Temple of the Heart

The Temple of the Heart in Sanction is located on a hill in the northwestern section of the city, along the inside of the city wall at the foot of Mount Grishnor. This temple is considered the oldest structure in all of Sanction, and is a small white marble building with a pitched roof. It was the smallest of the three temples of Sanction, the other two being the Temple of Duerghast and Temple of Luerkhisis. The rumor behind its building is that a Kingpriest washed up on the shore of Sanction, and he had the temple built to the Gods of Light. This used to be the Temple of Huerzyd, prior to the Age of Mortals.

The central altar room was surrounded by sleeping, eating, and study quarters for the monks, clerics, and later mystics. In the altar room was six granite statues to the true gods of good. A statue of Paladine sits in the center with Mishakal at his side. The Shadowpeople, who used the temple as a hiding place for many years, carved a lower level. There is a set of stairs from the upper level to the lower level that could have been built to reach the tunnels below. There are a total of twelve chambers on the lower level, and tunnels that lead off into all different parts of the city. The first room can be closed off from the other rooms by traps that block the entrance and exit with huge stone doors.

Today, The Statue of Mishakal is crumbled into ruin.  On the day the Statue broke, tears of blood wept from the eyes of Paladine.  

It is forbidden for members of the Dragon Armies to even step foot on the grounds of the temple.  Only refugees from the slums ever enter here.