Age of Aquarius

Many people around the world right now are wondering what exactly this "Age of Aquarius" is all about and unfortunately there isn't a lot of good information about this topic on the net. Most of the time, all we ever hear is that "December 2012 is the end of the world" and sometimes we might hear that the Aquarian Age may, in fact, be a "Golden Age" that is meant to bring peace on earth, etc. And while the second statement is actually the real truth, the you-tube videos that talk about doom and gloom and the destruction of the world, however, are the ones that get millions of hits! So, clearly, the statistics speak for themselves... Thus I feel compelled to try and give a proper explanation of the Aquarian Age and December 2012 in this section, since there are far too many people that have bought into this "end of the world" hype and, frankly, this can have disastrous effects on the planet, since we may very well cause an Armageddon-type scenario, as a self-fulfilling prophecy! That horrendous 2012 movie was actually expressly designed to create just that (while most sheeple may not have a clue about this and may have even thought it was "awesome" or "wicked") ! Viz, a self-fulfilling prophecy about the destruction of the world! Because the Illuminati want the majority of the world to believe that December 2012 is the end...and not the marvelous beginning that it could and should be. So, now we will begin with what exactly are Astrological Ages, so that people can understand, once and for all (and without any doubts whatsoever), that the 21st of December 2012 is merely the end of "the Age" and NOT of the world. The whole thing is just a huge misunderstanding created out of ignorance about these issues. But, before we begin, let's see what the amazing David Icke has to say about 2012:

Astrological Ages

It is a common thing to mention things like Astrological Ages (which last almost 2,200 years) and the Great Year (which lasts about 25,860 years), when speaking about the Aquarian Age. And, while this info seems to be found all over the net, it is not taken seriously enough by most. Instead Aquarius, in many peoples' minds, seems to be equated with things like: pot-smoking hippies (who are giving the New Age a very bad image!), "incense burning" or, worse, the well known song Age of Aquarius by the band Hair.

And, while I actually don't mind that song and incense sometimes helps, the truth of the matter is that Astrology is a very serious subject and is as much a science as Astronomy is. In fact, believe it or not, Astrology was the forerunner of Astronomy and not the other way around! So, we need to understand that, no matter what the shallow public perception of the Aquarian Age may be, the issue is quite deep and is based on Science rather than pseudo-scientific hocus-pocus.

Now, the claim that Astrology is as much a science as any, might be met with objection by some, but sadly, for the earth, it seems human beings are rather stubborn creatures and refuse to change their minds on deeply held opinions, regardless of the mountain of available evidence to the contrary. What I am referring to, of course, is the fact that it is so obvious to see that Astrology is true (even merely by the simple exercise of observing peoples' Sun signs) that there shouldn't be anyone left, anymore, in the world who is still doubting it. But, just as we explained above, most people usually cling obstinately to whatever ideas they are brought up with, Logic and evidence be damned! But where did these wrong ideas come from, in the first place?

Well, what has happened in the West, is that both Religion and Education has taught everyone that Astrology is either "evil" or a "pseudo-science", depending on which of these two institutions is actively attempting to brainwash you. So, since most people refuse to think for themselves, they just blindly believe their Priests or their Teachers and thus continue to live in ignorance of this advanced Ancient Science that we call Astrology.

So, there is a Divine pattern embedded within Astrology, and the Astrological Ages follow this pattern like clock-work. This pattern was worked out by someone, in the distant past (whether a human civilization discovered it first, or it was handed down to us by extra-terrestrials, it doesn't matter for our purposes), much like we have recently figured out the workings of gravity, electricity and other such things. But, somehow, it fell out of use or was purposely suppressed and now is considered a fringe pseudo-science and not given the proper respect it deserves. Why Astrology would be considered evil or unscientific and Physics or Mathematics not, is completely baffling to me and only two words come to mind: ignorance and brainwashing!

You may not have thought about this before (due to the very materialistic, mechanistic way Science is taught and presented in schools these days) but, in truth, Physics deals with some rather "mysterious", invisible forces that once would've been attributed magical qualities, i.e: gravity, electricity, magnetism, etc. Is it not quite magickal or pretty "out there" to be able to split the atom? Nay, even to discover the atom, in the first place? If we got in a time machine and went back in time, say 200 years, and told someone there what our modern Physics can accomplish today, they wouldn't believe it...and even those few special individuals that did believe it, would see it is a type of "magic". The same stands for Mathematics: we have an exact science in our hands that can unlock the keys to the material universe; and there appears to be no limit to this -there are continual advances being made in the field and, one fine day, we will truly have that long sought equation that explains everything!

So, why is it that these staggeringly advanced sciences that grant us the power to command and remake Nature as we see fit,

So, anyway, the above-mentioned Ages last for roughly 2,200 years and they imbue the planet with the characteristics of a specific sign, throughout that period. There is a chaotic overlap period, when Ages are changing from one to another, and this upheaval may last for several decades. And what is happening, at the moment, on the planet is just that. We are caught right in the middle of the great changeover from Pisces to Aquarius. This is a cold, hard, scientific fact and it is the reason the world is in such turmoil at the moment. While I am not expecting the whole world to believe this, I am certain, however, that this will be seen as a self-evident truth one day in the near future.

The Aquarian Age is meant to give society the attributes of an Aquarian person. If you look the sign of Aquarius up and compare the individual traits with certain prominent societal trends we are seeing all around us, the connection will be uncanny, to say the least. But, we will analyze the Aquarian Age, in depth, a little further down. First, we need to explain exactly how it is that Astrology is a science and how does it really work...

How can Astrology be a Science?

What is so special about the Aquarian Age?