Bailin Blackforge

Bailin Blackforge, The Unsteady


Bailin Blackforge is a Neidar Dwarf of the Klar Clan.  He is the eldest son of Pakka Blackforge, the current Thane of the Stonedrum clan.  As the Thanes’s son, he was representing his people on a diplomatic trip to Istar.  Cataclysm killed everyone else in his party, but Bailin found himself washed up upon the shores of the newly formed Blood Sea.  He decided to travel home.  During those travels, a strange euphoria found its way into Bailin’s thoughts during the many battles.  While in battle, Bailin outwardly rages toward his enemies.  However, in his mind, he is in the throws of passion with a loving wood nymph.  Even sword and axe feel like loving touches in this dream-like state.  Bailin has only reached this trance twice.  However, even he is not sure what to make of it and has not shared his experiences in the trance with anyone.  All he know is when he comes too, everyone around him is dead. Humans gave him the nickname, “The Unsteady”.  We may never know if it was because of his Berserker like battle rage or just simply related to his choice of consuming as much Dwarven ale as any sane barkeep would offer. 



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