Gnosticism: True Christianity

The word Gnosticism derives from the Greek word gnosis, meaning knowledge. The Gnostics, therefore, were a religious group that had "special knowledge" which afforded them a path to Spiritual illumination. Many sayings attributed in the New Testament to Jesus can be found, upon examination, to be Gnostic beliefs originally and, so, Christianity can clearly be seen to have derived, in large part, from Gnosticism. This, however, has been a well guarded secret by mainstream Christianity because the number one thing the Gnostics insisted on, was a lack of any form of priesthood. Knowledge of the Divine -illumination- was a wholly personal affair, according to Gnosticism. And so it should be! Understandably this didn't sit very well with an institution that wanted to monopolize Spirituality, while, at the same time, sucking all advanced Spiritual Knowledge from the public's hands. But this knowledge has been in the sidelines of history for too long and must become mainstream now! We will leave no misunderstandings, on this site, about what Jesus Christ really taught His Disciples. The knowledge has always been there but, since there was no internet during the past 2,000 years, we couldn't do this properly until now. Nowadays, though, the power structure of the Elite Controllers is being turned upside down, in large part due to losing their monopoly control over the Media, ever since the proliferation of the internet. And, make no mistake, the internet will never, ever be taken over by them, (conspiracy theories that suggest this very scenario, to the contrary). The internet is a classic Aquarian characteristic and it is one of those things the Illuminati can't control, since it is God's Will that the planet, at this time, will have unrestricted freedom as far as exchange of information and knowledge is concerned. All they will try to do is perhaps bombard us with disinformation and also ridicule people like me, David Icke, etc. It is very important to be telling you this, because I know that many people have over-estimated this supposedly omnipotent "power of the Illuminati" when, in truth, they are the most frightened of us all! You would be frightened too, if you knew that six and a half billion people could all turn against you at any moment now.

So, on this page we will explain what Gnosticism is and why it is the tradition that most closely mirrors Christ's True Teachings.

For further insight into Christ's True Teachings and for a proper understanding of many New Testament mysteries, it is highly recommended you check this site. Also please look at this one for a general overview of Gnosticism.

Also, please watch this very enlightening video from a Yoga Master who appears to have insider knowledge about Jesus' missing years (between ages of 12 - 30), which has been known to Eastern sages but kept hidden from Westerners until now:

The Nag Hammadi Library

Main Gnostic Beliefs