

1. You claim you are a channel. If we are to believe this, what or who do you channel then?

I first began channeling my Higher Self and later, as the connection deepened, I eventually came in contact with Christ Consciousness, which is one level up beyond our Higher Self.

I am well aware that there are famous channelers, who channel various beings and entities other than their own Higher Self. I was never interested in this and always worked toward strengthening the connection with my Higher Self and, in fact, highly recommend this to everyone.

2. Okay, I am prepared accept your material is really channeled but how can I be certain it is correct information? Is there a way to tell whether a medium/channeler is getting the right info?

Yes and no. As a matter of fact, I am my own biggest critic and I always question the information I receive. However, the amount of times that I have received confirmations that a reading is true, through amazing synchronicities has gradually made me more confident about the veracity of the readings. Another way to tell is if the reading just "feels right" when you hear it or read it. Every time I've heard or read a taped reading or an automatic writing I've just done, the information is always as new to me as to anyone else and always seems to make sense in a profound way. I always seem to use vocabulary that I never knew I had and construct sentences differently than I normally do, while in my normal waking consciousness. Additionally, I often get confirmation that certain things are true, through amazing and unexpected ways. For instance, many times, it has happened that, a few days after a reading, I would find something on the internet totally "by accident" where someone else is claiming the exact same thing that the reading brought through.

People who have had experience with synchronicity, will know exactly what I'm talking about. Those who have not are urged to follow the advice of the first you-tube video regarding "following the signs" of synchronicity, which is really our Higher Self trying to give us clues and nudges about certain things. Just like I have, you will also receive confirmations about whether or not my materials are genuine. That's why this synchronicity subject was covered the way it was in the first videos. Because even I stand to be judged by the test of synchronicity. If you keep getting "signs" that the material is bogus, then that is your experience and I am not allowed to interfere. But, ultimately, time will tell if it is all true or not and I am quite confident that I will be proven right in the end.

3. Alright, I believe your readings are for real. How do you do it though?

Firstly, it is very important to note that the readings are not "mine", for I am merely a messenger. Through years of diligent practice I have simply managed to work up to a point of spiritual clarity where I can now tap into that source from whence all channeled material comes. That is all a medium is, really. I meditated consistently, for years, and didn't give up when it got difficult so, eventually, it became really easy and then it became blissful and, finally, Meditation became a miraculous experience. So, after a certain point, psychic phenomena, like channeling, etc, became the norm for me. And this is exactly what many saints, mystics and masters have said about the different stages of Meditation too.

As to how I specifically get into that place, where I'm able to commune with the Christ, all I do is close my eyes and say a little prayer, that I usually say, and this puts me into an altered state. It helps if you do this straight after Meditation but, for some time now, I have been able to just slip into this altered state very easily.

4. I want to be a psychic too. Can anyone do it, or do I need to be special?

Basically every single medium that ever channeled the Higher Self or Christ Consciousness is merely a mouthpiece for God, so it's not the medium that is special but God. So no, you don't need to be special and anyone can do it. Of course, there are certain prerequisites in order to be able to do this, and the main thing is to be at an advanced level of spiritual development. To get to this level you must regularly practice Meditation or an other similar discipline.

5. If they are all channeling the same source, why do we need so many psychics then?

We all channel the same source, however, every individual channel shines the Light of God through their own unique prism, which is their Ego. So there is always a tinge of the medium's own interpretation of the Divine Truths they are bringing forth. This could be something as minor as the psychic's own unique speaking style or the fact that they may focus only on certain subjects because they have an affinity with these subjects during that particular incarnation.

This needs to be done because there are many different types of people in the world and, thus, it is necessary to have the same Higher Truths explained from different angles and perspectives, in order to cater for the great diversity on our planet. It is a good thing.

6. You seem to be very anti-Christian, yet, at the same time you speak favourably about Jesus and the Christ Consciousness. I can't understand how this could be. Isn't it a complete contradiction?

For someone who is hearing about the Christ Consciousness, Gnosticism, etc, for the first time it is understandable that they might be confused or offended with some of the things I say about Christianity. But, the truth is that the original Christian Teachings and what we know as Christianity today, are actually worlds apart. So, in my view, being anti-Christianity actually equates to being pro-Jesus. The only difference with me and people who cannot accept this, is that I have studied these things more and have seen that there is much proof out there that proves these claims are true. People are not told the truth, on purpose, so it is only a minority that manage to figure out these things and they often get attacked and ridiculed by the majority.

If you look into these things you will find the "truth is out there" but most people don't bother looking...

7. Even worse than your anti-Christian stance, is the claim that Jesus was, in fact, the "Western version of Buddha". How can you equate the Son of God with the Buddha? This is sacrilegious...

Just like I say in the previous question, people are not told these Truths from the normal channels of learning, so we are faced with a difficult situation where it is always a persecuted and misunderstood minority that picks up on these things, largely through their own investigative efforts. However with the advent of the internet it is now easier than ever to find these things out, but there are still many, many people that insist on remaining brainwashed sheep.

If people just stepped out of their "religious comfort zones" and studied the Major Religions with an open and detached mind, they would find many astonishing things out, one of them being that Jesus Christ actually studied in the East, under Buddhist and Yoga Masters, during His missing years (12 - 30yo) and that He knew Reincarnation is a fact of life, etc. These things have been proven for years now and are all over the internet, if one but looks. I haven't got the time to "prove" these claims on this site, since it is late as it is and the world needs to be told about these things ASAP! I am just spreading the Truth; it has already been proven that it's true by others and now simply needs to become mainstream knowledge!




Extra Info for the page

Zionism is a touchy and misunderstood subject, which automatically means it is something that needs to be covered on this site; a site that unabashedly intends to go wherever the clues lead us. And there are indeed many clues that suggest Zionism is one of the biggest players in the Illuminati charade!

And, just so we're clear, I'll cut to the chase from now and say: Zionism is NOT one and the same as the Illuminati!

While there are many who claim this on the net (and are labeled as Anti-Semites, of course, in an attempt to be silenced), I am certain that the Illuminati rabbit hole goes much, much deeper than Zionism! Because Zionism is but one face of the Illuminati.

And, as such, it definitely needs to be examined on this site...accusations of "Anti-Semitism" hurled by paranoid, brainwashed or ignorant people notwithstanding. Though mentioned often, throughout this site, I am compelled to repeat it again here:

This website was created to present the Truth about the main New Age/Alternative topics, because there is much disinformation, bad research and general confusion to be found on the internet. I wish to help clear this confusion

So I need to be left free and unrestricted to look into and investigate various things, on the journey to this "Truth", whatever it may turn out to be. And one of these "various things" is Zionism. Whoever doesn't agree with this, there are plenty of other sites to check out, so be my guest and google something else. Those who do agree, however, and have the courage and open-mindedness to treat Zionism as just another topic (which is how it should be), can be certain that we will leave no stone unturned in this section, because I have noticed that too many "researchers" appear to be ignoring the "Zionist Connection" for one reason or another. Not me.

Below, at about 5:00 minutes, one of the Rabbis starts explaining how equating Judaism with Zionism is a grave mistake that, unfortunately, reflects badly on all Jews. These two videos are the perfect openers for this section because I WANT PEOPLE TO UNDERSTAND VERY CLEARLY THAT BY INVESTIGATING AND/OR CRITICIZING ZIONISM IT DOES NOT, BY DEFAULT, MEAN THAT I AM CRITICIZING JEWS AS A WHOLE. The ultimate defense of this statement is, of course, the fact that a Rabbi (of all people) admits and insists that Zionism has nothing whatever to do with authentic Judaism and was created, as he says between 9:05 - 9:15: "by non-religious Jews...it is Godless, in its essence".