Scientology's war on Psychiatry

The controversy continues on this site, as I now boldly proclaim that: yes, Scientology is actually doing the right thing in fighting Psychiatry!When I was younger I thought that most people would, by default, automatically realize that Psychiatry is a dangerous, ineffective falsehood but I was later proven wrong. A big reason for this, is the fact that I have been living in Melbourne, Australia for the last 13 years and not in Greece. What I mean by this, is that, sadly, I realized that in countries like Australia, UK, USA, etc, people unfortunately DO NOT automatically realize that Psychiatry is, pretty much, complete and utter bullshit! No, instead, they need someone like Ron Hubbard to TELL THEM THE BLEEDIN' OBVIOUS! Truly, this is how far gone the "great" West is. I have a very interesting story to relay to you regarding all this:You see, my mother (due to growing up in a poverty stricken, post-war Greece) didn't have the opportunity to receive a proper education, so she ended up only with a primary school education and had to go and work in the fields, to help the family, after that. This was a common occurrence in the 40ies and 50ies, so many people (especially women) who grew up then, did not get the benefits of a High School education.(And, while this is beside the point, I feel I need to mention that it's also the main reason why the Greek immigrants that moved to America, Germany, Australia in the 50ies and 60ies were, on the whole, uneducated and are not at all representative of what the average Greek person, from Greece, is like today. Modern Greeks are highly educated these days!)I assure you, this story has everything to do with Psychiatry, so please bear with me...You see, growing up in a Greek environment, and especially spending my teenage years in Greece (where the real Greeks are), exposed me to certain ideas, conversations, etc, that are commonly held between Greeks. And one of these beliefs was that Psychiatry is TOTAL BULLSHIT. This is something that I used to talk about even with my mother (an uneducated woman, for Christ's sake!) and, looking back on it now, I can clearly see that she seems to have more wisdom than many "educated" Westerners on this issue.

So, until I returned to Melbourne in '96, I took it for granted that everyone knew that Psychiatry was a joke. And I mean everyone! Everyone in the world. I mean, if even my mother (who was no brain-surgeon) knew it was a pseudoscience, I thought that everyone else would realize it too. But, I learned the cold, hard truth that the Western world (while it invented "the West", Greece is not included in this list of countries) was totally oblivious to all of this.

Even that cousin of mine, who had first introduced me to Holosync (I talk about this in the Introduction page), had a very hard time understanding that "taking pills" for various mental illnesses was totally destructive. In my early days in Melbourne, he had a girlfriend that was on "medication" and I had attempted to advise him against this. The first couple of years, it felt like I was "a voice in the wilderness"; he just couldn't see where I was coming from. Ten years later, however, he is now lending me David Icke DVDs. The point I am trying to make, is that people in First World countries are conditioned into believing Psychiatrists are actually the "good guys". And, often, it takes a lot of work to convince these people of the BLATANTLY OBVIOUS.

Let me tell you, I don't believe there can be a more pronounced way to become aware of the Mass Brainwashing Operation being perpetrated against the West, than by suddenly moving to Australia (or any one of the first world nations) after being in a country like Greece for a decade. For whoever has watched the Matrix movies, think of the experience as very similar to being shoved back into the Matrix, after you've been unplugged for 10 years! And, for all the Aussies reading this, please do not think it's specifically a criticism against Australia (God forbid if you criticize and Australian, right? The term "constructive criticism" is mysterious-sounding, gibberish in this country) But I should think that all the first world countries are generally like this, when it comes to blindly believing whatever their TV sets, doctors and teachers tell them to believe.

So, as far as my position towards the Scientology vs. Psychiatry war goes, all I care to tell you is that IT IS NOT a "Scientology thing" to be anti-Psychiatry (because you do see asinine opinions, like this, on the net) but a "normal human being thing" to be against Psychiatry.

Because, unfortunately, many people have it the other way around: i.e, they believe that Scientology makes a person "anti-Psychiatry" when, in actual fact, it is the person that is interested in Scientology because they realize that this group seems to specifically cater for people that have already been "unplugged" from the Matrix to some degree, through their own effort. This would explain, of course, why people who are just not ready for Hubbard's info, will simply never get it, no matter what.

See, I am saying all this because that's how I became drawn to Hubbard's teachings, when I was younger, as well. It wasn't a case of "being brainwashed" was rather a case of me checking the stuff out and realizing that this guy was on to something. Certainly though, I have to make very clear to my readers, that it is just ONE OF MANY things I have studied. But I can promise you I will never speak ill of it. That's for sure! I care not what the Mass Media say about them and all these "experts" on you tube. It is simply something close to my heart and I will always say positive things about it. That's all there is to it. I recommend Holosync, and other things, much in the same fashion...I am not selling anything here. Just giving credit where it's due.

Why did Hubbard hate Psychiatrists so much?

Citizens Commission on Human Rights