Caergoth Guilds

Caergoth’s Guilds


The Guilds of Caergoth are only just beginning to spring up in the Fall of 8 ac.  While the fisherman’s Guild has been a well established economic power since the early days of the city, most are only recently growing large enough to form organized efforts to regulate their economic sectors.



 Fisherman’s Guild and Market Place (7.): A place for fisherman to meet, clean catches, hire help, and market their products to the newly arrived traders who heard of the quality of Caergoth’s fish.


a.     Edmund Sunsail (Common Weigher)– Solamnic Man, 6’2” 196 lbs.  He came to town and funded the renovations of the Fishing Guild.  He was elected to lead the guild that soon grew in members as the facility greatly enhanced the speed by which catches could be made available to Merchant traders. 

b.     The guild employs more people than any other business or group in the town.  Currently, 2000 individuals draw pay from the process or redistribution of daily catches.



Caergoth Farmer’s Union (15.)

A.   Chire Broadland: Que-Teh 22 – Chire chose to stay in Caergoth while on a spirit journey which had taken him over the ocean from Ansalon.  He claims that a White Stag appeared to him on a hill, and once he had come to the top of that hill, Caergoth was spread under the morning sunrise.  He secured the right to farm some of the land near the city.  Quickly, he proved a superb farmer who others grew to rely on for advice on all matters related to the cultivation of food.  In Autumn’s Harvest, 8ac he was elected by a nearly unanimous vote of the members of the newly created Farmer’s Union to be Guild Master.

B.    Grisella Sodbuster: Neidar Dwarf – She brought not only her talents to Caergoth, but she brought several remarkably versatile tuber plants that have proven to love the salty soils of the peninsula.  She is the leader of the Dwarven Farmers who are a minority within the Union.


 Yeoman’s Guild (16.) – recently split from the fisherman’s Guild, The Yoeman’s Guild represents those sailors employed on non-fishing vessels.  There is some tension between the Yeoman’s and Fisherman’s Guilds. 


a.     Guild Master Ventrus Ditrivus: Ergothian 38 – Known as an excellent Captain, he has brought home a lot of boats most would have lost to storms and pirates.  His seamanship is second to none.



The Thirteenth Legion (17.) – As the ranks of the Town Guard grew, the men eventually saw need for some organization among themselves to resolve grievances and avoid petty bloodshed over arguments.

                                    a.     Hybos Es-Cura – Male Minotaur:  Respected for his battle prowess and for his tactical cunning.  Hybros is also known for his sense of Honor.

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