New Agers, Mark Passio & Grounding...

Post date: Jun 19, 2014 5:54:46 AM

My favourite thing about Mark Passio is that he correctly states that: there IS no real dichotomy between Spirit and Matter and that both Heaven and Hell are RIGHT here. On the ground! I love it. Doesn't get any more practical and real than this. I have had the same view for many years.

He's right: the ultimate point of spiritual development is NOT to expand your 3 Higher Chakras at the expense of the Lower Three. Balance is the goal, as most of us in here already know. The New Agers get it all wrong in the 6th & 7th Chakra development: they work on them FAR too much, while often ignoring the Lower Chakras. They don't get sufficient their heads end up "in the clouds". Besides the fact that one can become too right brain imbalanced by doing this, there is also the very REAL danger of being interfered with by malevolent extradimensional beings, who find a door into the person's Aura due to the wide open 6th & 7th Chakras.

What the New Age Bullshit often DOESN'T tell you, however, is that, if an individual is not Emotionally & Mentally "ready" (due to not having faced and --at least to a large degree-- conquered the Jungian Shadow!) to develop the Higher Chakras, they may as WELL just accept the fact that they will, at best, become mentally imbalanced by doing so and, at worst, be outright "possessed" and used as a vehicle by God knows what! These words are born of experience and not just something I read somewhere. Because, much like Mark, while I was never sold on the "pop" New Age philosophies and was always attracted to the deeper Occult studies & modalities, I DID overdo it in my mid to late 20ies when I worked on my Higher Chakras. It paid off splendidly, of course, in many areas; however, it also ungrounded me to an extent, proving the old adage that "too much of a good thing is ultimately bad for you" or however that goes exactly.

So the thing about New Age info is not that it is bad OUTRIGHT. Just that it gives us the incomplete picture: it only tells the average, non-Occultist New Ager the "good" side of it all. It's just "feel good" bullshit. Like a Hollywood movie where the good guy always wins and no one dies at the end (except for the villain, of course). These things had always, somehow, been apparent to me but the way Passio pieces everything together (particularly in the 7hr NA BS video), adds SO many new dimensions to the topic and also creates a new neural pathway, or two, every time I listen to it ;)

It's a massive pity how the original spiritual impetus of mankind that began almost a century ago has been now co-opted. A tragedy. As Mark says, it truly staggers the mind to witness HOW successful the psy op has really been! What was originally an Intergalactic Spiritual Cavalry sent here to open up a can of whupass on the Dark Cabal's asses, has now become something of a New Age Knitting Group lol! (think Stallone's "Demolition Man", when they had tampered with him and programmed him from being an ultimate badass warrior to a knitting specialist). We need to face the fact that it may take us DECADES and decades to snap these poor people out of their Luciferian Trances!

Sometimes I get the depression inducing feeling that, every time we break out of ONE Matrix Control System, there is simply another one to overcome! Just like Russian ever ends. Let's hope that breaking the planet out of the New Age Trance is the LAST of the Religious Mind Control traps! Because lately I sense that perhaps even the entire CONCEPT of a "God" itself may be yet another Control System. Don't take this the wrong way please; I don't mean it in the Dark Luciferian sense, i.e: "there IS no other God but ME"...but, I don't know, it's just a lingering feeling that, much like a fractal, the Control Matrix just goes deeper and deeper, without having a definite end. Each new illusion you break down only works to reveal yet ANOTHER illusion....and on and on it it goes --theoretically ad infinitum-- like a fractal pattern.

This is just some thought provoking speculation at this point, that's all...