My Jonbenet Ramsey experience

The incredible but true story behind my first major Automatic Writing

The following tale may be something many people will not believe, and I am okay with that. However, it did happen and I know in my heart that I am not making this up, so I'm not affected by what negative/sceptical people might say because the experience was so profound and, what's more, it's implications are absolutely earth-shattering!

Okay, so here goes then...

It was early Feb 2010 and what started the whole thing was a strange whim I suddenly got one day, to do some research on the horrendous topic of "child porn rings". We all hear about this stuff, through the various FBI sting operations they tell us about in the news...but 99.99% of us seem to avoid wanting to face this dark truth about our society. I, too, was one of the 99.99 percent, refusing to face that something like this could be seriously going on in the world. Until then, I had been very happy to believe that there is only an extremely small amount of people in the world that would be attracted to this type of thing. And that most of them basically belonged in a mental institution (if they had not already been in one before, that is). It turns out that -just like the vast majority of people in our society- I was wrong, however, and apparently somebody very special had to "intervene" in order to pull both mine and everybody else's head from out of the sand!

It is interesting to note that Cheryle, who I mentioned earlier on on this page, was right there (she is the woman seen with me in one of the videos further down. Edit, 15/03/11: the videos in question have now been removed from my You Tube channel, since I deemed them to be unnecessary and uninteresting. They are still in "My Videos & Playlists" but I now have them set as unlisted. Those of you who may suspect that Cheryle is a figment of my imagination, can by all means email and ask me to send them the link to the 3 videos we made together) next to me, as I googled, and we both agreed that even the thought that there is a market for this type of thing, is sickening!! We eventually stumbled on the Belgian cover up; the one involving the infamous Marc Dutroux. I had never heard about this before and was shocked to find out that the Global Satanic Paedophile Network was nearly caught out.

I was glued to the computer researching the said case and other similar ones and then I looked into Jonbenet Ramsey's case as well. I had always known that her parents had done it but hadn't researched it in depth before. However, when I truly saw how many clues pointed to the parents' guilt, I was awestruck! I thereafter became obsessed with the Ramsey case for the next few days, researching it in depth and feeling very bad for the girl and angered about the injustice of the situation, in general. So, about 3-4 days after we first googled all this, I laid down in my bed to do some routine Self-hypnosis (something I often do, to ask my Subconscious questions about my life). But this session was not destined to be an ordinary one...

As I began to put myself in the usual trance I get into, in order to do Self-hypnosis, I started to sense a strong presence all around the room. This feeling was not new to me -I had already had many paranormal experiences of this kind before and, strange as some may find it, it had become the "norm" for me. As a matter of fact, I thought there was something wrong if I hadn't communicated with or seen a Vision of an Ascended Master, etc, for a while. This time, however, the Spirit in question was Jonbenet Ramsey herself!!

For those of you who haven't done this sort of thing, it is impossible to describe HOW it is that I knew it was for real. All I can say is that it was so overwhelmingly powerful that I just "knew". There's no other way I can really explain it. Those who have communicated with deceased people, Angels, etc, will know what I mean. Nevertheless, I did ask for confirmation, immediately after I perceived this. I asked Christ (and possibly even Michael) to protect me from any Astral Entities and I visualized a blue sphere around me. I did this for several minutes (It is a technique I had not paid much attention to before but, this time, I was concentrating very strongly) and it was amazing. Also, aside from protection, I asked for some "proof" that this was real and that it was meant for the Greater Good.

You see, I was worried that it was maybe a whim of the Ego, since I had been preoccupied with Jonbenet for a few days, before this, and was pretty upset about the whole thing. But I was assured that it was all for real and then I went through one of the most incredible Spiritual experiences I or anyone has ever gone through!

What identified itself as Jonbenet's Spirit didn't really feel like the Jonbenet we see from the photos, etc. That was just a physical body! This presence, however, felt much nearer to the wavelength that Exalted Beings such as Christ, Buddha, etc, are on. I have communicated with these Masters before and the energy "Jonbenet" had was of a very similar quality. So I realized that, in essence, I was dealing with an Angel.

She (or it) confirmed this, at some point, by telling me that she hasn't reincarnated since being Jonbenet and is in the Angelic Realms now, helping Light-workers to stop the people (meaning the Illuminati network) that did this to her and to thousands of other innocent children. Subsequent to this first communication she has appeared to me, during my Meditations, as a shining white angel in adult female form. I cannot discern any facial features or a clear outline of a body (just light!) and there is no semblance, whatsoever, to the images of the little girl we know as Jonbenet Ramsey -this is the Spirit that once occupied that body. But, now, I must describe what occurred during the fateful first contact:

As I explained above, I had felt her presence all around the room very strongly. I didn't see a form that day, but just felt the presence and heard her voice. So, after I had asked for protection and for some kind of confirmation that it was for real and meant for the Greater Good, I immediately heard Christ's voice (again, a pretty regular occurrence for me by that point). Now, I don't remember if this was exactly 100% verbatim, but it's very close:

"I will give you proof, if you want it. Are you ready for this?"

I said yes, so then "Jonbenet" asked me:

"Do you want to know how it felt when they strangled me?"

I agreed and what happened next was astonishing! First of all, what happened was that there was something like a brief "Walk-In" experience. I felt an overlap of my aura and of the Spirit that claimed to be Jonbenet. I don't know what to call it; perhaps maybe a temporary possession. Let's just call it a Walk-In.

Soon after this, I actually felt I was being strangled; I felt like I was being choked. I have been short of breath before and have probably been choked by friends during "play-fighting" while I was a kid, but I have NEVER felt something like this before. This was for real -I was being choked! It got to the point where I was very close to passing out and then it stopped. The voice said:

"That's how I felt when they killed me. Now you know."

I was pretty out of it, at that point, but the best was yet to come. Straight after this, she asked:

"Do you want to know how it feels for a little girl to be raped?"

Now this wasn't exactly something I wanted to know, to be honest. But I felt that this Spirit that was once little Jonbenet was not really asking for my compliance, at this point. I needed to be shown this, I believe, so it was going to be shown to me, whether I agreed to it or not. Of course, I was quite worried about one little thing: the inconvenient fact that I'm actually a male! I thought, 'how on earth is this going to demonstrated on me? I'm a guy!'

Anyway, it was shown to me, just as effectively as the strangulation was. And, unfortunately, I need to do some describing here...

Pretty much what I experienced was something akin to an encounter with an Incubus, which was not very nice! I basically perceived, (on an Astral/Etheric level) that something the size of the end of a baseball bat was shoved in my anus and pushed against my intestines, etc. It didn't last long but it was all I needed, in order to never forget the experience! So the voice continued to speak to me after this was over.

She told me that that is how little children feel when they are sexually abused by these people and, since many of them happen to be boys, it wasn't much of a stretch to re-enact this on me. Somehow or another I had to get an idea of how it feels, she said.

She said that these people have done this to many thousands of children around the world and are continuing to do so now and that the time has come, on the planet, for them to be exposed and stopped. Mother Earth had had enough of this (since little children are the purest life-forms on the planet) and it is time for these people to be uncovered. Jonbenet was, apparently, going to help me do this. As I mentioned above, she told me she hasn't incarnated again after being murdered as Jonbenet and is basically an Angel now, since most children that die in this manner become Angels because of the purity of their Souls at the time of the death.

She is helping other Light-workers across the world, as well, and I am just one of them. Also, an amazing bit of information I received during this communication was that there was another man in the room, while the father ritualistically sacrificed her. This is incredible because, from many clues of the Jonbenet case, we can deduce that there was indeed another man present during the murder. She also said that the dad had ties to an Illuminati Paedophile group and that this was basically a typical Illuminati-style Satanic Child Sacrifice! There are thousands upon thousands of these around the world but the Ramsey case was just one of the very few that nearly got blown and made big headlines. Almost all the other ones are never found out about. Every single researcher on this, says the same thing of course! This network is supremely well-organized and 99.99% of the time are never caught.

So, anyway, the Spirit eventually left and I remained in bed in a semi-trance state for several hours after this. But this was not the end of it by any means! A couple of days later, I had an irresistible feeling to write something on the computer: an Automatic Writing. I had been doing Automatic Writing since 2004 but never had I felt the urge being so strong. I knew it would have something to do with all this stuff Jonbenet said to me but didn't know exactly what. As it turns out, it ended up being almost 15,000 words in length and I wrote it in about 10 hours! I took a short break, in between, to have a snack and for a bathroom break and then I said my usual little prayer (for protection from the Lower Astral) I say, before I do writings/channelings, and continued. In reality, it had little to do with the Satanic Paedophile Networks, per se, but it had everything to do with the Illuminati and was ten times more mind-boggling than anything else I've ever written or read about the subject.

Essentially the writing has to do with the Atlantean Origins of the Bloodlines and how they use Magick to control and hypnotize society. But this description doesn't say much. The only way to understand what it's all about is to actually read it. Immediately I knew that this was meant to be a book. I didn't read it on the day, however. I needed to recover first, so I read it a couple of days later. When all the information eventually sunk in, in about a week, I was completely dumbstruck!

I mean, clearly all of this happened without "consciously" planning it, so even though I'm not out just to "sell books", I can't help praising this thing. Truly I have never seen anything like it anywhere else and I am certain it will break new ground in the "Channeling" genre. The level of detail it has about how the Illuminati phenomenon is tied with all of this "reptilian" and Demonic element is staggering. I actually don't consider the book "mine". It was given to me by the same source that ALL Channeling Books come from. However, I feel very blessed to be a vehicle for this information and am very excited to see what people will think of it.

The Automatic Writings I have read out on You Tube appear to be something like "teasers" for the info found in this mega-Automatic Writing. I had figured this out, immediately after I wrote it. But, for months, I didn't know how to deal with this. I wasn't sure whether I should read it out on You Tube or not. I did mention it briefly, however, in the THE TRUTH ABOUT 2012 (2/3) video but it was shelved until further notice...or "instructions" from the Higher Self. I didn't really think that this info was suitable for You Tube and I mentioned something about that on the video above too. Initially I was thinking of self-publishing some copies and, at some stage, I considered offering it as an ebook to see what happens.

But, recently, I started getting persistent messages to go public about the Jonbenet experience, which is something I wasn't sure I wanted to talk about right away. I was planning on maybe mentioning it only during lectures, when I started doing some, but the messages wouldn't go away, so I obeyed...and this is why you are reading all of this now.

For now, I will just read it out first on You Tube, and also offer it as an ebook to see what kind of reaction I get.

Please listen to the entire writing by watching the Playlist at the top of this page.

With Love,
