Is the Zeitgeist movement a scam?

The Zeitgeist film has deceived many people that may have not studied some of the documentary's themes, in depth, before watching it. The main problem with the film is the assertion that Jesus Christ was just a myth, in a long line of other similar "Sun Gods" and that mainstream Christianity is, basically, a veiled form of Sun worship. While, to an extent, it is true that Christianity is Sun worship and that figures like Jesus, Dionysus, Mithra, etc, shared very similar (and even identical) traits, there are certain claims on Zeitgeist that are demonstrably false. Whether this was done by design, or not, does not concern us here. The point is that Zeitgeist interpreted passages of the Bible (and other "proof" it offers viewers) in certain ways, in order to prove the points the filmmakers were trying to make. Because it is very clear to anyone who has studied the film's main points, in depth, that the creators of this film had already decided on the outcome before they even begun their "research". I am one of the many, who see Zeitgeist as being a significant source of disinformation and, thus, it is imperative for me to put this page up! The goal is to help those who have already been duped by it and to prevent any further damage being done to others...