What do they control?

Basically, they control every important power structure except for the Internet and our Minds. Of course, with the constant Brain-Washing we are bombarded with and the fact that they control both the Education Systems and the Mental Health Industry...our Minds are not much use to us at the moment!

The Internet, however, which cannot really be owned by any one individual or group and cannot really be slowed down or stopped, is our most valuable tool!

Here we will cover, in great detail, all the different institutions the Illuminati have managed to gain control over and which they use to further solidify their wealth and power by causing untold chaos and conflict in the world, to the detriment of us all...



The Banking institution is one of the keys of Illuminati power and is one of the systems that that the Aquarian Age energies are fast working to bringing down!

Within the International Banking circles, you will always find their "trusty side-kicks", from the Military-Industrial Complex, who work hand in hand with the Bankers... Basically, the way it works is like this: the Banksters provide all the Money and their Military-Industrial stooges organize all the Wars. In the process, they both become more rich and powerful than they already were, and this procedure (since it's proven to work like a charm for them) simply gets repeated, ad infinitum, which is the REAL REASON why we have so many unnecessary wars! Many people may not believe this, but the most disturbing thing is: this is just a profession for them! --- THIS IS HOW THESE PEOPLE MAKE MONEY! PERIOD! ----


Unlike the other two, above, the subject of Mass Media control seems to be a much easier one to talk to people about because it is so obvious that it's become ridiculous! That the Media, in the Western world, is clearly controlled by a very small number of people is almost common knowledge these days, in large part thanks to internet sites similar to this one. But, while there is a lot of information on the net about who exactly owns the TV Networks and the Newspapers, and I will also talk about this aspect here...we aren't as interested in this aspect of the issue as we are interested in the following: THE TRUE DANGER AND EFFECTIVENESS OF THIS "MASS BRAIN-WASHING OPERATION" WE ARE ALL BOMBARDED WITH DAILY!And as far as the Mass Media's role in the Mass Brainwashing Operation is concerned, we will deal with it extensively on this page. Now, however, as promised above, we need to delve into the reason why so many researchers (and people, in general) keep claiming that the Illuminati have, among other things, finally taken control of the Mass Media as well. Is there any truth to this claim or is it just "Anti-Semitism"? And the reason I say this, of course, is a no-brainer...for only a five minute google search can prove, beyond doubt, that virtually all the major Television Networks and Newspapers, in the US, are Zionist Jew owned. Nevertheless, I still need to mention the names of these people, even if some readers might hurl accusations of Anti-Semitism (and this despite the fact that, on the same site, I also claim that the Illuminati use Jews as scapegoats!).

And, just to make myself CRYSTAL CLEAR on this matter:

No amount of accusations of Anti-Semitism (whatever that really means, anyway) will stop me from saying what needs to be said about certain topics!

This website is about Truth; end of story! If by telling the Truth I get sued, slandered, and generally attacked in any way, shape or form, then so be it! This happens to all beacons of Truth, at some point, so bring it on, I can't wait to have some fun. Because aside from having an interesting ride in this boring world, I will also win in the end because, while things may temporarily seem bleak, in reality:


God is on my side and the Aquarian Age is all about making the "unknown" known! It is the "Age of Revealing". So let them scream "Anti-Semite"! If you ask me, they are just attacking the Truth!

By the way, is it "Anti-Angloism" (it's my own made-up word, since Gates is an Anglo) to say that Bill Gates monopolizes the computer industry? No! It's just a fact, isn't it?! So think about that for a while before you level any "Anti-Semite" charges...



Maybe a lot of people can't see how the Education System might be controlled by the same Families that control the other systems, above. But it is a very important aspect of their "Mass Brainwashing Operation" so we need to cover it on the site. Once the different pieces of the puzzle are put together, a staggering picture will emerge. You will see that, indeed, Education is just another tool of the Elite, used to mold people into the sheep they want them to be. Click here, if you want to see how it all works. In this section, we will show how Education came to be controlled by the Illuminati.


While I am actually also a musician, among other things, and have been playing the electric guitar since seventeen years old, I can't help telling the world the truth about the Music Industry. Heavy Metal, in particular, is the biggest worry, which is why we're going to deal with it first. After Metal is dealt with, we will talk about Hip-Hop music. The photo on the left is Iron Maiden artwork, which, believe it or not, is my favourite out of all Metal bands, due to their amazingly melodic and anthemic music. But this imagery doesn't necessarily mean the band is knowingly Satanic. A little known fact, for example, is that their drummer is a Born Again Christian. And, of course, apart from certain Black Metal or Death Metal bands that are overtly Satanic, and advertise this fact at the slightest chance they get, all the other musicians in the industry are just that -musicians. It is very interesting that I am both exposing all of this stuff and, at the same time, I am a Heavy Metal musician myself. While not a signed, professional musician, I am in the ideal position to talk about the mentality of heavy metal musicians because, for many years, all I ever cared about and worked towards was becoming a Rock Star. So, I can definitely vouch for the fact that 99% of heavy metal musicians are just normal guys, who play in a band and love music more than anything else in the world. It is very sad the way the industry has been demonized by people that don't like this type of music. But, having said that, I will also say that there is indeed some truth in this persistent accusation that it is "the Devil's Music". We will now explain why this is so:Black Sabbath: Inventors of Heavy Metal

Black Sabbath, another favourite band of mine, is a very, very interesting band indeed. The stories about their early days of dabbling in the Occult are legendary. When I was younger, however, I dismissed the whole thing as paranoia or "anti-metal bias". And -another thing- no one ever said the Occult is evil. The word "occult" simply means hidden and that's all. But, within this collection of "occult" or hidden knowledge that we could collectively call "New Age writings" there are certain things we shouldn't read or shouldn't practice. And the Black Sabbath bass player, Geezer Butler, did just that! Butler (born: Terence Michael Joseph Butler) was the chief lyricist of the band and there is an incredible story about how he initially came up with the lyrics for their eponymous song "Black Sabbath", which is the first track on their first album, the cover of which is depicted above. This song, aside from having amazing music (if you like that sort of thing, that is) and being universally considered, by all knowledgeable metal-heads, as being the "first heavy metal song" it is also quite notorious for its overtly "satanic" lyrics. Now, just like millions of other fans, I brushed these accusations aside back in those days, because I loved (and still do) heavy metal so much. Of course, after I opened up my Higher Spiritual faculties (due to years of doing Meditation and other things), I began getting messages that kept pointing to the fact that the accusation of Satanism was real all along! It took me a while to accept it, but it eventually became obvious.

So, what we are faced with is pretty much exactly what the televangelists have been telling us for years! Namely, that the reason behind the creation of Heavy Metal (and the associated styles) was to create a proliferation and a wide-spread acceptance of Satanic images, lyrics and ideas among the youth of the world. Note that Heavy Metal was the most popular musical style in the 80ies, so, if this "conspiracy theory" has any truth to it, then it can't be just "a coincidence" that this music was so popular, can it? Because it was marketed and promoted in a very deliberate and calculated manner. The "generational Satanists" we know as the Illuminati, and who control the Music Industry, wanted to destroy the Minds and Souls of the youth of this world. And what better way to do this than through the hypnotic and magickal power of music??

While this may sound like something out of the X-Files to some, and I might even seem to be acting like one of those (not very) knowledgeable televangelists, please bear with me for a moment. While, on the surface, I am basically saying the same thing that they are, I, however, will explain the whole phenomenon properly, for once.

We will begin with the account of Geezer Butler. Below is the story of how he came up with the lyrics for "Black Sabbath":

The Back Metal Scene: A Global Satanic Ritual!

Even if one is not Christian or has no interest in Jesus' Message or learning about the Christ Consciousness, or anything like that, they would agree that the image on the left is an abomination and there's something very wrong going on here. I'm not abhorred just because this specifically defiles Jesus -it would bother me if any of the Great Masters (Krishna, the Buddha, etc) were depicted in such a vile manner on a record cover, poster or T-shirt. And I would imagine it would disturb any normal person. It is, quite simply, an affront to the Higher Spiritual Realms and to the Great Masters that reached these Advanced Levels of Awareness. In the case of Black Metal (and Heavy Metal, in general), the attack is specifically against Jesus because he is the Great Spiritual Master of the Western World, and the Illuminati have more power over the West, than any other nations. Also, it is a numbers game to them, since Jesus is the most famous of the Masters. By destroying Jesus' image, they will get a "majority" of the population, since he is the most famous and influential of the Spiritual Masters. Because, while the terms Christ Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness and Buddha Consciousness (I urge you to look these up!) could be said to be interchangeable, the MAJORITY of the planet identify with Christ, rather than Buddha or Krishna. And, so, for this reason, the Dark Brotherhood of Illuminati Black Magicians is mainly interested in attacking Jesus!

John Todd: An Early Whistle-blower

John Todd, who like Arizona Wilder, claimed to be an Illuminati defector, had some very controversial things to say. While many of his claims sounded a lot like typical "born again Christian-televangelist speak", they still seem to fit in with what is really happening, so it doesn't really matter how he presented his message. He had some genuine insider information, and that's what counts.

To listen to the video embedded below, you will need to suspend all disbelief first. When I first heard this, I too though it was far-fetched, but subsequent personal experiences and further research into the things he's saying here, painted a picture that was very similar to what Todd was telling us all along.

For more on Todd go here.

Hip-Hop Music







This is a topic that will come as a shock to many and, frankly, it needs to be talked about more openly because it's happening on an unimaginable scale.