Sanction Party - Ravenloft Timeline

March 15, 384 BC (15th of Springs Dawn, 18AC)

 - The Sanction Party arrives in Ravenloft via the portal in the Mine of Solace.  They are able to locate a town by climbing the tall trees in the area.  However, they are attacked on their way to the town by a Werewolf Hunting Party.  They decide to spare the Werewolf leader after they prove far to strong for the hunters.  As a result, the Werewolf promises not to seek vengeance for a son who was killed in the Melee.

 - The Sanction Party arrives at Red Falls.  They discover they are in another world.  They are cured of Lycanthropy by a Priest and then finally 

- After a investigation of the Town and a resupply on potions, the party draws some information out of a Gnome who sells her knowledge.  They are told of a haunting which exists in an abandoned home in the town.  Further, they are enticed by the promise of valuable magics inside, protected by a ghost. They fail to investigate further, and almost lose a companion while fighting the entity.  

- The Sanction Party takes the abandoned home as a base of operations.  They begin to investigate the area.  They discovered that the Monster Hunter's Guild had a contract for the ghost and they had violated the law of Redfalls by killing the beast without applying for guild membership and accepting the contract for the Ghost.  They are offered a chance to correct the error by fulfilling another contract.  They elect to take the contract from a local wizard to eliminate some fire elemental kin who were interfering with his efforts to protect the town and himself from the Dragon known ad the Frozen Death, Niketmor.

- The Party encounters the Demi-Goddess Dinza, patron of lost things.  It turns out she was the contractor for the Ghost.  She is pleased that the PArty's defeat of the Ghost allowed her to harvest the lost Soul of the Necromancer whose body was found in the basement where he had tried to finish the process of becoming a Lich.  She granted the party prophecies.  Further, since her residence exists on both the Prime Material Plane and the Etherial Plane at the same time, the high gods of the Universe as a whole elected to choose members of the Party to be the emissaries of their will when they arrive back on Krynn.  

- The party begins to seek assistance to eliminate the Dragon, Niketmor.  They discovered that his lair is also the entrance to a Shrine of Buhamat. Legends found in a tomb the party purchased from the Gnome Gilda Fetterslung suggest this shrine may contain the ability to send pilgrims out of Ravenloft.  The Tomb was called, "The Tales of Duncan and Egg". 

- The Party uncovers the hidden sanctuary of the Ba'al Assassins Guild in the Tomb of the Family Ba'al.  Evidence suggests they are allied with Lolth.  

- The Party admits their guilt in damaging the Mausoleum d' Ba'al.  Wilhelm Ba'al elects to 'sentence' them to help restore the sanctity of the crypt and defeat the monster he and Desmond sealed inside decades ago.  The alternative to accepting Wilhelm's offer was trial by the town folks.  The penalty for willful destruction of a tomb and grave robbery is usually death.

- The Party encounters Gilly, a mountain dwarf miner.  She says her caravan bringing gold ore to market was ambushed by a band of well organized Orcs.  The Party heals her wounds and chooses to look into her situation after dealing with the Creature in the Mausoleum D' Ba'al.

- With help from Wilhelm, the Party rests up and challenges the creature living in the Sanctuary d'Ba'al under the Mausoleum d' Ba'al.  There they defeated a strange creature with the torso of a man and the legs and thorax of a Spider.  They also discover a shrine to Lolth with a obsidian statue of the Goddess and a pool of thick, black, viscous liquid directly at the statue's foot.

- The party descides to help the young dwarf woman who came to town.  They elect to go kill the Orcs who attacked her caravan.  They discover that a Frost Giant is leading the Orcs and the reason for the attack was his need of gold to please Niketmore.  He challenges Thoradin, the parties most powerful warrior, to a fight as a test of strength.  Convinced that the party can help him defeat the dragon and gain his freedom, the giant elects to join them in their fight with Niketmore.  He also gives the party a Dragonslayer Arrow and the Necklass of Silverbeard.  

- The party attempts to find more allies to confront the dragon.  They are turned down by the werewolf clan, almost provoking an attack by the entire tribe.  They also fail to gain direct help from Analyse and Gilda the Gnome.  However, they do manage to get an invite to Nelarka the Wizard's tower.  They also may receive some help from the monster hunters guild.  Unfortunately, in their attempt to gain Lord Wilhelm's help, the party discovers he is more than he appears.  Thoradin is convinced the lord is a vampire.  However, the charmed members can not come to that understanding.  More importantly, one member may be succumbing to vampirism.

- The Party engages the Giant who leads the Orcs who attacked the Dwarf Woman's Caravan.  There is a fight and all of the Orcs are killed.  However, Shadowmoon chose to take an opportunity to parle the giant into an Alliance against the Dragon.

- The Party meets Nelarka, an ancient half Elf wizard who has nearly met the limits of his power to suspend his life force. He vows to use a specialized spell to remove the Dragon Niketmore from the realm of Ravenloft forever.  He asks the party to weaken the Dragon and distract it while he performs his secret and lengthy ritual.  The Party, aided by the Giant, fights a valiant battle.  Finally, nearing the very limits of their abilities, the dragon was exchanged for a different entity.  Lord Soth, most evil of Death Knights, walked forth from the portal that took the Dragon.  With him, a ghost came forth.  Seeing its' own feared master, the Ghost fled and Soth began to follow his quarry.  However, Gloth reached out to attack the Kinght.  With a single word, the Death Knight laid low and to dust the Draconian known as Gloth.  The party tied up some loose ends, and then entered the pool below the statue of Buhamat.  As their last member submerged into the pool, the portal turned to obsidian, its power drained for another millennia.