Thoradin Frostbeard

Thoradin is a Mountain Dwarf from Kayolin. Thoradin is a family man, believing family to be the most important fact of life.  Short in stature and temper, Thoradin is one man on the battlefield and another with his family.  His exile from the Dwarven caverns in the land of Kayolin was a result of a crime he committed to support his family.  After food became scarce in the caverns due to caravans continuously being attacked and a ration law was introduced, Thoradin stole food so his family would live.  This went on for 3 weeks before he was discovered, after which he demanded a repeal of the rationing law.  His trial determined his punishment to be exile from his home.  After saying his goodbyes to his family and promising them he would return when he became a better man, Thoradin left Kayolin and traveled the land of Ansalon for 30 years. Eventually, he found acceptance in Haven.  When he arrived, Thoradin had no plans for his future. After meeting and befriending Lady Caprica, he decided to live in Haven for the time being. He began to perform mercenary work as a way to make his living.  After 2 years of being a mercenary, he was hired by a human named Geralt, who traveled with a party of misfits. One of the new party being the man he was hired to monitor, and eventually capture, under the orders from Caprica.  To this day, Thoradin still wonders how his family is, and desires to return to them after his adventuring days finish.