L. Ron Hubbard

Note: this page will be a little longer than the other ones of this section, because this page is the only opportunity I will get to say some things about Hubbard. Easily the most controversial man of the 20th century, Hubbard had a habit of telling it like it is (Sagittarius Ascendant to blame for that!) and, so, he made a lot of enemies. Aside from throwing a huge spanner in the works of the Mass Brainwashing Operation, in the form of Dianetics, he also seemed to have a knack for uncovering the Elite's dark little plans. One example is that he was one of the earliest, if not the first, to speak out about the CIA's MK Ultra Project. You could think of him as a 60ies David Icke that actually had practical solutions to offer. While I understand there is a lot of negativity about Hubbard and his legacy on the net (particularly on You Tube, where even borderline retards have a right to an opinion) these days, I certainly didn't expect any better from the masses, considering the state of most people. And, by this, I mean that the majority of the world appears to be in such a negative polarity, these days, that a person is more likely to be attacked for saying the truth than to be admired for it. Also, there is the other thing of people simply believing something just because everybody else does too! And while I do realize, all too well, that no human being is 100% perfect, this criticism of Hubbard on the net has become ridiculous, so I just feel that saying some positive things on the net about him, for a change, is the right thing to do for the world right now. If I have found his writings beneficial, then I know many others will as well. I have noticed that almost none of the other conspiracy authors are saying anything, so I am one of the few that is tasked with doing this then. While this is NOT a Scientology website, I have stated on the Home Page that this site is all about setting the record straight with all the important New Age topics. So, since this is one of them, and Scientology happens to be one of the things I have studied and have an interest in, I have to clarify some things about it, if, for no other reason, merely because I like giving credit where it is due. I will be brief (since anyone who wants to find out more about this can do their own research) and I will only say that because of the fact that Hubbard and Co. created untold trouble for the Elite, by waking people up from The Hypnosis, he was attacked. And a big part of this campaign was carried out via the Mass Media.

So, he resorted to hiring professional intelligence people to investigate for him, in order to locate the source behind the Media attacks Scientology was getting (and still gets) for years. After they told him of their findings, astonishingly, this is what Hubbard announced to his followers in '67:

"Our enemies on this planet are less than twelve men. They are members of the Bank of England and other higher financial circles. They own and control newspaper chains and they are, oddly enough, directors in all the mental health groups, which have sprung up in the world."

The reason I mention the passage above, is because, 40 years later, we have figured out the statement was true all along. I, for one, believe it is quite a feat to have discovered this back in the mid-sixties. Many may not agree with the assertions on this page but, then again, many people believe that Jesus will return from the skies, that Reincarnation is a fantasy, that Astrology is bogus, that 9/11 was actually done by terrorists, etc, etc.

I have a job to do and that is to say the Truth about any and all New Age topics (because, sadly, not many people are doing this) so if this gets me into trouble, then so be it. I do not wish to placate people in order to "sell books" or whatever. Even if I do end up making some money in the end, I AM NOT doing all this for the money. The way I operate is thus: I will tell the Truth without reservation, and those who will "resonate" with it, shall listen. The rest are free to continue living in the manufactured dream-world of their Black Magick Masters.

This video, which presents us with some startling facts regarding the striking confluence between the Communist/Atheist Illuminati and mental "health" groups, might help convince some of you that the great Hubbard was really on to something, after all: