Bohemian Grove

I find it strange, even disturbing, that 10 years after Jones' Grove footage went online, people still don't seem to notice something is very wrong. Is it just me? Am I imagining things or is it true that about 98% of the planet is fast asleep 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week?? Nowhere on the net have I found a proper answer to the very legitimate question: "What the HELL is going on at Bohemian Grove?" And, believe me, I've looked! But there were no answers anywhere. There was plenty of bullshit, sure. But no answers. And, as much as I like complaining about the "sheeple" and their apathy and lack of interest in the things that count, I am not going to blame Mankind's ignorance this time. Something else is going on here. See, even the people that are supposed to know (the conspiracy theorists, the occult "experts", etc, etc) can't even give us a clear picture about the significance of that massive stone owl, the reason for the extreme secrecy of the whole thing and so on. And I won't even waste more than one sentence on the apologists and spin doctors, who came out and wrote articles about how the "cremation of Care" is a harmless fraternity ritual, blah, blah. Even the sheeple can see through "ruses" like that! But what is the most disturbing thing of all, is that not a single person in the alternative scene has even come close to explaining what the heck is going on in that place! The closest thing to an insight is David Icke's explanation of the owl symbolism and that it may have a connection to the god, Moloch, whom children were once sacrificed to. That's it! Out of a huge and diverse Alternative/New Age community, that's all we get! This disturbs me plenty, so this page intends to get to the bottom of all this, even if the answers end up coming exclusively through channeling. Let's see how Clinton reacts when someone mentions the Bohemian Grove to him, shall we:

What do they really do at Bohemian Grove?

I don't care if I am the only person in the world that is suspicious about the "harmless" Cremation of Care ritual, I will still keep voicing my concerns and will keep searching until I get a conclusive answer. What doesn't seem to bother a lot people, is the fact that the Elite are seen participating in a millennia old Babylonian ritual (or at least something that was modeled on a millennia old ritual). I have seen intelligent, well read people parroting the propaganda lines we are being fed, verbatim, almost as if they were listening to them on headphones, repeatedly every night, while sleeping. It's shocking to behold really smart people (that seem to know everything about the Elite's secrets, short of the actual locations of the Inner Earth entrances) who, yet, somehow are totally incapable of facing the gravity of the Bohemian Grove problem. Call me crazy but I can smell Black Magick from miles away, just by looking at the photos. Even though I have, I really didn't need to watch the Jones DVD! And the only person that got close to mentioning the Black Magick element in all of this, was Leo Zagami, who, of course, as a true insider, would know all to well that this is indeed the case. The rest of us, however, are fed the fairy-tales they want us to swallow, so they can continue to keep playing us like marionettes!