Thelgaard Keep

Thelgaard Keep

 The once great Keep lay in the middle of the ruins of Thelgaard.  As the desert winds set in and destroyed farming in the region, the city first suffered from crime.  Then, Lord Soth took an interest in the Keep for the purposes of expanding his power.  An ensuing battle between Lord Soth’s army and the lone remaining member of the Dayr Family resulted in the remaining population fleeing.  All traders avoid the routes that run closest to Thelgaard and there are rumors that the undead walk there at night. Forces

Former Master: Ethan Dyar

Master: Duncan Crownguard  (8AC)

80 Long Bowmen: level 2 Solamnic Humans

8 Lieutenants

2 Sergeants

1 Captain


1 Vizier of Intelligence

Home to the Garnet Party as of 8 AC 


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