Jewish reaction worldwide proves Trump is not beholden to Rothschild

Post date: Nov 12, 2016 6:17:9 AM

If a guy like this (see link to article at the end) is so stressed out about Trumpism and is directly connecting Trump's rise to anti-Semitism and the pending intensification of hate crimes, it gives credence to the idea that Trump may, to a large degree, be independent of the Old World Order system and certainly independent of the Soros-Rothschild Consortium. Now does this automatically make Trump "good"? Of course not, it just makes him a part of a different branch of the NWO, to put it simply.

However, this faction that is backing Trump appears, from all available evidence to date, to be more pro-white/western than Hillary’s camp, and certainly more anti-globalization. I’ve thought, many times, that Trump could very well be a Jesuit operation. After all, he has had a Jesuit education, so have most of his children (then again, that doesn't necessarily mean anything; it's just a college degree, so what?). But there are so many other things at play here. There is, apparently, aside from the Dark Templar faction (aka Father Bush's evil Skull & Bones group, which is far more powerful and influential than most in the alt. news scene would care to admit or even realize), also a Positive Templar faction and various other eastern-based societies that are directly involved with China/Russia and the whole BRICS situation, which is legitimately fighting against the Rothschild-dominated UK/US/Israel alliance.

I would not be surprised if we eventually learned, from insiders and other means, that some of these anti-Cabal factions have knowingly backed Trump. Whatever the truth of this really is, what I know for certain at the moment is that whoever is behind Trump, they’re certainly not Rothschild-Soros friendly; it's just so blatantly obvious to see, judging by the adverse reaction many prominent Jewish people have had in the media lately, and also from the fact that the percentage of Jews that voted for Trump was abysmally low. Even though they are wrong about Trump and anti-Semitism, the fact that almost none of them have said a single positive thing about Trump so far in the media, at least reassures us he is not (completely) in the pocket of Rothschild and may turn out being something of an American Putin, God willing. Note that I said may, not will, as I don't really know the truth of all this yet. It’s too early to tell right now...but time will certainly tell.

Certainly there is also the theory that the MSM purposely presented Trump as the bad guy (giving him tremendous amounts of free air time in the process) because he was the establishment's choice all along. But my thesis in this article is that ordinary Jews that make posts/claims like Simon Schama below, are certainly not part of an "organized, scripted media campaign" designed to manipulate us. The beauty about social media is that people are free to show their true colors on it and what we are witnessing, on a global scale, is minority groups, like Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, LGBTs and brainless, easily emotionally-triggered lefties in general, all sharing the exact same view about Trump: he is a neo-fascist, he is the New Hitler. Whether he is or isn't matters not; the point is that's what they think he is. And the worldwide Jewish reaction on social media is particularly telling, because, if he truly was Rothschild's man, in the way that, say, Obama was, then Trump's policies would be in close alignment with Jewish interests, in general --in other words, Trump would've been just another 21st Century Bolshevik, albeit clothed in cute, fuzzy terms like "progressive" and other nausea-inducing, mind kontrol rubbish. But, again, as I said at the top, just because Trumpism does not appear to be affiliated with the Rothschild mafia (at least not in overt, dot-connecting ways yet), this does not mean he is a saint, by any stretch of the imagination. The Cabal is not just one faction, ladies and gentlemen. I guess there are just factions that are less bad than others; like the lesser evil choice. However, having said that, it really would be nice if Trump was a true independent, single-handedly taking on the system. Even if he was though, it would be very difficult for him to get very far before being ruined one way or another.

Time will tell. One thing's for sure: we live in the most fascinating of times to be alive!

I found the article, by the way, by simply doing a search on "Trump new Hitler".

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