" as paradoxical as this may, at first, sound. The reason is because, while the Adept is very spiritual, positive, ethical and follows Karmic Law, etc, the end result of going down the Luciferian Path is a kind of "spiritual isolation" from the rest of the Cosmos, by way of becoming his/her own "lesser god".

The difference between someone stuck at the Luciferian level and someone that has graduated to the Christ Realm, is that the Luciferian cannot realize what I just described in the preceding paragraph, even if you hit him/her on the head with it! These people just cannot fathom that there can be any higher levels than the one they aspire for. But, then, what is the difference with the Christ Consciousness and why is it so much better than Luciferian Consciousness as I keep saying?


How do I attain Christ Consciousness?

The way to rediscover the Christ within is through the dedicated practice of a spiritual discipline. Meditation seems to be the "default" method, though there are many other allied practices that produce the same result. If you haven't already, it is recommended you try as many different techniques as you can and settle on your favourite one. My preferred technique has been Meditation for a little over 10 years now. Others may prefer Yoga, Chanting and so on.