Masturbation: the facts

No one can really figure out why exactly we always feel guilty after we masturbate, but it always seems to be the case. Many people may deny this guilt exists but it is there deep down, nonetheless. And attributing it to religious conditioning is not a good enough explanation. The truth is that this guilt would be there, whether Religion existed or not, because it is innate. Why is it innate though? Is there a valid reason why we feel that masturbation is something "evil" or a "sin"?I have figured out that there is a reason, and I will explain it on this page.The difference between masturbating and having sex with anotherIn today's "modern" world where every type of behaviour (whether destructive or not) is considered "normal" and "natural", masturbation is promoted, in the mainstream, as being a healthy expression of our Sexuality. But I am here to tell you that it isn't; and it's got nothing to do with Religion, mind you, but with fact! And what it all revolves around is the nature of Sexual Energy.You see, auto-eroticism is very different to having sex with another person, simply due to the fact that there is only one type of energy released during the act: either Female (Yin) or Male (Yang). The result of this, is that because the person's Sexual Energy is not complemented by the opposite polarity energy, which has a revivifying effect, it leaves the person psychically drained. While in both types of sexual expression there is some physical exhaustion involved (particularly in males), in the case of auto-eroticism, however, there is the added problem of PSYCHIC exhaustion, as well! This is what has given rise to the "old wives tale" that masturbation can drive you crazy or similar claims. The belief stems from the fact that masturbation does indeed drain one of vital Spiritual Energy and, thus, of Mental Energy, which means it weakens a person's Mind and Nervous System, leaving them more susceptible to the onset of stress, depression, nervous breakdown, etc. People must've observed, down the ages, that frequent masturbation seemed to lead to mental frailty, thus, the old wives tale was born. Sex with another, however, replenishes the lost Sexual Force that is released with the sexual fluids; something that masturbation does not do, unfortunately.

So the guilt, then, has to do with the subconscious knowledge that "something" has been wasted and lost, which could have otherwise been replenished. Even if they don't really know why exactly, the person can sense that they have done something wrong. And I'm guessing that the Elite Controllers would probably want people to be drained of their Life Force (and, by extension, of their will to fight back) rather than not, and this is why masturbation is encouraged by the "experts" in the Mass Media and in Schools.

So what are the single people supposed to do then?

While I am not suggesting that single people become totally celibate, at least striving towards this would be a good place to start. The benefits of extended periods of Sexual Abstinence are too numerous to mention and you can easily find much info about this on the net. But, just to make it even easier, I have this link for you (be sure to read the part under 'The Vital Energy' subheading). This link is also quite good. Abstinence is the most remarkable tool we have for strengthening our Spirit, Mind and Nervous Systems, to the point of making them almost new again. The effect is akin to being re-born into a brand new, perfect clone body of yourself; it really is! Because, if taken to extreme lengths, Abstinence actually has the power to revitalize one's Spiritual Force to the pristine, brilliant state it was in when the person was but a newborn babe! This is astonishing but true! And, in case you are wondering why I sound so self-assured about this claim, it's because (like almost everything else that I talk about on this site and on the videos) I have had direct personal experience with this topic. While I am sexually active at the moment (maybe too much), I once managed to remain Abstinent for 9 whole months in a row! And when I say Abstinent, I mean it 100%. Meanwhile, I was meditating 7 days a week -it was extremely rare that I missed a day. And my diet was also very good, at the time, having gotten a custom-made diet from a holistic healer. Anyway, what this did for me is beyond words. The energy I had after this -physical energy I mean- was something not normal by any standards! The same happened with my Mental energy. My creativity tripled and I had incredible positivity. But these things cannot happen in a week. Remember, I was Abstinent for 9 months continually. And I mean continually. Any "casualties" I may have suffered were only during wet dreams, if you know what I mean. The only reason I am sharing this experience, is in the hope that it may inspire some people to try to do the same thing. It really did happen and the benefits I got were beyond description. It is worth noting that the uncanny psychic abilities I developed later on, are definitely a by-product of this strict Abstinence and Meditation period. I mean, I was already rather advanced Spiritually before I did this, but this gave me the nuclear-charged mega boost that I needed. And, while attaining "magic powers" is not a worthwhile incentive for someone to practice Abstinence, I mentioned it just to show how potent Abstinence can really be. If you do it correctly, it works is all I can say to you.

I sincerely hope this page inspires many to take on the great challenge of Abstinence!