Blue Dragon Army

The Blue Dragon Army

Location: Last Known to be in Tarsis in Summer of 18 AC, moving West.  Scouts anticipate the Army will attempt to meet the Army of Haven at its rear flank, pinning it between the Red Dragon Army and the Black Dragon Army inside the Solace Pass.

Strong Holds:




Power Structure:

    - Elder Blue Dragon - Skie

    - Adult Black Dragons - ?

    - High Dragon Lord of the Blue Dragon Army - Shadd of the Hidden Moon

    - Magus of the Blue Dragon Army - 

    - Man at Arms - 

    - Sargents - Aurak Draconians (Gold) - ?

    - Leutenants - Sivak Draconians (Silver) - ?

    - Infantry - Baaz Draconians (Brass) - ?

    - Rumors have surfaced that a large number of undead are working with the Blue Dragon Army

    - Assassins - Sivak Draconians (Silver) - ? (8 killed on the boat from Haven to New Ports by Anka Party)

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