IV. Hollywood

There is much said about television on sites like mine. We all talk about how it is used to hypnotize us and how it is designed to put the viewer into an Alpha Brainwave state -the state of light Meditation, where the person is more susceptible to accept the programming. A very interesting article about this can be found here. However, since the information on this site is a combination of research (such as reading links like the one above) and my intuitive messages, I need to get into the metaphysical aspect of television/cinema and explain how it fits in with the big picture of the Illuminati Agenda. Ultimately the conspiracy is orchestrated from a Higher Dimensional perspective, so the medium of the television and cinema screen is just a 3D counterpart to this Control Game we are subjected to by these Dark Entities and their Human Hosts. While I don't necessarily subscribe to all of his religious ideas, I really cannot put it better than the guy in the video below. He has some very interesting information about how Hollywood and Television are basically a Mass Hypnosis Operation! Prepare to be stunned...out of your Deep Sleep.