

Current Information

Historic Fable about a menace sent by the Gods from the past turned out to be true.  Obito the Kender and Chomsky the Gnome witnessed, by accident of Allanon’s magic and kinder blood, an attack by the legendary Taresque, a monster sent forth by the Gods as a punishment.  According to Obito, this happened over 2000 years ago in Taladas.

A few pieces of the society the monster mostly destroyed were mentioned by the Priest who banished (Wish spell) the beast after Chomsky’s “Bomb” delivered a killing blow to the severely wounded beast.  Apparently most of their people were wiped out by the beast either before it attacked the Castle or during the ensuing battle.  Chomsky and Obito were able to make good use of the rare beast’s carcass.

Four Generals former leadership of that society.

“The Four Tigers”

General of Wind - Akuma, the priest of Paladine we met

General of Fire - d. date and circumstance unknown

General of Water – d. date and circumstance unknown

General of Earth – Emperor, was “hiding” on another plane (E-chin)

There was a temple that had a “Blue glow” (asian castle style temple) which we emerged from.  Wonder if it still stands.