Disks of Mishakal

Disks of Mishakal

The Disks of Mishakal, or Peripas Mishakas in the Istaran tongue, are a set of 160 platinum disks, each one-sixteenth of an inch thick and eighteen inches in diameter and weigh fifteen pounds. Words of an unknown language are beaten into both sides of each disk, and a golden ring binds the disks together in such a way that each disk can swivel out to be read. The translated words of a single disk can easily fill dozens of pages.

Good-hearted individuals can safely handle and read the disks; all others receive a shock upon merely touching them. A good-hearted individual who reads the disks gains knowledge about six of the Gods of Light: Branchala,Habbakuk, Kiri-Jolith, Majere, Mishakal, Paladine. This knowledge is sufficient to start the individual down the path to becoming a true cleric of one of the Gods of Light.


-        Recovered Disks from Zakhar Dwarves in exchange for Royal Jelly

-        They were placed in a secret place by Clearbrook - 6th day of Autumn’s Twilight, 7 AD

-        They are the second artifact of the Gods we have encountered

-        Skyleaf believes that Kite may be searching for these disks

-        Skyleaf  is concerned about Clearbrook’s ability to protect them.

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