Break the Hypnotic Spell

As is mentioned all over this site and dealt with in detail here, when one delves into the reasons behind why the world is in the state it's in, they invariably arrive to the conclusion that we are all under some kind of Black Magick, Hypnotic spell. The culmination of in-depth research into matters like the Illuminati, NWO, etc, invariably leads to this bitter truth!While the process a seeker must go through, to arrive at this terrible conclusion, can be truly likened to an intellectual and spiritual "odyssey", it is nevertheless a worthy quest because the truth is out there to be found, in the end. So, keep searching! Many unrelated researchers have looked into these matters and arrived at the same conclusion time and time again. So, if we look hard enough, we are all eventually able to see that something is wrong; that there's a continual hypnotic assault being leveled against us from all corners. But the question arises, of course: "How do we break this spell?" Reversing the Mass Hypnosis...