
Dhalia Broadleaf in Green dragon Scale Armor

Dhalia - Played By Andrew Murray

Lives in Ankatavanka

Partial Owner of an Estate in Haven purchased from Chomsky

Partial Owner of Estate in Ankatavanka

Skilled Herbalist

Member of the Haven and Akatavanka Alchemy Guilds

Works as an appraiser for Chomsky's Ankatavanka Store Branch

After investigating a Vampire's tomb in Haven, she has been harassed by the Vampire ever since.  

    - He put a sacrificed deer in her bed as an insult

    - He has attacked her and her friends

    - He murdered Shadd, her cousin

She has renewed contact with Chislev as a result of her traveling outside Krynn Space.  

    - limited spell access

    - some healing abilities restored

    - only possible because she left Krynn (Ravenloft)

She has become the Druid of Darkenwood as of 20 AC.  She has also founded the Birth of the Druidic Church of Chislev.

She is now widely regarded as a political power house.  Her leadership was an intricate part of the defeat of Shadd's undead army at the hands of her Unified Ansolonian Army.  

She accepts a roll on the Counsil of Haven as of Spring's Rain, 20 AC.  After the Battle of Haven.

Spring's Blossom, 20 AC - Vision from Dinza: 

You have come for something that was lost.  THAT MEANS YOU COME FOR SOMETHING OF MINE!!!  Do you know what I have?  Hmmm? (Wait for reply) I have an old friend of yours.  A face appears out of the mist behind Dinza.  With it, a man you have not seen for eighteen years. (Save V Wis)  “In the early years after Cataclysm, you worked with a man named Valerec Edd.  You worked with him to survive.  You even believed you loved him once.” Dinza moves as a shadow behind the familiar man standing before you.  At first, you used your knowledge of nature to help people when you could.  However, it was Edd who suggested using… other tricks.  Eventually, Edd’s more and more elaborate scams led to an angry mob.  (Dex Save) Edd fell as the two of you fled into the woods.  You have always been more sure footed in the woods than most.  You look back and your heart breaks.  You make a selfish choice just this once.  Now LOOK.  A ghost follows you and begs me to Keep You.  Begs me to bring you back to him so you can be lost on my selves together.  Edd speaks, “That night?  Why didn’t you help me?  DO YOU KNOW WHAT THEY DID TO…” (Save V INT) His voice trails as his body rips to shreds.  Blood and gore cover everything including you.  Dinza, “I already have your friend.  That I know.  But your soul.  That I know not yet.  Soon….  Soon…. Dont die in this place or you will join my little lights so Soon.  And you have SO MUCH MORE TO LOSE!  Creepy touching…. Awaken (Failed Saves result in madness points)

4-6-2016 - Character Sheet

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