I. What is Automatic Writing?

Out of all these different types of potential "powers" I seem to have eventually settled on (and specialized in) Automatic Writing and, to a lesser degree, Trance Channelling. As can be seen from a cursory glance at my You Tube Channel, while there are quite a few videos of me doing Trance Channelling (most notably the Reptilian-Human Galactic War) there are even more that revolve around Automatic Writings. The first ones I did were the 3 "teasers" (i.e.: smaller writings) Truth About 2012, Atlantean Origins of the Illuminati and Possession and the Nature of Time. And, from the outset, they were actually written as if they were addressing a You Tube audience. Yes, you read that right: incredible as it may seem, The Truth About 2012, which is the first Automatic Writing I did that wasn't for personal reasons (I have been doing Automatic Writing since mid-2004 and, from day one, the writings displayed an astonishing, if wildly varying, degree of accuracy), was ACTUALLY written from the outset as if it was addressing a You Tube audience! As I wrote it, I was amazed when I realized what was going on.

Those of you who know how Automatic Writing works will know that things just "come out" on their own. What happens is that the person doing the writing hasn't got the slightest clue what it is going to be about - the Higher Self simply takes over and you just write (or type) without knowing what will come next. Even when the Automatic Writing is about a question the person has asked their Higher Self, regarding a personal issue they are facing, they can never know what the answer will be. This is the nature of the Higher Self - God works in mysterious ways, so you never know what you will get! This is providing, of course, that you ask for the appropriate protection before you do any writings, channellings, etc. By this I mean that the person attempting to do Automatic Writing or Channelling MUST absolutely ask for protection before they begin. Who you call on for protection is entirely up to you: it could be whatever deity you believe is the highest expression of the Infinite, but it is highly recommended that the Archangel Michael is called upon for protection, as He is, after all, the Protector of all Light Workers and the leader of both the Archangels and the Seraphim (Seraph means "fiery one" and the level of the Seraphim is the Heavenly Realm that is second only to the Absolute, where God dwells). And, of course, it goes without saying that this has nothing to do with "religion" or "faith". Whether you are a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Gnostic, a Christian, a Methodist, a Baptist, a Scientologist, a Thelemite, a Jew, a Freemason, a Satanist, a Wiccan, a Theosophist, an Anthroposophist, a Rosicrucian, a Rastafarian, a Muslim, a Zoroastrian, an Atheist...or even a frickin' Jedi, the fact remains that there are certain Higher Truths in this Universe; certain constants. And one of these Higher Truths is that there are Higher Realms. And, also, that we have been contacted repeatedly from these Higher Realms by various Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and so forth. So, asking for protection from the Archangels before undertaking any type of Spiritual Work should not be seen in a religious light at all. It is merely the practical and wise thing to do, that is all.

Automatic writing is...Those of us who have "awoken" have certain gifts that come with it, which help us greatly in our quest to find Truth. And, more importantly, we have a responsibility to use those gifts in order to help the world at large. As most readers may already know, the fact is that as a person's connection to their Higher Self (this is your highest Spiritual aspect, your direct connection to the Godhead; the masses are largely unaware of this deeper/higher Spiritual Self, which is buried underneath many layers of Mind -both Conscious and Subconscious- much like Russian dolls are set up, one inside the other: the very last doll would be the Divine Spark within, which was clouded by the illusory veil of Self) gradually becomes stronger, this invariably results in an array of abilities manifesting, like being able to: see Visions, do Trance Channellings, Automatic Writings, Hands on Healing, Mind Reading, Clairvoyance, etc.

Many New Agers seem to believe that it's not necessary to ask for protection because they confuse true Automatic Writing with "free association", a process in which the Subconscious is simply allowed to regurgitate information stored deep inside it. The former comes from a higher place...the latter comes from a lower aspect of ourselves, however. With free association, the Spiritual component is not stressed at all and doesn't play any part in it, so the results are almost never impressive. In all cases it can be proven that the information in the writing comes from knowledge already stored in the person's memory, in the Subconscious Mind. You are never told anything new, really. It could be something you read, or heard, years ago and have forgotten about. And it now surfaces in the "writing". So, of course, approaching Automatic Writing this way garners very limited, finite results because the person is only taping into their memory and not into the Universal Mind.

A person that has been engaging in free association writing, for a time, believing it to be genuine Automatic Writing is always very surprised to discover the huge difference between the two techniques, when he/she finally does a true Automatic Writing. The difference is enormous and the dead give-away that proves a writing is stemming from a Higher Source, is when you get accurate information that there is NO way you could've known about. This is what gradually started happening to me, with my writings. They were becoming frighteningly accurate: I was being told things about other people that there was no way I could know, very accurate predictions about my life were being made and so on. In early 2005, I began hearing voices; that was the next level up, if you will. It was very challenging to get used to it, at first, and also a little scary. But, then I got used to it and it became the norm. I hear voices now all the time. When I go shopping, when I work, when I interact with people, etc, etc. I am constantly guided on what to buy, how to talk to people, what to do, etc. My God, can you imagine how blunt I would be, if I didn't have the "Voice" constantly warning me to be nice, or to shut up, or whatever. Well, it doesn't work all the time, let me tell you. We all have our Egos, so (especially being a Sagittarian Moon) I have quite a difficult time telling people white lies - I am notoriously blunt and can be argumentative if I am convinced there is a good reason to argue. I have had my share of arguments in You Tube comments with "unspiritual" people, against my better judgement. But, nevertheless, the "Voice" seems to have saved my neck untold numbers of times. Now that it has become a natural part of my life, I have a much better understanding of it.

The way I see it, it is just a higher vibration of Conscious Mind. As in, instead of "thinking" of something through, with our logic and reasoning faculties, thoughts instead just instantly "pop in" to our Conscious Awareness without us having to go through the often arduous/draining process of analysing a situation. Call it Intuition, or whatever, but that's what it amounts to: a Higher Order of thinking. Think of it as being a more direct connection to the place whence ALL Thought emanates from. So, of course, you get thoughts "beamed" into your Conscious Awareness by the Universal Mind. The fact that these spontaneous thoughts often appear fully formed and appear to have a mind of their own, is the reason why people call them "voices". But they're not really voices, per se, because this sounds like the person is crazy or something (of course, there ARE people who are crazy and hear voices, but this is a topic for another page however). When it comes from a Higher Source, you have a say in it and you can control it completely. Some "voices" may be persistent sometimes, when it has to do with something important your Higher Self wants to address, but you always have a CHOICE. You can answer back, have a two way conversation and tell the "voice" that you don't want to do what it suggests, or whatever the case may be. It's okay...it won't make you kill your neighbour, in retaliation for not listening to it. But, still, even when the voices do come from a Higher Source, they seem to have a mind of their own (no pun intended).

You might say that it could be Entities outside of yourself that are "beaming" the thoughts in your head. While this can and does happen sometimes, the fact is that it doesn't happen in the majority of cases. When a person is highly Spiritually Advanced and reaches this point of hearing voices, what they are actually doing is CONSCIOUSLY participating in the Higher Self's constant communication with the person's Mind. Minus Enlightenment, the person is ordinarily completely unaware of the presence of their Higher Self. As you engage in Spiritual Work, over time (usually many successive lifetimes) you slowly strip away the layers of Illusion, of the Ego - the very thing that keeps us trapped in the Five-Sense World! Eventually the person will begin to communicate with the Higher Self through a variety of ways. Initially it begins with synchronicities and then builds to more profound experiences. In the more advanced stages the communication becomes ever more direct. The hearing of "voices" is in this category. It should not at all be considered as something "paranormal". As was said earlier, it is just the person becoming consciously aware of the workings of the Higher Self.

The accepted theory about the Higher Self is that it is an immortal, all-knowing sphere of Divine Light that is somewhere above our heads (or deep inside us, depending on which analogy you prefer best) and is the true Source of all our Life, Mind, personality...everything. It is our TRUE self; without it we would be dead. Or, to put it better, we actually ARE the Higher Self but we are unaware of this truth, however. The Higher Self idea is very much in line with the basic concept of The Matrix film, i.e.: we are only a shadow of our true self, which is laying dormant, while we live in a simulated reality that we believe to be the ONLY reality. And only around 1% of the population manages to break free from this mental prison. So, now, if we take the Higher Self theory to be true (hint: it is), we can see that any thoughts we have are not really "our own" in the Ego sense. They are not truly from the Ego, or from our waking Conscious Mind. We only think that they are because we are not aware of the Higher Self's true role in our thought processes. So, when psychics claim to hear voices, most people think they're "crazy". The truth of the matter is that the psychic hearing voices has tapped more directly into the Higher Self and is thus able to more clearly see the "inner workings" of their Higher Self, whereas most other people are totally oblivious to it. The closest thing most people ever come to connecting with their Higher Self is when they get a "gut feeling". And, even then, most ignore it choosing instead to listen to their "logic".

Where I'm finally getting at with this, is that this explains why the "voices" appear to have a mind of their own. It's the same whether one is demonically possessed or Enlightened. In both cases the voices seem to have an independent will of their own. The explanation in the case of possession is because they come from malevolent Lower Astral Entities, who wish to destroy the person. In the case of the reverse happening, however, you may ask why the voices appear to be independent. This is an issue that makes many people suspect. They find it disconcerting that various famous psychics claim to get "messages" and "voices", etc, which appear to come out of nowhere... out of the "ethers". Well, I feel I must correct this fallacy, for it is a great misunderstanding and it causes many people to stay away from Spiritual Work out of dogmatic fear. The voices do not come "out of the ethers" but they come from the Universal Mind, an Infinite Mind which the Higher Self is directly connected to. And the reason that they seem to be independent (and thus, upon first examination, seemingly from an exterior source completely outside of the person's control) is because we erroneously believe that the Conscious Mind is independent. You see, cut off as we are from the Higher Self, we wrongly believe that our Conscious Mind thinks and functions entirely of its OWN volition! When somebody occasionally peers beneath the Veil of the Mind and they find the Higher Self actually pulling the strings, it seems very strange at first. You think to yourself: "Where on earth are these voices coming from? How do they know all this stuff?". So you think they are probably coming from outside of you somewhere. I never did think this, of course, when it happened to me because I knew what was going on from having studied all of this stuff for years beforehand. But I'm talking about society, at large. We have been brought up to think that our Conscious Mind is all there is to it, when, in truth, it is JUST the tip of a Cosmic Iceberg...a tiny fragment of the Universal Mind, the God-Mind.

So, really, the reason the "voices" appear to have a will and a mind of their own (again, no pun intended) is because they ACTUALLY hail from the original source that our "will" and "thoughts" come from. Think of the Higher Self as a Director and our Egos are all actors in a movie. Becoming Enlightened (partially or fully) is like going "behind the scenes" and meeting the Director and seeing how the movie was made. So, through a stronger connection with the Higher Self we are able to more fully become aware of the inner workings of our Mind and realize that there is actually something else behind our Conscious Awareness that is running the show. All the ideas, inspirations, gut feelings, inventions, artistic creativity, etc, that people get come from their Higher Selves. But whenever we get a "flash of inspiration" we never question the whys and hows, do we? We never say: "Where did that come from? Is someone beaming thoughts into my head? Was that a telepathic transmission from Sam, the neighbour's dog?" No, we don't really say that do we? But, when it comes to "hearing voices" people start to suddenly get worried. Why should this be any different. The only difference is that the message is coming in a more refined vibration. So, instead of being just a vague gut feeling, or an idea, you get specific words and instructions given to you. It is simply a more refined way of communicating with your Higher Self.

I felt it was paramount to explain this issue not least because FAR too many Indigo and Crystal Children are being diagnosed as being "schizophrenic" (this is just a stupid, erroneous label used by psychiatry because they CANNOT understand the Mind to save their lives! The reason for this abject ignorance is that they do not take Spirit into account in their attempt to deal with "mental problems") and this and that, just because they claim to hear voices. This is nothing short of criminal and the world needs to be woken up to this reality! If you know somebody that has been hearing voices and is worried about being crazy or "schizophrenic" or "delusional", please show them this article and, hopefully, it will help them dispel any myths about hearing voices and being psychic. Also, humanity in general needs to understand what the Higher Self is all about and people need to get used to the fact that the planet is fast becoming psychic! Soon nearly everybody will be hearing "voices" and we damn well can't put ALL of them in psychiatric hospitals! Humanity is evolving into becoming psychic (all this really means is that we are reaching higher vibrations of awareness; it's nothing paranormal, nor should it be considered as such) and we better get used to it because we CANNOT stop it now...thank God.

Okay, now that this is out of the way, we can move on with my story...

Eventually, I reached the point where I began doing Trance Channellings, in mid 2007. This was, again, the "next level" for me. At that point I cut down on Automatic Writing considerably and went a little too overboard with the channellings. I recorded 4 or 5 sessions (someone else -Cheryle Biggs, who I lived with at the time- was present during the first two and the rest I did alone, speaking into the tape recorder, while under a trance) on a Sony tape recorder and I got overexcited about them; in fact, I became obsessed. They were pretty long (averaging 4 hrs) sessions and, what's worse, I would usually stay up all night after recording a session, listening to it obsessively, since the info on these tapes was as new to me as it would be to anyone listening to it. Some of the information was mind blowing! In no way am I showing off by saying this because I don't actually take credit for any info in my writings or channellings. These things are from God, from the Higher Self and they are for a greater purpose. When psychics charge for their various books, CDs, etc, I suppose it is a way for them to get reimbursed for the time/energy they they put into producing them and also a Karmic reward of sorts for all the time and sacrifices that were needed, in order to reach an advanced Spiritual level. So, even though I and others (the genuine ones) should do well to not get caught up in their Egos over their amazing "paranormal" powers, I guess it is acceptable to make a living from our books...even though, paradoxically, at the same time we always claim that the info is "not our own". In a sense it is not but, in another sense, the person did a lot of work (in more than one lifetime, mind you) in order to become a suitable vehicle for the Divine Knowledge they are now transmitting. So that is what psychics, channellers, researchers, etc, are paid for and not so much for the information itself, which is, in fact, free and "there for the taking". The problem, however, is that 99% of people do NOT take the Divine Knowledge because it requires a lot of guts and work to get to the stage where you can "freely receive it" from your own Higher Self. It is certainly easier said than done, so that's why there are very few David Ickes, or David Wilcocks at this point in time on our beautiful world...but, as we said earlier, it won't stay that way for long. Everyone will be psychic soon!

These people are blueprints, if you will, of how the average person will be in, let's say, 50 years time. Until then, I guess their books and DVDs will have great value for the planet since they will assist people in advancing quicker. We can't all become Enlightened overnight suddenly. It happens in waves. First there were the very, very few, before even Aquarius officially began. Figures like Gurdjieff, Blavatsky, Crowley, Steiner, William Walker Atkinson. These great luminaries sowed the seeds for what would later become the Self-Help explosion and the Flower Power movement of the 50ies and 60ies. The main figures in these movements were L.Ron Hubbard, America's favourite Self-help guru of the 50ies (and, also, most misunderstood person of the early 21st century, a title that Crowley proudly held in the previous one) and Timothy Leary, who, while he was a genius in his own way and had a great vision, was essentially a disgrace to Librans everywhere and, quite frankly, would've been much better off following some of Hubbard's advice about the negative effects of hallucinogens. In short, Leary's LSD experiments that began in the 50ies, were the main cause of the disaster that was the apathetic, drug infused 70ies! Many Hippies may object to my attitude. Well, they have the right to their opinions...but, then again, so do I.

Anyway, the point is that both these men were primarily influenced by Aleister Crowley, as was the entire New Age Movement in general. However, it is abundantly clear now that, out of the two, Hubbard was the one who understood Crowley much better, as we can plainly see from this truly idiotic statement by Leary. Every respectable New Ager knows (or should know, anyway) that "Do what thou wilt is absolutely NOT the whole of the Law"!! it is only half the equation. So people like Leary ruined everything and alloyed Crowley's intended message, which actually had everything to do with how mankind can best connect with the Higher Self and nothing whatsoever to do with creating a society of drugged out, apathetic "flower children", who did whatever the hell they pleased and didn't want to get a job! Whether this was intentional or from ignorance, I dare not say. But I will say this: how could a Harvard scholar, like Leary, be stupid? This does not seem possible, so I find it quite suspect as to why Leary would deliberately turn Crowley's Law of Thelema upside down and present it to the unthinking masses as something it is certainly not. Anyway, I'll leave it to you to research this further on your own, if you haven't studied Crowley before.

In any case, since Hubbard could be correctly considered, by any self-respecting occultist and/or New Ager, to be Crowley's true spiritual successor -since Hubbard's own work appears to be the most successful and workable attempt at both expanding on Crowley's original theories and, most importantly, making them palatable enough for "public consumption"- he understandably influenced an endless array of other authors, gurus and researchers (far too numerous to list all of them here here but I may create a page, and/or video about this in future), whether they were consciously aware of the Crowley connection or not. Just to give you an example, diverse and fascinating figures such as Adi Da, Ian Xel Lungold, and Peter Moon and had their early New Age foundations in Hubbard's Eastern-influenced teachings. So, the net effect of the aforementioned gurus and an endless host of others, many of whom were Indian expatriates travelling to the West, to promote Eastern Spirituality, like the unsurpassable Paramahansa Yogananda, eventually created the circumstances that made the First Wave of Indigos possible.

After this, we had people like Neale Donald Walsch, author of the Conversations with God series, James Redfield author of the Celestine Prophecy books, Gregg Braden and last, but certainly not least, the ever fascinating reptile-buster himself, David Icke, who is almost mainstream nowadays and is a very close contender for stealing the Most Misunderstood Person of the Century Award, from Ron Hubbard, who has held it for a record 62 years! Also, how can we forget the amazing and beloved Deepak Choprah? The guy who married hard "science" (he began his career as an MD) with Spirituality, proving that this dribble that laughably passes as science, in today's "higher" learning institutions can co-exist just fine with Higher Cosmic Science...er, I meant to say Spirituality since they are actually the same thing! All these great authors either became well known or started out in the 90ies and it was during that time that the New Age philosophies started to break out of the mainstream.

So, now, fast forward 20 years ahead and we are at the eve of December 2012! What a fascinating time in which to be alive! And what we are actually witnessing happening now, all around the world, is pretty much what was foreseen in the visions of John of Patmos, the author of the Book of Revelation, Nostradamus and many other prophets that are less well known to us. This is a period of great upheaval on the planet, sure, but lasting change is not possible without upheaval. In order to change your bedsheets, for instance, you need to turn all the blankets, pillows, etc, upside down. There is no way to expect any great and lasting change, without turning the status quo completely on its head first! And this is happening, all around us, as I now write these words. Whether it is partly planned by the PTB, due to their strict adherence to the Hegelian maxim of Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis, which is sort of a more sophisticated version of Icke's "Problem, Reaction, Solution" idea, or is mainly happening as a result of the changeover between Pisces and Aquarius, it doesn't really matter. Because if it is mainly caused by the Hidden Elite, then we already know they are doing it (thanks to the proliferation of conspiracy theories on the internet) so we will be able to deal with them should they indeed try to implement the Global Fascist State. On the other hand, if all our notions about a monstrous conspiracy that seeks to control everything, and has been going on since before the beginning of official history, are proven to be an over-exaggeration after all, then this is very good news indeed. Either way, we win! In the end we will either a) reclaim the planet from the hands of the blood-thirsty, demonized Illuminati Overlords or b) even better, we might realize that they never really owned it, in the first place, and we just THOUGHT they did! In any case, "we the people" are soon to come out on top at the end of all this...but not without going through a little bit more turmoil first.

You might say that we've already had enough...that we're at the end of our collective ropes, so to speak. So why, then, should Mother Earth suffer even more? When will this finally end? you may ask. After all, we've had to endure the The Global Financial Crisis, the proliferation of drugs (both illegal and of prescribed, the latter of which is the worse of the two), ridiculously blatant false flag operations, like 9/11 (and the ensuing War on "Terror" to go with it), growing restlessness and crime rates, general instability and so on. Well, all these things are "negative", I suppose, if seen in a certain light...but so is the terrible physical pain associated with giving birth to a new born baby! I bet you can't remember the last time you heard a pregnant woman say: "Jesus, I just can't wait to get those labor pains! I've been looking forward to the pain and anguish...oh, and especially that bit where my private parts are being stretched out 10 times their natural size, as if God was playing a practical joke on all womankind when he designed our bodies!"

Sure, that may be a funny example (except for readers that have recently given birth...sorry), but it illustrates perfectly what is occurring on our world at this very moment: we are living through Mother Earth's birth pangs! "And what is it exactly that our planet is giving birth to?", you may rightfully ask. Well, it is a new civilization. As is the case with all births, a certain amount of pain is unavoidable for humanity, while we make this great transition into the Aquarian Age.

But before we move on, it would be good to mention some positive things that are also happening to counterbalance all this too:

There is the fantastic Occupy Wall Street, incredible scientific breakthroughs, the internet and the freedom of expression it gives us, the mass influx of Indigo and Crystal Children, etc, etc.

So, even though this is not over, you should know that the worst of it is past us now and that we can make the transition much smoother if we decide to. And the most important thing we can do in order to help make this transition as smooth as possible is this:


Because -and make no mistake about it- the New Aeon (or New Age. Aeon simple means "age") WILL come. In actual fact, it is already here! And the Mayan end time date of December 2012 simply signifies the time when the masses will simply become AWARE that Aquarius has been here all along. For the underlying essence of the Aquarian Age is not about dates and times and aeons and ages...it merely has to do with a state of Mind...a state of being. The state of being one with God the Creator, the state of merging with our Higher Selves. Yet, paradoxically, we have always been one with our Higher Selves, since the beginning of time...haven't we? So, why, then, do we need to wait for a specific date for the Aquarian Age to "commence"? You are, will be and always have been one with the Creator and all that exist...and that has never changed. All that happened is that we forgot that this was so.




What became of the trance channellings from '07

Initially I imagined that I was supposed to somehow get them out into the public and, so, I spent much time and burnt much midnight oil trying to transcribe them and make them into some sort of book. I scrapped these plans eventually because I decided the channellings weren't "good enough" or genuine enough, or whatever. So I stopped all of it and went through a dormant phase for a while. Many sensitives go through this same thing. First, we discover all these amazing automatic writing and channelling abilities and, then, after getting overly obsessed and caught up in them way too much, we go through a quiet period, in which we need grounding, in order to get "back down to earth". So, I went through this from about mid 2008 till mid 2009. It didn't stop completely, of course. There were always things happening. There were little channelling sessions here and there, I even communicated with a deceased person, John Edward-style, once (it was the second time overall though), but the obsession had begun to die away and I wouldn't just sit there all night and listen to my old trance channelling tapes wishing I could share all this awesome info with the world. I was over them. They may see the light of day, sometime, who knows? But, as of the time of this writing (28/06/12), there are still no plans to get those old channellings out there. This whole situation ended up burning me out, so I decided to forget about these recordings altogether.

However, the abilities remained and especially the Automatic Writing side of it became stronger. The channelling and automatic writing ability is what put the "icing on the cake" to the decade of regular research that I had done on these topics, since my early 20ies. So, for the past 4, 5 years I have been given a steadily increasing amount of astonishing information that sends me ever "deeper down the rabbit hole" with each new Automatic Writing/Channelling that I get.

And while I'm almost always skeptical about the info, upon receiving it, it has been extremely rare not to be given some kind of confirmation via an uncanny synchronicity of some kind. The synchronicities always happen days -or even weeks- after I receive the message. The usual thing that happens is that I will be reading or listening to something on the net and, at some point, the article/video says the exact same thing that I was told in the guided message, days or even weeks previously! This has happened to me so many times now, that I have come to trust that the messages I receive are genuine.