Game Timeline

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The full timeline is not available.  HEre are events happening prior to the current 2024 Game



Color Code: BOLD BLACK = Major Events, BLACK = Haven Party, RED = Chomsky, Green = Garnet Party Purple = Duncan of Caergoth Party BLUE = Ankatavaka Party Dark Purple = Sanction Party

Official Memebers List

Haven Party: Caprica Whitestone, Skyleaf, Garrock (Retired to Darkenwood early), and Obito Uchia (Redrick Onyxbane as an NPC early on)

Chomsky: Chomksy, Chianna Risingwater (GMPC), Talia Redgrass

Garnet Party: Tom Weights, Balin Blackforge, and Duncan Crownguard

Duncan of Caergoth Party: Adding to the Garnet Party, Arrianna Longpippen, Lockland (GMNPC), and Mavin Maeda.

Ankatavanka Party: Lelo Twiceborn, Dahlia, Shadd, Torrun Odinson, Tinderfall (Left after near death experience, DMNPC), Skyleaf (DMNPC occasional member)

Sanction Party: Gloth, Shadowmoon, Otter Trueflight, Thoradin Frostbeard, Shegorath, Geralt, Dolos Hex Mortum, Swegetsu, and Gaberson

Warning: This Timeline is extremely divergent from the “Cannon” Krynn Timeline.  At this point (15th Day of Spring Rain, 8 AC), there are two events creating ripples across time.  First, Tasslehoff’s trip into the past fractured the timeline from the original series creating the beginning of this timeline.  Further fracturing occurs when the Counsel of High Sorcery accidentally sends Chomsky and Obito back to the Age of Dreams.  While the “Test” was intended to be an illusion based on a historic event, the magics some how allowed the Gnome and Kender to travel in time.  In this timeline, a number of demi-humans act as covert and sometimes, unknowingly, links between the Gods and Krynn.  Other than those linked to these “Demi-Gods” the gods have still withdrawn their participation from the people of Krynn after cataclysm. Even their interactions with their various offspring must be indirect and as a result those with divine power often find it failing them at the worst times.  During the War of the Lance, a small group of Gods step in, bringing a Hero across time and dimensions to attempt to realign and balance the scale between good and evil, and restore the timeline to a synchronistic path with later canonical texts.  Time Travel before the Dwarfgate War is particularly hazardous because of the instability created after “The Test Event”.  Backward travel is likely to cause further deviation even by “the old races”.  Forward travel can result in travel into an unrealized reality.  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


4th Day of Summer’s End, 7 AC: Caprica asks the Ranger Garrock’s assistance with some local Goblins

6th Day of Summer’s End, 7 AC: Caprica is introduced to Skyleaf by Garrock

8th Day of Summer’s End, 7 AC: The New “Haven Party” rescues Aljeero from the Banshee.

20th Day of Summer’s End, 7 AC: The new companions accept a mission to travel to Port o’Call to pick up a shipment of Steel to help establish the budding town of Haven.  Financing from the Scales Society

23rd Day of Summer’s End, 7 AC: After securing the Steal, the party is attacked by a Black Mage who appears to be Fistandantilus (possibly Kite)

1st day of Autumn’s Harvest, 7 AC: Chomsky arrives in Crossing.

6th Day of Autumn’s Harvest, 7 AC: Chomsky and Chiana arrive in Haven.

8Th Day of Autumn’s Harvest, 7 AC: Garrock, Caprica, and Skyleaf meet Sir Kenneth Uth Matar.  They proceed to free a local abandoned mine of Goblins.  They meet Redrick outside the mine entrance

9th Day of Autumn’s Harvest, 7 AC: The Haven party finds the scepter of Reorx in an ancient Dwarven tomb.  Reorx appears in a vision to Red, Caprica has a vision of Kiri-Jolith

10th Day of Autumn’s Harvest, 7 AC: After escaping the Zhakar, the Party rests in Solace.

12th Day of Autumn’s Harvest, 7 AC: The Haven Party takes a load of Ale to Tantalion and meets the lord.  They help save his daughter from a Vampire. 

14th Day of Autumn’s Harvest, 7 AC: Caprica receives her knighthood.

15th Day of Autumn’s Harvest, 7 AC: with the help of some of the Black Company, Chomsky and Chianna kill a Naga and begin work on his Lab with the help of some local stonecutter gully dwarfs 

17th Day of Autumn’s Harvest, 7 AC: Skyleaf challenges a Seeker, who wears the armor of a knight of The Order of the Devine Hammer.  The Knight is the brother of Roderick.  Skyleaf spares the knight’s life, but orders him to leave the city under pain of death.

20th Day of Autumn’s Harvest, 7 AC: On her day of prayer, Caprica chooses to pray with the Scepter of Reorx.  The ruby on top of the scepter falls to the ground and consumes the Temple of the Holy Defender

Later, Red uses the scepter in the middle of the onyx disc left over in place of the temple.  A Gate to Eborium is opened

20th Day of Autumn’s Harvest, 7 AC: Tom Weights has his 18th Birthday, begins to realize he is something more than an Ergothian Lord’s (Howler’s) Adopted son.

21st Day of Autumn’s Harvest, 7 AC: The Haven Party meets Chief Clearbrook.  He and the party, with Kennada the Kender, enter Eborium in search of “Royal Jelly” to help the Zhakar Dwarves with their illness. 

21st Day of Autumn’s Harvest, 7 AC: Tom Weights joins up with the Berserker Dwarf Bailin.

21st Day of Autumn’s Harvest, 7 AC: An Illness is reported in Kalaman that has an onset of two days and is fatal in as many as 9 out of ten cases.

22nd Day of Autumn’s Harvest, 7 AC: The Haven Party returns with the Jelly after narrowly defeating a Lord Sapien (Death Knight) and avoiding a bad encounter with Sargonas. 

22nd Day of Autumn’s Harvest, 7 AC: Tom And Bailin encountered a Black Robe Mage who prevents them from completing their hired task.  They believe he may be a servant of Lord Soth and have a connection to Thelgaard Keep

26th of Autumn’s Harvest, 7 AC: Bailin and Tom, referred to as “The Garnet Party” clear the evil spirit in the Hyperion Hotel after purchasing the property for a low price. 

28th Day of Autumn’s Harvest, 7 AC: The Haven Party is rewarded with the Disks of Mishkal by the Zhakar Dwarves

29th Day of Autumn's Harvest, 7 AC: Tahkisis and Verminaard time travel from the aftermath of the War of the Lance into the current timeline.  

30th Day of Autumn’s Harvest, 7 AC: Chomsky completes the invention of Nitroglycerine.  He successfully stabilizes the compound in clay creating the world’s first stable high explosive.

30th Day of Autumn’s Harvest, 7AC: Nuitari turns up in the dreams of the Garnet Party.  Asks Tom to bring a Dragon Orb to the High Cleric’s Tower.

30th Day of Autumn’s Harvest, 7AC: Duncan meets Mavin Mavin when he saves Mavin’s life after a ambush by Hob Goblins and a hungry Half Ogre

1st Day of Autumn’s Twighlight, 7AC: Duncan is offered the Test of High Sorcery by Melony Highshield

1st Day of Autumn’s Twilight, 7AC: The Garnet Party narrowly survives an encounter with a Ogre War Party and enters Lemish Territory (Joined by Duncan Crownguard)

2nd Day of Autumn’s Twilight, 7AC Members of the Garnet Party assist the Lemish Army with a group of trolls attacking their supply lines.  An unknown human looking individual survived their fight.

5th Day of Autumn's Twilight, 7 AC: Verminaard approaches Randall Flagg and offers support for his research into transmogrification and corruption from Tahkisis herself.  He is told to seek and open the Moon Door located in the abandoned temple near the ruins of Xak Tsaroth.

6th Day of Autumn’s Twilight, 7 AC: Clearbrook places The Disks of Mishkal into a safe hiding place.

6th Day of Autumn’s Twilight, 7 AC: Duncan and Mavin leave darkenwood near the City of Haven

7th Day of Autumn’s Twilight, 7 AC: The Garnet Party defeats the Naga and plans to enter the The Kingdom of Kayolin by the underdark enterance.

8th Day of Autumn’s Twilight, 7 AC: Duncan Passes the Test of High Sorcery and accepts the Red Robes.

28th Day of Autumn’s Twilight, 7 AC: The Haven Party first encounter’s Kite as he was seen sneaking around the portal to eborium.

30th Day of Autumn’s Twilight, 7 AC: With the use of clones, Kite has managed to open and enter the gate to Eborium. 

1st Day of Autumn’s Dark, 7 AC: While choosing what to do about Kite, word comes to Redrick that a Warlord named Howler has challenged the Elves in the southern part of the Qualinesti Forest.  His tribe has sworn to support the elves and he has bee asked to lead an important mission.  The Party chooses to support Red rather than pursue Kite.  They hope Eborium will simply kill the black robe, but they doubt they are so lucky.

1st Day of Autumn's Dark, 7 AC: Randall Flagg successfully locates the Moon Door.  He manages to open it briefly, allowing five elder chromatic dragons to enter Krynn.  However, his power fails to be strong enough to hold the door for the remaining Dragons necessary for Tahkisis' war on post cataclysm Ansalon.  With the guidance of one of the Dragons, he begins researching the transmogrification and corruption of Dragon Eggs.

3rd Day of Autumn’s Dark, 7 AC: Garrock becomes the Ranger of Darkenwood and leaves the party for the most part.

4th Day of Autumn’s Dark, 7 AC: Obito shows up seeking Kennada.  He asks to join with the party for the time being.

5th Day of Autumn’s Dark, 7 AC: The Haven Party makes plans to travel to Hill Home, and then to the Tower of High Sorcery in Weyreth, where they will ask for help in the up coming battle between the Elves, dwarves and Howler’s army.

7th Day of Autumn’s Dark, 7 AC: led by Rhegar Fireforge, the party enters the Sla-Mori

7th Day of Autumn’s Dark, 7 AC: Chomsky becomes an apprentice of the Red Robes

8th Day of Autumn’s Dark, 7 AC: The Haven Party Encounters the Shadow Dragon

8th Day of Autumn’s Dark, 7 AC: Duncan encounters a cave of Fire Lizards

11th Day of Autumn’s Dark, 7 AC: The Haven Party exits the Sla –Mori, meets up with a Black Robe named Telek and a contingent of Dwarves who will help with the battle to come.

14th Day of Autumn’s Dark, 7 AC: After planning with the elves, and recon in the enemy camps, the party decides to ambush Howler’s Artillery and pretend to be his support as they arrive at the back of his lines.  They attack and defeat Howler.

21st day of Autumn’s Dark, 7 AC: The Haven Party returns via the Sla Mori.  Obito makes Friends with the Black Robe.

26th Day of Autumn’s Dark, 7 AC: The Haven Party notices traps set in the Sla-Mori (eventually reasons these may be the work of Kite) and slays the Shadow Dragon.  Party discovers Irda Artifacts, a Pyramid and a Crown

28th Day of Autumn’s Dark, 7 AC: The Have party enters Hill Home as famous heroes.  Their success against Howler has spread as if on the wings of Dragons.

30th Day of Autumn’s Dark, 7 AC: Chomsky opens shop in Haven (Eventually world famous)

5th Day of Winter’s Come, 7 AC: Chomsky sets up a trade route to Long Ridge for his “explosives.” 

15th day of Winter’s Come, 7AC: Duncan discovers the underground Shrine of Chislev and releases it from the control of Ethan Dyar

21st Day of Winter Come, 7 AC: Chomsky delivers second shipment of explosives to the Mines of Longridge.  He helps them with an earth elemental issue by employing his weaponized version of the explosive.  Afterward, he disrupts what he will later determine is a fairy circle.

25th Day of Winter Come. 7 AC: Skyleaf’s Bloodsport Arena has a special event at the culmination of the Festival. 

7th Day of Winter’s Night, 8 AC: After a short rest, the Party heads out to investigate a new fortification in the area of Haven.  However, they are interrupted during the night by an attack.  Kite tests the party against his magic.  He hired Werewolves to give him casting time.  We discovered a lich in the new fortification, but left in favor of dealing with Kite.

8th Day of Winter’s Night, 8 AC: The Party decides it has had enough of Kite’s Shenanigans.  They head to the Tower of High Sorcery to report that Kite has been working for Fitandantilus and has attempted to murder the party.

17th Day of Winter’s Night, 8 AC: Kite warns that if he is revealed to the Tower, then there will be consequences.

18th Day of Winter’s Night, 8 AC: The Haven Party arrives at the Tower of Wayreth.  There is little the tower can do at the moment, but they authorize the party to arrest or kill Kite if necessary

1st Day of Winter’s Deep, 8 AC: Yasmin Starbreeze is murdered by Kite.  Kite sees her as the only way the Haven Party can locate him and stop his plans.

1st Day of Winter’s Deep, 8 AC: Duncan is kidnapped by Ethan Dyar and put through Ethan’s own version of “The Test”

2nd Day of Winter’s Deep, 8 AC: The Haven Party returns home to discover that Yasmine’s Life is the price of their choice to talk to the Tower of High Sorcery about Kite.

5th Day of Winter’s Deep, 8 AC: Yasmin Starbreeze’s funeral.  Attended by Elves and Mages of High sorcery.  Kite attacks the party using summoning and time stop magic.  The Haven Party is pulled forcefully into Eborium by Kite who had been working for Fistandantilus.


-        Skyleaf takes a blood oath to return to Ansalon and use the resurrection potion to bring Yasmine back.  He will not risk asking the party for their permission.  He is not sure why no one suggested its use immediately upon seeing her body.

-        Each party member receives gifts from the gems they recovered from Sargonnas.

-        Sargonnas is shocked by the collapse of the portal system as he makes good on his promise to return the party.

-        Sargonnas also grants the part a one time use anti-magic wand

- NOTE: Nuitari and Sargonnas are actually not involved in this event.  Secretly, Nyarlathotep has passed as the two Gods of Krynn with the intent of thwarting the Black Kite's experiements.  He hopes to prevent his expulsion from the Krynn Crystal Sphere.  This fact does not become known to anyone but Nyarlathotep for nearly 13 years.

28th Day of Winter’s Deep, 8 AC: The Haven Party returns from Eborium having successfully completed Sargonnas’ quest.  Fistandantilus may have destroyed Eborium using the Haven Party as a catalyst of some kind.

1st Day of Winter’s Deep, 8 AC: Early in the morning (1-2 am) Skyleaf ventures to Yasmine’s Grave.  He digs her up, and uses the potion.  He maintains her resurrection as a secret until she wakes from her sleep the first time.  Then he tells Caprica.

5th Day of Winter’s Deep, 8 AC: Duncan leaves Ethan having accepted his invitation to apprentice under him. 

7th Day of Winter’s Deep, 8 AC Duncan battles Ethan’s former apprentice, Ripper.  He defeats Ripper with a polymorph spell. 

1st Day of Spring’s Dawn, 8 AC Duncan forms a party to travel to the southern most continent on Krynn and retrieve an Artifact from another world. 

10th Day of Spring’s Dawn, 8 AC Duncan, Mavin and Lockland arrive in Elstar on the southern continent after a battle with a giant squid.

14th Day of Spring’s Dawn, 8 AC Duncan and party enter the Frozen Forrest and battle the White Dragon who controls the area.

-        Side Timeline: Duncan investigates the Spelljammer ship, encounters the Mindflayer inside and recovers the Necklass of Pao.

-        Duncan then enters the Plane of Portals in which time flows much slower than in krynnspace.

16th Day of Spring’s Dawn, 8 AC: Yasmine helps the Party scry Kite’s location.  Unfortunately, the attempt to kill Kite is unsuccessful as he escapes before the party can directly engage him.

17th Day of Spring’s Dawn, 8 AC: Plague Comes to Garnet.

20th Day of Spring’s Dawn, 8 AC: Obito and Chomsky travel to Weyreth to take their Tests of High Sorcery.  Both are successful and come with the bonus of actual Taresque Parts.  Unknowingly, they have changed everything.  Their test manifested in reality rather than as a vision.  This Alters the timeline and creates generations of the Whitestone Family.  The change in time and the balance between good and evil across time allows Tahkisis to act in ways normally forbidden even to Gods. (Unknown to anyone, Nyarlethotep is present for the test and uses his power to make the event happen in the actual past and not just as a dream.  The Result is the Survival of the Whitestone family line and their Demigod bloodline.

15th Day of Spring Rain, 8 AC: After traveling to collect as much evidence, witness and political clout as possible, the party again asks for the Tower’s help.  This time, they are forced to help with Kite and the ensuing battle is successful thanks to the anti-magic wand from Sargonnas.

18th Day of Spring Rain, 8 AC: The Haven Party questions Kite.  After Killing Kite honorably, the party is expelled publicly from the Tower and sent back to Haven. Kite's Body is given to the Arch Devil Asmodeus to be punished for his crimes against the Devil Lord.

20th Day of Spring Rain, 8 AC: The Haven Party investigates the Eld Manor near Haven.

15th Day of Winter’s Come, 8 AC: Duncan Crownguard, accompanied by Bailin, Mavin and Arianna Longpippen, emerges from the Plane of Portals into Darkenwood.

Spring Dawning, 12 AC – Chomsky develops a cure for the Plague assaulting Ansalon and becomes a house hold name. 

14th day of Summer's Run, 14 AC - The LongRidge Mine Explosion causes Chomsky to stop selling his explosives to anyone but his most trusted friends.

----------------------------------------------------------------- FOUR YEAR GAP-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------