
In the far southwestern portion of the Plains of Dust, at the end of the Old Coast Road 200 miles from Tarsis, lies the town of Zeriak. The town is home to a number of ice barbarians who have made their settlement amongst the frozen tundra in the border town between Icereach and the Plains of Dust. Zeriak is led by a Human chieftain, and inhabited almost solely by the Ice Folk. The town has seen it's share of problems, with raids by the White Dragonarmy, and raids by marauding bands of Thanoi.

The Inn of the Last Thaw: 

    - Owner is Pehter Dagmar: 6' 10" He is a famed sword fighter and is infamous for throwing surly adventures out of his Inn.  Those thrown out quickly realize there is no other warm place to go in the small town.

    - Widge Pathwinder - Old Gnome Woman: known to be the best guide.  Claims to have been as far as the great rock wall that guards the entrance to the cave of light

    - Auger Tambac - An older hill dwarf bard.  He loves to sing the new songs of Beryl and favors a gruff distinctive voice.  The more he drinks, the louder he sings.  He is beloved in the town as he is practically the only entertainment beyond watching the fire or the snow.

The Westdock - This is the long, deep water dock on the western point of town.  This is the only dock that can manage large ships beyond the local fishing vessels.  It is a property owned by the Halfmarch Family of Ankatavanka.

    - Taralyn Halfmarch - the Aunt of Lilith Halfmarch.  She is a broad shouldered and older Ergothian Woman.  Rumor suggests she had a falling out with Lilith that resulted in a family feud. Lilith eventually won the bloody feud and sent Taralyn to Zeriak to run the family interests there.  It was more of a banishment than a punishment.