
Illuminati: basically rich punks that are raping the planet because they only care about accumulating more wealth and power, to the detriment of everything & everyone around them. However it gets a little bit deeper than this so, in this section, we will deal with this group exhaustively and will provide damning information about them that hasn't seen the light of day ANYWHERE ELSE until now! I will give a brief introduction on this main page and the sub-pages will each focus on specific aspects of the issue, in great depth.

As is customary on this site, I have an informative introductory video or two, for you to look at first, in order to get an idea of what we will discuss. Since this particular topic is the most vital and serious one, I have posted the second part of the interview, as well, to make it easier for you. It is highly recommended that you please listen to all five parts of this interview on you tube, and, I guarantee you, if you haven't heard about these things before, you will certainly be shocked beyond belief!

Judging from certain personal experiences, information I have gotten through channelings, and all the research I have done on this topic, I am convinced that this "Mr. X", being interviewed here, is the real deal! Shocking as it is, he is telling us the truth.

Next, Leo Zagami is just being Leo Zagami. Two words: absolutely phenomenal!

This next video is also fantastic, as it is one of the very few I have seen on you tube that actually get it right. Note how the narrator mentions there is a deliberate conspiracy to discredit the existence of Jesus and also notes that the Occult is not all 100% bad:

Who Are They Really?

The simple (and, most likely, shocking) answer to the question "who or what, exactly, are the Illuminati?" is that they are Elite generational families of Black Magicians that control the majority of the planet in secret. Another word we can use to describe them is: Satanists, since the terms "Satanist" and "Black Magician" are synonymous. And the reason that this sounds like high fantasy to most, is because the Education Systems and Religions of the Western world (which they both control) have convinced us that these things aren't real. Think about it: if you were the Illuminati wouldn't you do the same thing? While it may be difficult to digest for someone that's hearing this for the first time, the goal of this section is to prove, in a step by step fashion, that this is what we are indeed faced with on earth, however bizarre it may, at first, appear to the newcomer. As I mentioned above, the only real obstacle to accepting all of this as being fact, is the RELENTLESS BRAINWASHING we are all subjected to, 24 hrs a day, from all corners by: Education, Religion, as well as the Mass Media. Have you ever wondered why you never hear anything (at least never anything positive) about the Higher Spiritual realities from these three institutions? The best you can ever expect from TV, is shows like Penn & Teller: Bullsh*t, which try real hard to convince us there is nothing outside our five-sense reality and work to reinforce the already extremely materialistic world-view that has been pushed on us by the other two institutions! Stay with me for a while, and you'll begin to see how this could be very plausible and maybe even true ( is!). What I am trying to convince you of, is that there is this ultra-secret organization, behind the scenes, that knows all about the reality of the Spiritual world, yet is trying to render us ignorant of this reality. Naturally, if you are reading something like this for the first time, you would ask me: "Okay, but how could they pull something this big off? It's incomprehensible!" And I would say to you: "Of course it is! If it was easy to see through, then we would already know and I -and others like me- wouldn't need to be telling people, in the first place!"

See, the number one problem with all of this is that the techniques they use in their MASS BRAINWASHING OPERATION are so refined and successful that the end result is a populace that cannot see through the brainwashing (at least the vast majority can't, anyway). That's how Mind Control works: if you knew you were being brainwashed, it wouldn't have an effect on you! And since, of course, the majority of the West does not know it's being systematically brainwashed, we are faced with a very difficult and frustrating scenario, where it often takes a lot of effort to get through to people regarding these things.

Regardless, the truth of the matter is that there are Higher Spiritual realities and we are not given any information regarding these things, from the official channels. Some might wonder why I included Religion as part of the Global Brainwashing Machine, since Religion does purport to concern itself mainly with matters of the Spirit, after all. That it does, to be sure. However this doesn't mean that it imparts us any Spiritual Knowledge of note. And, since the Illuminati cancer has spread mainly in the West, we will concentrate on the Western Major Religions, of which there is really only one: Christianity! No matter how many people may protest against this, the truth is that this institution has been the Illuminati Black Magicians' greatest Mind Control tool of all time.

You need to understand that the terms Religion and Spirituality ARE NOT SYNONYMOUS! We have been deceived, if we think that being religious is the same as being spiritual. A spiritual person need not be "religious" and it is blatantly obvious that the majority of religious people aren't the least bit spiritual; many are just hypocrites who don't care about anyone other than themselves and their immediate family! Actually the Illuminati, themselves, behave in much the same way...only they are much more powerful than the average person, which is why they are a menace.

Being spiritual means just that: to have a keen interest in spiritual matters and to actively seek out Spiritual Knowledge and means to connect with the Divine, throughout your life. I have yet to meet a "devout Christian" that fits this definition properly. Are you beginning to see the problem now? While this may come as quite a shock to many (actually the underlying purpose of this website -as expressly stated in the Introduction- is to, in fact, shock people out of their Mass Hypnosis!), the sad fact we are all faced with, is that Christianity was designed to actually bar the doors to Spiritual Knowledge shut, more than anything! People may complain, but I would really like those people to tell me if there was another purpose behind the Holy Roman Inquisition aside from eradicating all traces of Spiritual Knowledge from the public's hands (feel free to email me about this, and I will post the most fun exchanges somewhere on the site). However, since this page is just a general outline, for a more in-depth look at how and why Christianity was really created, please click here.

Next, we must examine the most pivotal of all Illuminati subjects: what exactly is their understanding of the Spiritual world?

Surely, Black Magick isn't it?

Every time a well-meaning researcher exposes the Elite's political machinations and similar things, people generally agree and listen, because it is so obvious that "where there is smoke, there is fire". And, by this, I mean that people can already see that there is something very wrong with Politics, Big Business, etc, so they can readily accept that there is a "conspiracy of sorts" being carried out amongst the various allied factions of Globalist Billionaires. However, once you start telling people about the "supernatural" element of the whole problem the positive responses you get are, all of a sudden, very markedly reduced! The iconic David Icke has faced the same problem (with the whole "reptilian thing" he talks about) as well as countless others, who all seem to hit a huge wall whenever they even begin to venture into territory outside this Third Dimensional prison we call five-sense reality! Before we go any further, please check out this very informative article about the Illuminati by Wes Penre of