


-       Ergothian

-       Real Name: Uthred Gonzakan

-       Has several offspring, including an adopted son, Tom Weights

-       Former General of Tarsis

-       Mercenary

-       KIA 14th Day of Autumn’s Dark, 7 AC

The plan was set, attack the siege weapon caravan traveling from Howler’s supply camp in Halterwood toward Havlinost.  After defeating the guards, we chose to commandeer the ballista and the plebs firing them.  We ordered them to deliver three volleys, targeting the Wyverns if possible.  Obito would then summon the image of the Shadow Dragon to help distract the archers near the back of the enemy lines.  The Black Robe Mage summoned his shades to attack them as well.  Using Obito and the Black Robes illusions, we were able to subdue the officer who was sent to meet us, believing we were the siege weapons they were expecting. The other soldiers, fooled by the illusions, took no notice and we were able to get the weapons within range without issue.  After the first volley from our siege weapons killed one wyvern, Obito then summons his Shadow Dragon illusion.  Between this dragon, and the shadow beasts summoned by the black robe, we were able to ride into the midst of Howler’s front line.  Skyleaf readied his enchanted arrow, a crucial shot which he must land on Howler’s mount.  With the assistance of Caprica and Redrick, Skyleaf used the sanctuary of Caprica’s God and the blessing of Redrick’s God to guide him to the ideal position.  Skyleaf took aim and the Wyvern mount thrashed in death, throwing Howler from his saddle.

                  Obito, Kenneth and Redrick stood fast, supported by their dwarven allies.  Sadly, Sir Kenneth’s horse fell in battle after he was pulled from its saddle by the sheer numbers of Howler’s men.  They would fight for their lives against the vast numbers of Howler’s Armies.  With the last of Obito’s illusions, and the raw carnage brought to the battlefield by Sir Kenneth, Redrick and the Dwarves, they drove the foot soldiers into the fray of elfin arrows from Havlinost.  Their efforts not only bought Skyleaf and Caprica the time they needed to successfully engage Howler, but helped the Elves of Havlinost rout the Army of Howler in a devastating counter attack.  Thanks to the archers being annihilated by the black robe’s shadows, the griffins were able to kill the remaining Wyvern

After the death of his Wyvern to Skyleaf’s Dragon Slayer arrow, Howler engaged both Caprica and Skyleaf in close combat.  After an exchange of blows, Howler was disarmed by Skyleaf.  Retreating to his short sword, he exchanged blows with Caprica.  The valiant Paladin stood fearlessly under a barrage of attacks before landing a series of devastating blows to Howler’s Armor.  Howler recoiled in pain as blood flowed through the cracks in his right bracer. Taking the opportunity, the Sin Killer stuck his own critical blow to Howler’s ribs.  For the moment, Howler’s attention turned back to Skyleaf.  Caprica took quick advantage, lashing out with her Mace.  Striking Howler’s head, his helmet shattered along with his skull.  Howler was lifeless before his body fell still on the ground.

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