Mug Ruith

Mug Ruith traveled to Krynn nearly 3000 years before Cataclysm.  He brought with him the vast Druidic traditions.  Stories and legends suggest Mug Ruith believed that Krynn was the Origin of Life on the prime material plane.  He searched far and wide.  Eventually, he travelled to the most remote place on the planet, Mount Frost Cap.  The Great and Ancient Volcano on the southern pole of the planet.  If you believe the songs, he found the Cave of Light and the Origins of Life which he had sought during his long life.  Supposedly, Mug Ruith settled into a deep meditative state which has allowed him to survive and follow the path of Druidic Mysticism in Krynn over the centuries. Unfortunately, his meditation was discovered by two old white dragons who were patrolling the southern pole for the White Dragon Army in 18 AC.  These two dragons abandoned their host army in favor of corrupting the ancient well spring of life.  There, in the frozen heart of life, they rest in wait.  Hoping that one day, the poweerful and aged druid will emerge from his trance and they can take his power for their own.