Light Warriors/Rainbow Warriors

The subject of Light Warriors (or Rainbow Warriors) is a very interesting one for me. For the longest time -while I was still under the New Age Deception- I used the term "Light Worker" to describe myself, never having heard of the term Light Warrior before until late '13!

What had occurred in early '13 (and it is very interesting that this was not long after Dec 2012) was that I suddenly began to clash more and more with people in the New Age community, i.e.: Reiki healers, psychics, etc. Since the New Age Movement is predominantly Feminine, or Right Brained, it is, of course, dominated by females and, hence, I found myself clashing with women in this community, left, right and centre!

I was made to feel guilty, of course, but nevertheless something inside of me told me that I should stand my ground and not capitulate to their skewed bullshit (for example: a well known Melbourne Reiki Master teaching her students shocking things like "there IS no Dark Side and, therefore, you need no protection while doing Reiki")! After doing this, I understandably began to attract various male healers/psychics into my life that helped me get in touch with my Divine Masculine aspect and, thus, finally balance the two polarities. There were 3 of them and I met them at close intervals, within a period of 2 or 3 months, in early 2013: a Tarot reader, a Healer/Channeller and, finally, a Shamanic Healer. They each helped me with different areas that needed to be addressed at the time and it set me on a completely new path!

And, then, towards the end of '13, very soon after starting my first Facebook group, I came across the concept of the Light Warrior for the first time. And it was only then that I realized I had been a Light Warrior ALL ALONG! I also realized the shocking Truth that 99% of, so called, "Light Workers" are ACTUALLY potential Light Warriors that have been neutered by the New Age Movement and rendered effectively useless! The ways the New Age psy op does this are legion...but the brilliant Mark Passio here tells us the main fallacies of the New Age Movement and how they are designed to make New Agers passive, easily controllable sheep:

What is a Light Warrior?

You could think of a Light Warrior as being a "warrior of light"; someone who defends what is right and just in the universe at all costs, even by use of force if necessary. I realize that many people reading this just cringed right now, after seeing the word force. But I must regretfully inform you that, if you did cringe after reading what I said about "using force if necessary", you have been HAD by the NAM!

This movement seems to have been expressly designed to make the New Agers think in this manner. If you're a die hard New Ager and cannot fathom how this could be, then this website is probably not for you because it will have too much Truth for you to handle and will break down the safe, illusory world that the New Age philosophies created around you. Light Warriors are BALANCED! They are not "aggressive"....though, by the same token, they are certainly NOT passive either.

Think of them as being similar to the Jedi from the Star Wars saga: peaceful warriors who fight only in

self-defence but fight they do! And this idea of self-defence is sorely lacking in the NAM. It is a very legitimate concept indeed, however the New Age Movement has somehow managed to twist its adherents' minds and make them believe bullshit like "what you resist persists" and, so, they genuinely think that completely IGNORING evil is better than actually facing it! This suits the Dark Cabal just fine, of course.

But a Light Warrior, on the other hand, doesn't suit the Cabal! A Light Warrior is basically a Masculine/Feminine balanced individual. Think of the "Light" representing the Female Principle and the "Warrior" representing the Male Principle: a Light Warrior, then, is the perfect "marriage" of both of these. An individual of this sort is very effective and VERY powerful! They are as grounded/practical/intellectual (Masculine Polarity/Left Brain) as they are Intuitive/Loving/Creative (Feminine Polarity/Right Brain). They are the strongest types of people imaginable and these are the people the Cabal wish to eradicate from the face of the earth! They have succeeded fabulously thru the NAM and thru other avenues like Psychiatry, for instance. And, yet, Light Warriors (also known as Rainbow Warriors) are destined to emerge triumphant, no matter what the Dark Cabal does! Below is a beautiful video on the Hopi Prophecy about Rainbow Warriors: