Torunn Odinson

Torunn shortly before he arrived in Haven, 20 AC

Torunn was raised as the bastard son of a lord of Port O' Call.  When his 18th birthday arrived, he decided to set out into the world.  Hoping to make a name for himself as a sell sword, Torunn sought out one opportunity to fight after another.  While serving in the Black Company through a couple of campaigns in Solamnia, Torunn took to the stories of the Bard Beryl the Wanderer.  After listening to the Stories of Skyleaf and Caprica, he was eager to hear more.  Eventually, the songs of Dahila Broadleaf and Lelo Freefall made their way across the ocean and to the Black Company Campfires.  Torunn made a choice to collect his pay and withdraw his service from the Black Companies northern branch.  He journeyed alone to Haven, where he eventually became a formidable competitor in Skyleaf's Bloodsport Arena.  Eventually, Torunn drew the attention of the famed fighter and accepted a challenge.  While Torunn put up an impressive fight, Skyleaf eventually won the day.  However, Torunn had proven his valor in combat and quickly joined the ranks of the Heroes of Ankatavanka.

Torunn after the fall of the Guilded Hand Assassins Guild in 20AC

Spring's Blossom, 20 AC - The Vision from Dinza

“Run and Catch… Run and Catch… The fox is caught in the mulberry patch… HA HA!!!” A small red headed girl runs in front of you.  She is your half blood little sister Mari. “Come on Thorunn!  Sing with me!”  As she turns the corner of a building, she screams.  You stand helpless as five fire giants rip through the building walls.  One tears your sister from you with a single swing of his club.  Her lifeless body flies against the outer walls of your families hold.  (Con Save) “The Great and Mighty Surtr, who sits on a mountain of skulls, in a castle of pain, and rules from a throne of flame, has called for the blood of Odin to be brought before him.  On his knees.  I will kill every last mortal in this pathetic hold if the bastard is not brought to me!” (Save V WIS) The lead Fire Giant says in a booming voice.  You look backward as your half brothers and father look at you.  There is an awkward silence.  Then, in a deadpan voice your father says, “I always said I would prefer to die in the rain.”  Together, you plunge into hopeless battle. (Save V STR)  Darkness.  Dinza’s voice… I have your family, your station, your… bloods worth.  Lost to you those were when you scorned them.  I wonder if Surtr will care?  Oh my, you didn’t know did you?  Can you guess what those dreams really meant?  The blood of Odin courses your veins.  You always believed yourself to be the bastard of your father.  That is not the case.  Like so many lost secrets, this too found a home in my collection of thoughts.  You are your mother’s child.  Born of a consort when your father was impossibly far away.  Through deception, and for a reason not yet understood, that God took your mother to bed in the guise of your stepfather. There was a time… a time…. When I knew why…. But it is gone from me now.  No longer lost… not longer MINE! Black takes you as DInza’s hands wrap around your entire body.  You Awaken on the ground (Failed Saves result in Madness points)