SGC Alternate World

After being captured by Members of the Stargate Command, the Anka Party was locked in a metal cell for some time.  

Eventually, there were Alarms and an insect looking creature literally ate through the metal walls of the cell. 

More insects expanded the hole and eventually even began eating at the cell door.

The Anka PArty escapes, and Lelo discovers she had Kender Pocketed a document showing where their weapons were stored.

Luckily, the weapons were effective against the bugs even if they came in such great numbers as to be overwhelming.

The Party meets up with Samantha Carter, who is fighting with three Marines.  The group makes their way to the self destruct for the base.

The self destruct is set and the PArty, with Sam and the Three Marines, make their way back to Nuitari's Gate.  

They cross back into krynn just before the base detonates.

When they arrive in Krynn, it is obviously not the same.  Everything is gone, leaving a desert waste.  Eventually, they see a tower in the distance. 

 Walking toward it, they encounter Tasseloff and Caramon.  

They convince a remorseful Raistlin to send them back in time to avert this hopeless future.  He agrees, returning them to their place in the flow of time.