

Garnet was a Neidar community located at the western edge of the Garnet Mountains. It was located half between Caergoth and Thelgaard Keep. It was founded prior to the Cataclysm and was a village known primarily for it's trading. Following the Cataclysm the town remained in good relations with the underground cities of the Kayolin.  The village of Garnet was a self-sufficient town following the Cataclysm. Life in Garnet continued on as normal in the years following the event. Trade was established with the Solamnics in the north. The town was a key trading point with several cities in Solamnia, with the city known for having strong warhorses and wool markets.  A high wall that had two dual-gates on the northern and southern sides surrounded Garnet. These gates stood on the main road that ran from Garnet into the Kayolin realm. The houses and shops built inside of Garnet were a mixture of wood and stone buildings.  The city was divided into three sections based on the residents living there. There was a dwarven, human and gnome section of the city, which were all ruled by a three-member council that was elected from the different sections of the city. This was done so that the best interest in Garnet would be carried out and not a specific groups.



1.     City Guard Barracks – This complex was build during the construction of the wall that surrounds Garnet.  While the dwarves had only a small community outside the mountain, Humans found it a convienient stopping point for many trade caravans.  The City Guard building was included as the growing human population increased the area of the outdoor city and built the modern day city Wall structure as a defense.


Important NPCs –

·      Ajan Nis – Captain of the City Guard: From Istar, was traveling abroad during Cataclysm.  It is rumored he lost his family when the city was destroyed.

·      Val Zan – Lieutenant of the Guard: Ergothian A woman of few words, there are more brutality complaints heard are the council meetings since she was hired.  However, there has been a serious drop in Assaults, murders, rapes and vandalism to silence the council.

2.     Central Keep – Usually empty accept for it’s care taker, this is the city dwellers last refuge from an attack.


Important NPCs

Folly of the Masonry Guild – A pleasant gnomish woman hired to clean and maintain the stores, stone structures and battle readiness of the Keep


3.     Temple of Paladine – this abandoned temple to the God Paladine lay empty accept for the Kender who call many of the old temples home.

4.     Temple of Reorx – the only temple that is active, many gnomes and dwarves still make time to pray to Reorx.

5.     Temple of Takhisis – this temple is empty.  Most cross the street even to this day, but no dark clerics can be seen about any longer.

6.     Temple of Mishakal – this temple has had a similar fate to that of Paladine.  Many Kender call it home.

7.     Temple of Gilean – At every appearance an empty building. 

8.     Temple of Sargonnas – The copper doors to this temple were welded shut.  No one remembers when, why or who did it.

9.     Temple of Kiri-Jolith – this temple has had a similar fate to that of Paladine.  Many Kender call it home.


10.  Livery and Stock Yard – A place famous for producing the best Warhorses

Important NPCs

-       Falaius Newgrass – Que-Teh: Head Breeder, He is also the Animal Handlers Guild Master.

-       Feldor Fleetfoot – Que-Shu: Has a cousin in Haven, He works for Falaius who is forced to admit the boy has a way with animals he cant explain.


11.  Fighter’s Guild

-       Master: Val Zan


12.  Tailor’s Guild

-       Master Ho-Foo – Que-Shu


13.   Mages Guild

-       Master Ripper – not much is known about this Black Robe Mage. He is feared and rarely leaves his Guild Laboratory.

-       Melony Highshield - Solanthian of the White Robe

-       Eliot Esterwater – Tarsinian of the Red Robe


14.  Weaver’s Guild

-       Master Charlot Vader:


15.  Carpenter’s Guild

-       Master Zeus Elmsfire: Ergothian


16.  Jewler’s Guild

-       Gilmki of the Gemcutter’s Guild is the Guild Master for Garnet’s Jewler’s Guild

-       Known to sleep with Dwarves (slept with Bailin Blackforge)


17.  Scribe, Harold, and Messanger’s Guild

-       Guild Master: Stella Moonwhisper – Qualinesti Elf


18.  Mariner’s Guild

-       Master Evan Windstrider – Ergothian: Rumored to have been a captain in the Ergothian Navy.


19.  Stone Mason’s Guild

-       Guild Master: Folly of the Masonry Guild (also maintains the Keep)


20.  Apothecary Guild

-       Quinn Edmond – Solamnic woman: she is the secretary for the guild and runs the store front

-       Guild Master - Silvara Leaveswind


21.  Smith’s Guild

-       Master: Aylemar Ironfist

-       Ruberick Ironsplitter, Known Member


22.  Animal Handler’s Guild

-       Master: Falaius Newgrass

-       Master’s Apprentice: Feldor Fleetfoot


23.  Black Company – Northern Office

-       Commanding Officer: William Longshadow – Known as William the Bloody, he is a beserker from the highlands and a warrior of infamy with the Black Company.

-       Cutty: he was an old hand with a sword before he joined with the Black Company. He works as Longshadow’s right hand. In early 8 AC, cutty was deployed to Silvanost and ended up in Haven.  When and If he returns is undecided.


24.  Seeker Temple

-       High Seeker Holland Manners: Little is known about his background, it is rumored he speaks twelve languages.  His oratory skills have given the seeker religion a growing influence.  Future elections will likely led to his appointment to the Human Seat on the council.


25.  Seeker Bathhouses - Open to the public for a small donation, the bathhouses are a popular place to do business and just relax.  A bath is a rare thing for those on the trade routes.


26.  Kayolin Hole – This Tavern caters to a large population of Dwarves and Gnomes.  They are hospitable to any race accept Kender of ill repute.

-       Argyle Redbeard – Owner

-       Johann Goethe – A Solanthian bard of growing fame who traveled to Garnet hoping to capitalize on the stories of travelers to inspire his musings, songs and plays 

27. Empty three story building

28.  Knight And Maiden – A quiet neighborhood tavern frequented by Humans mostly, but Dwarves are drawn to their particularly good Dwarven Ale.

-       Nathaniel Graystone – Solamnic: Owner, rumors persist he is a former knight.


29.  Red Rook Inn – The only Inn outside of the mountain. 

-       P. B. Farnham d. – Owner and Proprietor - murdered by Shadd in 19AC

-       The Garnet Party has paid him a months rent in advance but also recently purchased a home.


30.  Caron’s Antiques – A novelty shop usually filled with old art and junk. 

-       Caron Nelgard: A Pelanthian who facies himself an art critic. 


31.  Ironfist’s Fine Armor and Weaponry

-       Nadeen Ironfist – Owner: sometimes her goods aren’t the best, but she may know where to get the better dwarven work.


32.  The Home of Druszilla the Mad

-       Druszilla is a Mad Gnome who can be amazingly productive if you can get her to slow her speech for a moment.


33.  The Garnet Blacksmith

-       Ruberick Ironsplitter


34.  Hall of Council

-       Folly of the Mason’s Guild - Gnomish Chair

-       Galek Ironsfire – Newly “Elected” Dwarven Chair

-       Nadeen Ironfist – Former Dwarven Chair

-       Ankell Felgaard - Human Chair: Rumored to have ordered the death of his step-daughter after discovering her father was Lord Soth (While some reports Place the events before Cataclysm, others suggest this was a recent event. Ankell came to Garnet from Kalaman only two years ago and was voted onto the council that year.  His two year term is nearly up.

-       Harmony Ridgefinder – Secretary of the Council and daughter of Hilman Ridgefinder


35.  Garnet Library

-       Wesley Wyndham – A Palanthian, Wesley was sent by Astinance to represent the Great Library in Garnet


36.  Garnet Press

-       Gus Haines – Editor of the Garnet Rock


37.  Alexanders Magic – An empty building until early 9 AC

-       Alexander of the Red Robes: Owner


38.  Hilman’s Bakery

-       Hilman Ridgefinder: Tarsinian Chef


39.  The Broken Arrow – a weapon shop specializing in Projectiles.  They sell the very best in bows, slings and the like as well.

-       Amir Brokenarrow: Que-teh Owner.


40.  Garnet Playhouse – Rented from the Council by passing acting troops at the moment


41.  Helga’s General Store – Rumored to be opening in many towns since cataclysm.  Boasts a wide variety of goods.

-       Ester Helga – sister to the storeowner in Haven, she is an infamous gossip.


42.  Abandoned Business District – A group of building recently abandoned.  Businesses moved out when the Kender took up residence in the near by Temple District.


43.  The Circle of the Black Thorn – There is an office for the Thorn on the main road through town.

-       Lila Morgan – Solamnic: she is the public face of the Scales in Garnet


44.  Granny’s Tinketure’s – Medicines and Potions

-       Elenor Greysky: A very old Silvanesti Elf who lives in the gnomish district.  She has a profitable business in medicines and other health related goods.


45.  The Hyperion Inn and Tavern

-       They Hyperion stands out as the largest abandoned building in the city.  The fact that such a large building made of the finest marble remains empty and has never had an owner stay within it’s walls more than a night has stirred rumors that something very bad has taken up residence.  Some say it’s just a traditional haunting and others speak of something worse.  Some say that every owner has died of a horrid illness after leaving Garnet.  One thing is for sure, only one owner remained in Garnet after disposing of the property, The Scales Society.  However, they own it only after multiple defaulted loans forced them to take the property.  It is currently for sale at a bargain price of just 1000 Steal.


-       Purchased by The Garnet Party in 7 AC.  They are rumored to have driven out the evil sprit within its walls.  The Hotel and the area surrounding it are currently under construction. 26th Day of Autumn’s Harvest, 7 AC




Thieves Guild – Where there is trade, there will be thieves.  You don’t find the thieves guild, they find you.  Only members know where the secret entrance is.

Known “Associates”

·      Galek Ironsfire – Known money lender and smuggler

- Galek gave The Garnet Party a separate mission to open the doors of Kayolin for him. 

The Garnet Rock (Local News Paper)

-       Please kill the goblins on the north road past Thelgaard Keep! – Reward: Interested Parties please see the secretary of the Council

-       A WARNING TO TRAVELERS AND TRADERS – The boarder of Solamnia and Lemish territory is closed.  Rumors suggest both sides are repositioning troops to the boarder area.

-       There have been no reports returned from Thelgaard since it was abandoned to Lord Soth’s Army several months ago.  All travelers are warned that undead have been spotted in the area.  Lord Soth’s Army may be occupying the Keep. 

-       The Scales Society has chosen to invest in a sea route to Abanasinia.  Passage is 10000 Steal.

-        Unseasonably cool temperatures have farmer’s worried that crop production in the solamnic plains may be the least fruitful since cataclysm

-       There is a report from the north that an illness has spread in the City of Kalaman. (  Anyone entering Garnet is required to enter quarantine for two days.  This is the amount of time the illness requires to manifest.


HOT SPOTS: an area listing missions the PCs know exist.  (date listed is date of discovery)

26th day of Autumn’s Harvest – there is a Naga rumored to inhabit a cave near Ver that may also be a back door to Kayolin.  Perhaps if the party can get to Kayolin, they can persuade the dwarves to open their doors in Garnet on the other side of the mountain.

25th day of Autumn’s Harvest – there is something amiss in the temples to the old gods


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