VII. Why did they really hate the Jews?

Like it says at the bottom of the poster, on the left, I would agree that this film is probably the most controversial film ever made! While I haven't watched the film (and do not really want to) I have come across it on the net, when researching the completely misunderstood relationship between Nazis and Jews. The film was made as propaganda against them and it apparently explains exactly what the Nazis thought of the Jews.

See, what the friendly Nazis thought they might do for us, was to kill every single Jewish person on the planet, because they were convinced (more like, brainwashed by the Master Hypnotist Hitler!) that all the ills of the world were directly attributable to the International Bankers...of course, by this, they meant "Jewish Bankers".

While Banking is indeed a big part of the Illuminati system and the Jewish Banking Families had an important role in this Illuminati "department", I feel I need to clarify what is REALLY going on with all of this. When you read what I have to say, you will be stunned, as was I when I realized what was truly happening!

Because, the truth is, no one really knows what the hell is going on with this issue. Here we are, 100 years later, and there hasn't been a proper explanation forthcoming regarding the Nazi hatred of the Jews. Not really. Actually I have only just figured it out, myself, and this thanks to my heightened psychic abilities, due to years of Meditation. Otherwise, I never would've worked it out merely by doing "research". I have done enough "research", I can tell you that! Only after I began receiving dead-accurate, mind-bending information directly from my Higher Self, did I realize that "reading" is pretty useless, since all knowledge can be gained from the Higher Planes, anyway. And this is because that's where all knowledge comes from, in the first place!

What really went on between Nazis and Jews?

Everyone who has ever looked into this, cannot really work out what the f*ck happened here. I have been trying to work it out, myself, since I was a child. The worst of all are the "ignorant masses" who believe whatever the mainstream documentaries on the subject tell them and do not bother to look any further. So, not really having a clue, the masses resign to the fact that it was "just racism", which makes it very easy for the Illuminati to play the "anti-Semitism card" whenever they need to silence truth seekers because the stupid masses just go along with it.The conspiracy theorists, on the other hand, do not really fare any better if you ask me, because far too many of them arrive to the "startling" conclusion that: it's the Bankers! Wow, they must be so clever to figure out, all by themselves, that it's the Bankers.This irritates me to no end because what was the point all their "research" if they only managed to uncover JUST THE FIRST ONE of the twenty layers, or so, of the "Russian doll-like" Illuminati conspiracy?! Because, truly, the more ones looks into it, the more they realize that Banking is just the tip of the iceberg. If the Neo-Nazis might not agree with me, sorry.

You see what I have come to understand, through Spiritual avenues, as I said above, is that the Nazis and the Bankers are two sides of the same coin. Now, while there have been theories that have said that the Zionist Bankers and Nazis were working together, I am not really saying that either. It's something similar...but not the same.

What my realization was, was that (just like all Illuminati factions, of course) the Nazis and the Jewish Bankers were simply infighting, and the eventual manifestation was a massive world-wide conflict that we know as World War 2. What I understood was that these two factions were something akin to the Yin and Yang of the exoteric (outer; visible) Illuminati Control System, which is why I said before that they are two sides of the same coin. Let me explain, if you are scratching your head in confusion right now...

The Illuminati are thought by many researchers to have been at their "infiltration game" for so many thousands of years that, for quite a while now, there haven't really been opposing sides in any conflicts we see. Apparently, they say, it was the same with the Bankers and the Nazis, who were really buddies behind the scenes. As a matter of fact, this can be confirmed by anyone if they do enough research. The connections are mind-boggling! So, in essence, we can see that, somehow, behind the scenes it was all just a set-up, so we can think that Nazis and Jewish Bankers were actually "enemies".

Of course, while this is true, on one level, I was given a different explanation as to why it appears this way from the research. See, as I mentioned above, the Illuminati seem to spend more time engaged in in-fighting, than anything else. It's a wonder they are still around, with the amount of internecine strife they have. But, then again, if you see what George Lucas tells us about the Sith (who are a direct allusion to Illuminati) you will understand that the Sith have the propensity to continually try to eliminate the other members of the order and rule by themselves. Thus the rule of two, that is shown to be a "Sith rule", is an ingenious idea and would probably have helped the real Illuminati if they abided by something like this.

Anyway, what I am driving at is that, while on the one hand there is a lot of evidence that proves there was collaboration between Bankers and Nazis, on the other hand, however, it is made clear by certain Nazi statements and behaviour that they really did want to destroy the Bankers and kill all the Jews, if possible! So how can both these contradictory positions fit together and make sense? Just from "researching" I could never manage to work it out. But through a Higher Source, I was given the answer...

As I touched on before, you can think of the Nazis and the Bankers as the "Yin and Yang" of the "visible" Illuminati Enslavement Systems of the Military-Industrial Complex sponsored "Fascist Totalitarian State", on the one hand, and the International Banker sponsored "Feudalistic Communist State" on the other. Now, while the Military-Industrial Complex and the International Bankers are good friends and always work hand in hand, they would both very much like to get rid of each other and rule the world all by themselves!

This would account for various Hitler statements that alluded to the Nazis' need for removing the Bankers, first, if they wanted to truly take over the world. So, basically, it was a struggle for world domination between the forces of International Banking and the forces of Totalitarian Fascism. Hitler wanted to rule the world but without having to rely on the Bankers! And I am sure the International Banksters were also trying to take over, in their own way, like when they turned Russia into a Communist State.

So, anyway, Hitler first worked with the Bankers, because he needed them to fund him and set everything up, and then, when he felt confident enough to do so, he decided to eliminate the Banking element altogether! Killing innocent Jews that had no connection to International Banking, and, more importantly, no clue as to why all of this this was really happening, was just part of his vendetta with the Bankers. This is the only explanation that makes sense out of all this sea of contradicting facts that "research" wields.

So, basically, the male (or active) Yang faction -the Orwellian Nazis- could not really function without the female (or passive) Yin faction -the Banking System- but tried to go against this rule, nevertheless. This nearly destroyed the world, of course. And the fact that Hitler was demonically possessed (even more than his other Illuminati contemporaries) didn't really help him keep his Ego in check now, did it?

The fact is that, as much as the Sith-Illuminati may refuse to work together, this is how the exterior control systems of the Illuminati operate and, until we change the entire system, their current control over the world can only be maintained if these two factions work in harmony. Fortunately, for us, though, the Illuminati's downfall will come, in no small part, because of their incessant in-fighting!

So, the outwardly aggressive Military-Industrial, "Big Brother" Orwellian state, much like "every great man needs a woman behind him" (and this is 100% true), needs the passive, behind-the-scenes, Yin power of the Banking System, which provides the infinite energy (money) needed for the wars. And this is uncanny, because it fits in with the nature of feminine sexual energy, which is apparently unlimited, unlike the male Yang energy, which is finite and gets depleted easily.

We can easily see this Yin -Yang parallel played out in reality, as well: the power of the Illuminati Banks to create money is seemingly unlimited! It's like a bottomless well! And their Military-Industrial counterpart cannot function without the "fuel" (money) that the Banks provide. Inversely, the Money Power of the Banks is useless if it doesn't get utilized by the "hands-on" Orwellian Control State, much like a woman feels incomplete if she can't find an outlet to express her nurturing, "motherly" nature towards a man or a child. So the Nazis and the International Bankers both need each other, much in the same way that Masculine and Feminine energy, in this Dimension, is inextricably co-dependent and intertwined.

Thus was the relationship between Bankers and Nazis. It was more of an uneasy truce, really. But that truce ended, too, at some point, when Hitler foolishly decided he didn't need the Banks anymore.

I hope this sheds some light on this frustrating issue...