Heal yourself first

Certainly the most important thing everybody needs to start doing ASAP (if they are not already doing so, of course) is to heal their own Mind and Spirit first, before they attempt to heal the world at large. There are multiple ways of doing this (personally I have been using Meditation as my primary tool, for the last 10 years) and it is highly recommended you try as many things as you can, first, and then settle on the most favourite and effective system. Examples of different methods we can use to eliminate the deeply ingrained, negative behaviour patterns in our Minds and create lasting changes in the personality, and also eventually achieve exalted Spiritual states (this only happens in the advanced stages) are listed below: - Meditation - Yoga - Praying - Dianetics - Reiki - Pranic Healing - Tantric Sex - Guided Visualization - Hypnotherapy - Self-Hypnosis While some are more effective than others and they all use different approaches, these are all very effective ways to heal Emotional and Mental blockages that the other so-called "cures" (like taking anti-depressant pills, etc) DO NOT HEAL AT ALL BUT, RATHER, JUST MASK.

There are many more different healing modalities and, since I don't know about all of them, I would like your help in creating a comprehensive alphabetical database of all the available New Age healing methods. Please feel free to email me any enlightening information regarding this...

The importance of Nature